Well, it looks like I haven't missed the Old Navy coupons resetting! Yesterday We went to the beach with friends and then had a BBQ, so I was off the computer most of the day. It felt great to take a relaxing little break from blogging!
I will be listing the CVS, Rite Aid and Target deals throughout the day, but I did want to make sure I got this Old Navy post up... just in case they decide to reset sooner versus later!
Just keep checking OldNavyWeekly.com whenever you get a chance and of course lets keep each other posted with any info in the comment section! I'm hoping it may be a tad bit easier to score a high value coupon since it's Sunday, but who knows! Remember that the high value $75 off $100 coupon is baaaack! Yay!
Good Luck!!!
For more Old Navy Deals and Old Navy Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
Sunday, May 31, 2009
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«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 1056 Newer› Newest»what?? Mine never loaded. it still says check back sunday
darn I can't seem to find the 50 off
Carla, I'd love one if you wouldn't mind parting with it!
Thank you!
jumojay - I just sent you one
wheres the 30%?
It's 1113 central time. The offers don't look all that good- I got a 30% off 50. for putting the black and white scarf around the neck of the left side model. There is also 15% all when you click on the small flag. If you drag and click the flag tshirts there is another offer- I can't remember which. good luck!
did you guys catch the bird from the tree?
which blue shirt for 50 off HELP
Can we all stop talking to Carla and try to work together to try to get all the coupons that are left?
The blue polo shirt is on the bottom left. Click the right arrow until the polo shirt comes on the screen then click it
for the $50 you have to go to 'more fabulous finds' and click the arrows until you see a stripped blue polo
there's no blue polo on my page! help?
i wish I could find them for myself :( but I would love to get one someone isnt using
It will be first come first served, however if earlier tonight you told me to F off you will not get carla's love
Carla-how did u get 5?
I tried to get a 2nd but it wouldn't let me and I used a different browser.
not sure if they are still available, but under fab finds... its the "boys fashion polos" and is blue/teal striped... the $50 off $100...
kelly, i just sent you a 50 one. let me know if you get it..
me neither!!!
it's up any hints?
click pocket on blue stripe shirt bottom left corner for $50 off $100
Why do I not see a blue polo?? Any help would be appreciated!! :-) jasmom1@hotmail.com
I CANNOT find that 50 one. PLEASE if you can do it.... lilkimfreebies@hotmail.com
If anyone has an extra $50 off one I would love it. Please let me know.
:) Meghan
click arrows to change items
How did Carla get 5? I thought it was one per IP
does anyone know where the 50 off 100 is?
and carla if you have any extra you can email to jenniferstonebrink@hotmail.com, thanks!!!
I'm not seeing a blue polo either
Carla would you please send me one of your coupons?!
Okay, I've tried this for at least 5 weeks now, night after night, and I never get anything! I want a good coupon so bad! I can't find the blue polo. There are just two blue tanks and that's it. If anyone could get me a $50 off coupon I would SOOOOOO appreciate it!! My email address is abyana@hotmail.com
yay after all these weeks of nothing..i finally by some miracle got a 75 one yay for single moms!!!
wow- i have nothing w/a boy's blue polo. why would that be? if anyone wants to share... sep_05@hotmail.com
wow carlas really good! she was like the first one to get the high value coupon! yay carla, adn thanks for telling us where it was even though u said u werent gonna do it... if u like, send me a coupon at azndreamgrlxd@yahoo.com thanks in advance
I clicked through all of the more fab finds-do we all see different things? I see tanks and shorts there?
how long does it take to appear?
mine is chels_c2000@yahoo.com
All i did was email it to myself, checked email. got it! refreshed page and got another...used diff email, checked, refreshed I have many email addresses...one for each of my personalities.
Oops, Carla I forgot to leave my email address...
i see shorts and tanks too. and the only blue is a girls tank
where was the 75? Is it the bird?
kim, just sent you a 50. let me know it you get it.
just 2 blue tanks on my screen for 50
There aren't any polos at all under my fab finds....just some camis and shorts? Please, if someone could help!!
Congrats to the 75 winners!
mrose sent you 1 Granny
i really dont get why im not seeing a blue polo? id appreciate if somebody who sees it can send me a 50! kcottle0@aim.com
50 off 100 is it blue tee?
I could use any coupons, please. Thanks!
do the coupons save if i refresh to try to get the bird?
Also, i would love a coupon if anyone has extra.
I can send you a free $5 coupon for my stuffed animal kits that i sell at www.lauryk.com
someone please email me a 50/100 please!!!! jenquinfalk@gmail.com
still need 50 off
I don't see a polo either
what does the black dress do?
