There are many different ways to clip, and organize your coupons. You have to find what works best for you. We've found our favorite way through trial and error and finally came upon the wonderful binder method!!
Supplies Needed
- A Binder....make sure to buy one that zips up! We previously tried the non-zip ones, and one day while out and about the coupons decided to fly away with the wind!
- Baseball card inserts - They will help you see all your coupon laid out in front of you. You can buy a pack of 30 at Walmart. Once you get hooked you will probably need more then one pack!
- Dividers with labels so you can keep every coupon neatly categorized. Avoid the less expensive paper dividers as they tear easily. We highly recommend getting the higher priced plastic ones!
- Other items stored in your binder should be a pair of scissors, envelopes, and a calculator. We label the envelopes for different store coupons acquired such as Target and Toys-R-Us.
Now go SAVE!
I use the binder method as well. I started the method back in 1998 on mycoupons.com
I have pics of mine (well the old binder now as I bought a Case-It with 4" rings recently) along with my how-to, etc. on my blog.
can you tell me what your sections are labeled as food, misc etc
I will be doing a detailed post about coupon organization in the coming weeks. I'll go over what my labels are too!
I cannot find the pocket page protectors ANYWHERE! After last night's run to Walgreens (which thank you so much for your page,I have saved SOO much money, and I only have been doing this for 2 weeks!), I wanted to scream I was so un-organized. So all night my husband and I were at Wal-mart looking for them, with no luck! Can you tell me what section I could find them in??? (No one who worked there could help me, either!) :-( I just want to be organized!!! lol.
I had the same problem when I was first looking for mine. I finally found them in the front of the store by the trading cards. Hope that helps!
Thanks for the recommendation for this method. I had been using the little accordion type coupon wallet & was so frustrated. It took some doing, but I have created my own binder now.
Oh, and btw, I found the page protectors at my Walmart up close to the book section, where all the little gaming/trading cards are set up. It was 5.97 for like 35 sheets.
I use my old little accordion style one to keep in my purse with each store have a spot. This way when I do my deals for the week, I can fold up my list and put the coupons I need in the stores spot! I also stash coupons in there that I know make for a good ongoing deal at a certain store (i.e. the Kotex coupons for Walmart). I have a spot for all of my FREE coupons to so I have them when I go out and don't forget them. It's also a nice spot to keep store loyalty cards, store coupons and mall coupons so that you always have them. It's a lot nicer than the envelopes that I used to use and it's a good way to recycle the accordion one that we all seem to have started with.
Where did you purchase your zip-up binder and how much should I expect to pay for one?
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