Wednesday, March 25, 2009

3 "Miracle Cloths" for $7.50 Shipped!

Have you heard of the Miracle Cloth?!?

If not, it's made of a unique micro-fiber fabric that supposedly scrubs away grime and shines chrome to perfection! It also absorbs seven times its weight in liquid and soaks up spills before they become stains! All you do is wash and reuse. No waxes or chemicals to wear out or wash away.

Well, I've never used these, but my curiosity is peaked... especially after reading all the reviews! Right now you can get a pretty sweet deal on these too! If you go on over here you'll see that their priced at 3 for $9.50. Use coupon code: SAVINGS to get an additional $2 off, plus stack that code with this:13057 and you'll get FREE shipping too! Final cost 3 Miracle Cloths for $7.50 shipped... not bad!

Now lets see if they really live up to their name!


Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to try these! Thanks!

Oh and I hope your move went great! Glad you're back!

Alisa said...

I just ordered mine! Thanks! Hope you are settling in and LOVING your new home!

Shanna Barnhisel said...

Sure is nice to have you back!

Anonymous said...

Great deal! Thanks for sharing. I love that you have all the 'other' offers on your blog which you don't find elsewhere. Keep up the good work! :)

Shanna said...

I have been wanting try these. I'm so excited. Glad you are back! Hope the new house is great!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You really don't know how much you miss something until it's gone! Thank you for all your hard work. You honestly have the BEST blog on the net. What would we all do without you!?! I hope you plan to continue this until we all retire (I'm only 30 so you have awhile! LOL) I hope you have a great start on being settled into your new home. Btw, tell your hubby THANK YOU for his service to our country. What an amazing family! Thanks again and God Bless!

Julie said...

*Tear* The 13057 coupon code comes up "invalid". SAVINGS does apply. So I did not order at 5.99 shipping. Anyway, thanks, I am already addicted to your updates! :)