WOW! We've learned so much from the fantastic coupon books we've been reading (thanks Coupon mom!). One important strategy is to find what shops offer the best prices and values.
There are different types of stores & pricing techniques. The most common are-
The Everyday-Low -price Store
The strategy at these stores is to price their products at a low price everyday. Usually they don't offer additional promotions or specials. Super Walmart would fit under this category.
The High-Low-Price Store
These stores are usually traditional supermarkets. They promote deeply discounted prices on "featured" items in their weekly ad, and offer promotional programs to attract shoppers. Prices on their featured list will always be lower than Walmart's everyday prices. These stores count on shoppers to purchase their higher priced items to compensate for the low profit margin on the featured items. Some items on special are actually sold at a LOSS to attract shoppers! These would be stores like Albertsons and Hyvee.
The Service Store
These stores appeal to shoppers less motivated by price. They sometimes offer healthier organic foods and higher quality products. They also tend to include entertainment and coffee bars. A good example would be Whole Foods.
Wholesale Clubs and Warehouse Stores
No explanation is needed for these. We all know what I'm talking about....Costco & Sam's Club!
Alright, so the question to all of you is what category do you put yourself in??
Before our coupon addiction began we'd be in the everyday low price stores and the wholesale clubs. Since couponing we shop mainly at the High-Low stores where we actually find the BEST prices!! We know to some it's hard to believe that the high priced stores could have such amazing deals. If you have a little time on your hands and can plan your shopping trip in advance then hit up two stores. Stock up on the featured products at the High-Low stores and then head on over to Super Walmart to get the rest of your groceries. Don't forget to bring your coupons along!! :)
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