There are so many or should we say too many scams on the Internet with companies making promises they never keep. Hip2Save has tested this Website personally... and we definitely give our stamp of approval.
She Speaks is a site dedicated to helping Women let their voices be heard! When you sign up they will send you special opportunities to test FREE products, and services. You will then get to express in your own words what you like, and what you don't. All the products that you test are yours to keep free of charge.
A few weeks after signing up we received our first product to try. It was called Shh...Toilet Splash! Basically you spray it into the toilet prior to going in hopes you will then walk out confident and worry free knowing there is no odor! It was fun testing it and surprisingly the spray seemed to work. Once we got a good feel for the product we logged on to She Speaks and did a 15 minute survey. That's it and then in a few more weeks a new product arrived!
What a great way to obtain freebies while expressing your opinion and having fun!
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