Monday, April 20, 2009

Mambo Sprouts: New Organic Coupons + MORE!

There are some new Mambo Sprouts printable coupons available here!

Some highlights:
Save $2 on any one 24 ct. box of Healthy To Go products
Save $1 on any Organic Valley Cheese
Save $2 on any 2 Ian's Chicken Nugget, Patties, Stix or Tenders
Plus, lots more!

Don't forget that you can snag FREE Mambo Sprouts savings booklets. They have $35 worth of savings inside for lots of great natural and organic products! You can either click here to find a store near you or click here to sign-up and get them in the mail for FREE! Please note that they state they only mail to the following regions: Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore/Washington, DC, Chicago, Denver/Boulder, Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles. However, I have had more then one reader let me know that they signed up anyway and aren't from those regions, but still received a coupon booklet... so it's definitely worth a shot!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I received a Mambo Sprouts booklet and I'm not from those regions, so they do come!:)