My store is not participating at all this time!:( Don't worry, though, I will still put together an extensive deal list for all of you lucky ones!
pssst... I'd also love to hear if any of your stores are doubling up to $4 coupons!?!
For more Kmart Deals and Kmart Coupons visit the new
For more Kmart Deals and Kmart Coupons visit the new
I live in South Carolina, and might isnt. Im so bummed!!!
I am so exited. This will be my first doubles at Kmart. There is a store about an hour away that is doubling up to $4, I am tempted to "go visit my brother" this weekend and get some major deals!!! I printed the ad and am going to make sure my coupons are organized to the T to night!
I'm in KS, and our store is FINALLY participating! Our ad also lists the doubling up to $4!
WOW! My store is finally doubling, up to $2, I can't wait to see your list. Hopefully my receipt will be as long as the one you had a couple of weeks ago:)
Woohoo! My KMART is finally participating in this--only doubling up to $2--but they've never done this before in our market! I'm totally psyched up!
So excited to FINALLY see doubles & up to $4 too!
Where are you? In Wichita we're only doing the $2
My Store is doubling up to $2.00. I am so excited, I posted a great Kelloggs cereal deal on my blog.
At our store I can get 4 boxes after coupons for $2 and get a free $5 gift card when I buy 4.
My store is doubling but I have a question. It says they will not double for more than an items value. If the item is 3.50 and I have a 2.00 off coupon will they adjust it down to 3.50 or do I just get 2.00 off. This is my first time with Kmart doubles.
We live in KC, MO. Our store is participating...Yeah!!!
man, I wish they would convert that silly sears grand into a kmart instead. They closed all the k-marts and when the merged with sears they opened a sears grand just down the streat, that store is empty.
have fun everyone.
Richmond, Va is not participating :( I am a newbie to couponing and was really excited. So excited I couldn't sleep. So bummed. Maybe next time.
Jenna- I will be going to the Olathe stores they are doubling up to $4. I am so sad for you the Wichita stores are only up to $2. :o(
No stores in New Mexico are participating!
I live in Dayton Ohio! FINALLY we are participating in a Kmart double couponing. There are some stores about 1.5hrs from here that are doing the tripling (Colombus ohio). I am trying to decide if it's worth the drive.
No stores in Oregon this time!
Here is a FULL LIST of CALIFORNIA STORES per an email to me from KMART. I posted it on my blog.
If the item is $3.50 and you have a $2 coupon, then it would take $2 off and the doubled amount would be $1.50. So you will get the item free, but with no overage.
Hey Julie -
I live in Columbus and attempted to take part in this a few weeks back. The K-Mart I went to in Reynoldsburg told me that they had decided to "not participate," even though their online circular said they were. I wouldn't make the drive unless you can get confirmation from the stores that they are.
Let me know what you find out! :)
Jenna--I'm in JOCO--so I'll be headed to the Olathe store. That stinks that they aren't doubling up to $4 in Wichita...but I'm just excited to see KS made it on the list this time!
Jeffersonville, IN = up to $2. This is the first time they've participated this year. I'll take my coupon binder in on Sun and give it a whirl!
Looks like MN is NOT participating. dang! :(
I'll be in Michigan this weekend visiting my in-laws and they'll be participating up to $2. I've never doubled a coupon before. I can't wait!
ok, so it says they only allow 25 coupons per person per day. Is this usual? and do they really follow this rule?
YMMV-It really depends on the cashier you get.
Washington State stores are NOT doubling this time. BUMMER :(
how does the by one get one free coupons work at k-mart doubels
Bummer that yours in not participating. My local one is FINALLY. When I called Kmart customer service only like 5 states where participating in the "test market" with the triples & $4 MAYBE eventually we can all enjoy that. I can't complain because $2 doubles is GREAT! Can't wait to see your list...I got soo much awesome stuff last time thanks so you!
Finally we get to double up to $2.00 I also noticed the 25 limit and no B1G1 Free. If I really need to I'll just have hubby check out behind me with a separate order...he's great like that!
OMG! Kansas IS participating!? Finally! Somebody get me a paper sack as I think I am starting to hyperventilate!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know if anyone answered this question yet, but for the one who asked, it will just take off the additional amount to make it free. Like $2 coupon for item $3.50. Just takes off the first $2 and then additional $1.50 to make it free! I got a few free things last time around. Our stores aren't participating this time. :(
I can't wait for your list to come out. I feel lost without you telling me what's a good deal
My store participated last time and is again, but just up to $2! Yay!
All stores in Phoenix/Mesa area of Arizona are participating - can't wait!!!
NNOOOOOOOO!!!!! None of the KMarts in Virginia are participating!!! I actually called the KMart to confirm and she said that they haven't been able to participate in this kind of double coupon promotion since before Christmas!!!!
We have doubling happening here in South Florida!!! FINALLY! Our store is closing too, so I hope to snag a bunch of fun items! (if I can look beyond the filth!)
I'm new to Kmart... How can you find out if your store is doubling?
Don't forget to use your $5.00 off $50.00 coupon too while your there. (make sure to hand that one 1st...)
Don't forget to use your $5.00 off $50.00 coupon while your at it.... Just make sure you hand that one 1st... Have fun!
wait, NM it says you cannot use the Kmart instore coupon during double coupons...
I am sure you have talked about this one before but I am new :) So say I have a $4.00 Glad Scent & Spray coupon They will double it up to $2.00 so it would make the coupon value $6.00? Thank you for all you do!
total bummer none of the Washington state store are doing it. Our local Kmart has been doing it since Dec. and now the entire state and neighboring states are opted out. BUMMER!
Do you know what areas are participating? Is there a list?
your $4 coupon would remain $4, if you had a $2 coupon it would become $4; if you had a $1.50 it would become $3. However if you have a $3 coupon it stays $3.
Doesn't "up to $2" mean that they will only double any coupons under $2? or do they double your $2 coupons to $4? I'm confused. This is my first time...
Woo HOO! 1st time since I've been watching that my WI store is participating...can't wait. Thanks for the heads-up!
If you have a $2 coupon and the value of the item your purchasing is $4 or more, then yes the coupon will be doubled up to $4. Hope that makes sense!:)
Oh I am so upset. I had already gone through my coupons and made a list!!! Oh well, maybe next time :(
Mine is only doubling up to $2, but I'll take anything I can get! I've scoped out some deals and have them here:
No KMART in OK are participating and I was even willing to drive an hour the last two times just to go!
No KMART in OK are participating and I was even willing to drive an hour the last two times just to go!
I live in VA and I heard that Tabb and VB were participating but the Tabb ad doesn't say anything about it. When I called the store they weren't sure so I e-mailed corporate and they said that Tabb WAS participating. But if the ad doesn't say anything? I'm confused. I really want to participate because of the great deals I've been able to get. Has anyone else heard anything about VA?
St Louis is participating!! YEAH! I hope they have Pro Plan cat food, I have several $3 coups! I cant go til Monday though so you people in St Louis, leave some stuff on the shelves for me!
my store is doing the 2 double, however i will be driving an hour for triples and doubling up to 4. i have never done triples. im so excited.
Am I blind?? Where do I find out if they are doing doubles at my store? (It has been a LONG day and I am probably just missing it) Thanks!
If your store is participating then it will be advertised on the front page of your local ad. If it's not then that means that your store isn't.
Thanks SO much for the info Hip2save! Not in my area-but hopefully soon!
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