Rumors are swirling that the Walgreen's EasySaver program is supposedly going to end in April. I'm hoping this means that they will be coming up with an even better program to compete with stores like CVS and Rite Aid!
Do you know any other details?!?
Please let us all know!
Augh! Please keep us posted with anything you hear! I only have Walgreens - no CVS or Rite Aid in my area - so I'm a bit worried!
What?! I hope they come out with something to replace it with.
Just got off the phone with a rep for another problem with my rebate and he was so friendly. I was told they were not switching to any other form of rebates and that they have the easysaver catalogs ready all the way to summer. SO I wouldn't expect any changes till after that, but he was not aware of any changes coming and said corp. said it was a internet false rumor.
Thanks for the info. I will let you all know if I hear anything else.
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