Monday, December 22, 2008

Readers Tips-Saving Money over the Holidays!

Thanks to all of you for entering the Burt's Bee Give-Away! I now have so many new ways to save during the Holidays!

Here are some of my favorites:

"I started saving for this Christmas last January, when I stocked up on holiday bubble bath & body butters at 80% off. I am so happy now to go to my "storeroom/closest" and pull out cheap gifts!"

"We had a clothing swap with friends. It's so great to have all new items AND to get rid of clothes that were in a bag at the bottom of my closet."
"I've saved by using all the cool coupon tips from all you lovely ladies. I always used to think 'all that work to save $0.50, big deal' Now I know better!!"

"I bought things at Goodwill that were new, but were just leftovers from Target. This allowed me to only spend a little over $100 for all my gifts for extended family and in-laws. My husband and I aren't exchanging this year, but wanted to give more to those less fortunate instead of getting each other something we don't really need."

"This Christmas season our family decided to do a name swap so we're saving money that way by only buying a gift for one person."

"Instead of doing treats or gifts for neighbors, we had a neighborhood charity night -everyone gathered for cocoa and donated items to the needy."

"Me and my children saved coins we found around the house, on the concrete at store parking lots, money we found in the our car. We collected over $100 in three months and bought Thanksgiving dinner."

"I save at Christmas by giving home made presents using materials from thrift stores or just materials saved from the garbage! That way I keep Christmas eco-friendly and thrifty!"

"Many of my close friends decided to have a "no gifts" year. We're having a holiday potluck/recipe exchange instead. It's really removed the pressure!"

"I manage to save on wrapping paper this year. I saved the colored comic section in the Sunday's paper each week and I'm using it for wrapping paper like we did when I was a kid. Recycling at it's best."

"Shopping all night the day after Thanksgiving is always a tradition my sister and I do. Bonding fun and GREAT Deals!"

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