Coupons Still Available:
10% off
Click the crab in the lower right hand corner.
15% off
Click the little boy's arm floaties.
20% off
Click mix and match several times until they all match bodies.
25% off
After you click mix and match 3 times, then cancel out the coupon or the scandal. Wait a few seconds and then click mix and match again, then the beach ball will drop. Click on the Beach ball several times.
For more Old Navy Deals and Old Navy Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
I never hop on the site until the good coupons are gone! I did manage to get a 25% off one and i read how to do it, I did it and no ball dropped. I looked down to the picture with the boys and there was a big purple ball just spinning there...that's when I found the coupon. Just a FYI if someone else is trying and doesn't see the ball.
I keep missing the big ones. Was there any of the $60? If someone has a big one they would like to share, i could definitly use one. I need maternity clothes so bad!!!
My email address is tchauvin@hotmail.com
i got a 25% off one! thank you so much!
got my splenda. Was it supposed to be a 3 box set green & chocolate?
Nope just one :( Kind of deceiving with the picture of 3.
I give up on the Old Navy thing...ugh...
yea i'm kinda done with them to!
i missed it all 3 times.. i quit. until thursday.. hehe
me too! I have been coming back as much as I can, but we all have lives too! lol So I just keep coming and seeing.
Anyone keep track of the times? When did they last reset?
Can I just say, I don't play but the other night as your drama played out, it was the greatest reality show ever. There was a villain or 2, someone fell asleep on her computer and would wake up and refresh. There was encouragement given, neighborly aid and someone even sacrificed her own winnings for others. It was great!!!!
Hip, did you fix my comment thingie to make it easy? I had a question last wk and now it's fixed. Scratching my head.
I gave up after the second week.... too much waste of time for what's left when you can finally get the qs.
Jackie was I a villian, or the one that sacrificed? :-)
On that note HiptoSave I never got to email you: Is it possible to have two sections on Thursday nights, one for the chatter & one just for ON info, so those of us that just want to ON info can access it easily?
great idea, ana.
I'm pretty sure I'm the one who fell asleep - and then kept waking up just to hit refresh. Well, I know that I did it - but I cannot remember if I posted about it :)
We do have some good drama here.
And Ana - if I were you I'd vote to be both the villain AND the hero. I mean, how cool is that? (not that I think you were a villain...)
Any idea of when the coupons reset? I have NO desire to spend additional time on the computer but will gladly plan my daily computer use around reset time :)
alright girls it was ana that sent out coupons that someone else could use, Right? I have no idea who villains were, but I read ref to david and carla, maybe it was a joke. If you're not in the game things like drag your pants, my pants fell off the screen, I never even saw whatever flew across the screen. This is funny stuff.
That sounds great! I will plan on doing 2 posts on Thursdays.
NO ana you cant leave the chatter section!
haha Anon, I guess I did contribute to the real life drama, but i won't be leaving the chatter, as I tried to explain from the beginning I like the chatter also, but I really think it would work better to have the ON info separate so it's much easier to access.
I've got a bunch of 25% off your purchase coupons if anyone wants one.
They all have a unique bar code w/alphanumeric code below.
Email me if you want one at:
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