Sunday, April 5, 2009

Walgreens: FREE One A Day Drink Mix + Profit!

Have you purchased the One a Day Multi-Vitamin Drink Mix (2 ct) that's free after EasySaver rebate at Walgreens this month?

If not, then you'll definitely want to check out this deal:
Purchase 3 One A Day Multi-Vitamin Drink Mix (2 ct) $1.49 each
Use the $4/2 coupon from the 3/22SS
Pay .47 + tax
Get back a $1.49 EasySaver Rebate
Final cost FREE + a $1 profit!

**The reason you'll only use one $4/2 coupon is to keep the register from beeping. If you just purchase 2 your total wouldn't cover the $4 coupon and so the register would beep.

Here is another scenario without the rebate:
Purchase 11 at $1.49 each
Use 4 $4/2 coupons from the 3/22SS
Final cost ONLY .39 + tax for 11 boxes!

(Thanks, NWADeals!)

For more Walgreens Deals and Walgreens Coupons visit the new


Anonymous said...

I'm relatively new to this -- can you purchase the 11 packs in a single transaction? Do you have to use several coupons or can the cashier simply scan the coupon from the EasySaver booklet once?

Anonymous said...

what is the 3/22SS coupon you are talking about. do they still have it in the store?

Hip2Save said...

You can purchase 11 packages in one transaction.

Sorry for the confusion. This coupon that I'm talking about is NOT in the EasySaver booklet. It's a manufacturer coupon found in the 3/22 Sunday Newspapers SmartSource coupon insert. That's what I mean when I say 3/22SS.

If you purchase 11 packages, then you will only have to use four $4/2coupons.

I hope this makes sense. If you have any other questions let me know.

Anonymous said...

I did this today! thank you so much for your hard work! I LOVE your blog!!! I would never have thought to buy 11pkgs... I can't wait to start taking my vitamins this way! i hope I find more- out of 3 wags only one store had the 2ct... the others had the big packs only for $9.99 ~Leah

Tasha said...

Thanks for the tip to get eleven boxes for so cheap. I tried the Women's type (orange box) and I did not care for the taste. The energy (green box) is much better tasting. So much so that I went back to the store tonight and exchanged the orange boxes (women's vit. drink)that I had purchased earlier today for the green.

Thanks again,

Tina Jennifer D'Silva said...

Where in walgreens did u find this... I have been hunting for these small packs at all my wags.. havent found any.. The wags employees have no idea abt them either.

Hip2Save said...

I haven't actually been to Walgreens for quite awhile due to the move, so I really haven't had a chance to look. It sounds like some stores carry them and some don't. I'm not exactly sure where to look in the store. You may want to ask an employee.

Rosa said...

Hi. I found it next to register. I did it!!!!!!! Thanks

Mara said...

Like Rosa, I also found them in the checkout area - near the gum, chapstick, etc., buying 11 never occurred to me either! I bought 2 last week with the $4/2 coupon, the register beeped and they manually adjusted it down instead of giving overage (*sigh, I hate when they do that)


*Diana* said...

ok I just came back from Walgreens and couldn't find them... where are they located?? I only found the Big box that sells around 9 dlls...


*Diana* said...

duuuhh I just saw the previous post... :P