- 1 huge value Pack of Electrasol on clearance for $4.24
- 4 South Beach Living Snack bars (5 ct.) $2.33 each
- 2 Kashi Fruit Bar pks $2.75 each
- 4 Ocean Spray juices $1.99 each
- 4 Johnson's soap buddies bars
I purchased a grand total of 15 items for ONLY... $6.42! It really does PAY to use coupons! I thought I would go ahead and post a picture of my receipt as well. I want all you newbie couponers out there to realize that you can do this too! It doesn't take a rocket scientist, I promise... I am definitely not one, that's for sure!
For more Target Deals and Target Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
Just got back from Meijer, and they have South Beach bars on sale for 4/$8. With the $2 IP, they are FREE!!
I will go ahead and post this since its such a great deal!
Thanks for the heads up!:)
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