I CAN NOT FIND A $50 off, there is no polo!! PLEASE PLEASE send me one!! I would be so THANKFUL!
Sweet sweet and super sweet. THANK YOU Anon!! I Just got the 50 deal. You are awesome!
kim, check your email. i sent you one.
My stomach is in knots-I really want to find a high coup. I didn't know you could get multiples and share-if anyone wants to send one my way I would love it! Thanks
I would love a 50 off--
I am scrolling and cannot find a blue tank--- what a mean trick! :)
Rock on Granny! Thank you so much. :)
the blue polo is not coming up for me...helpp someone email me a 50/100 please!!!!!
If anyone has a $50 or $75 they would be willing to share I would greatly appreciate it!
no polo, and i can't figure out the black dress. anyone??
if someone could send me one too please i dont have a polo on myy screen Haydensmommy05@hotmail.com
My fab finds don't have a blue polo shirt either! That is so not fair! I reset it like 5000 times!
Can somebody please send me a $50?! The blue polo isn't showing up for me - thanks!
can anyone explain how they got the blue polo to appear?
jenquinfalk@gmail.com pleaseeee!!!! a 50/100!!! I cant get the polo!!!
I have no polo....I could REALLY use a $50 coupon at emc4680 [at] yahoo [dot] com
would anyone that got a 50 off mind going and getting me one? I can't figure it out
Marcia...sent you a 50/100
i still can't find the 50!!!
Somebody help I can't get $50
FYI: if you refresh, it does NOT "save" your coupon
Does the polo appear only after you have done something else? Maybe wiht the black dresses?
I need a 50 off chorchner@yahoo.com please
please if someone gets a 50 please email me, i dont see the polo shirt at all, pretty please, i have been trying for weeks now.
email is anu1c@hotmail.com thank you so much
jenquin, just sent you a 50.
JUMOJAY - I sent you a 50 a few minutes ago - did you get it?
hi ive been doing this for a while and nothing. i got a $45 once but lost it... it would be really cool if somebody gave me a 50... nothings showing up for me! thanks :)
when i get a coupon and enter my email, i don't get any mail with the coupon. And it doesn't save the coupon if i refresh. I assume if i Make coupon that i can't play anymore, is that right or can i play and just use different email?
anyone have an extra they want to hand out???
Thanks ! I got $50 off $100
darn bird...I found it right away but couldn't catch it on my laptop! grrrr
someone please email me a 50/100!!! dealsjf@yahoo.com!!!!!
Wow! You guys are awesome. Would any one mind sending me a 50 off 100- I don't have a polo showing up either! Thanks
freedurt at msn dot com
My mail
How the heck did anyone actually catch that dang bird!?
help. Sent you a 50/100
Will someone please send me a 50 off...I do not have a blue polo in the fab finds???
i cant find the $50 either! i dont see a polo, what am i doing wrong??
No blue polo for me. Can someone email me one PLEASE!
thank you!!!! its not showing up but thank you!!!
Can someone please send me a $50 off, I can not get one. I am going insane and I really need one. I would be so grateful!! bskcase76@yahoo.com
chorchner, just sent you a 50.
help i need a 50 and i dont see a polo, can someone please email me one at dawnharvey@gmail.com it is for my mom's bday!!!
how do you get the $50? i don't see the blue polo????
I can't get the blue polo either! What's going on? If anyone wants to share, my e-mail is sprsvr1@gmail.com Thanks so much!! :)
to whomever sent me a coupon, THANK YOU THANK YOU!! where was it??
I don't have a blue polo on my page! What's up with that???
I guess some of the browsers like mine isn't showing the polos and underwear..just camis and shorts.
abby, same thing happened to me! byu the time i got my mouse it was gone!!
can someone help me with the 50/100, i really can't find it/understand how to get it. if anyone has an extra i would really appreciate one! k9sellers27mc83@aol.com
I would love a $50! Any wanna email me? Been up all night and can't find it! carengeorge@hotmail.com
Cant find 50 off can some one tell me where its at in detail please? or send me on Slhall2005@aol.com. Thanks
Do you have to click on something first to make the blue polo appear because it is not there.
Leah you are a DOLL thank you so much! If I ever get lucky enough to find a high value coup. I will get extra and share! Thanks again!!!!
please please can someone send me the 50, i cant find the polo, pretty please
just click the arrows..its a boys striped blue polo
Im sure I am just chasing the bird for nothing at this point! how disappointing once again! I would love anyone to share a 50 off coupon so I can take my 14yr old to get soemthing decent to wear to church-her dad and stepmom let her wear these short shorts ugh
I would love one if anyone would like to share with me!
Thank you Thank you!
dawn - sent you a 50
Help! I don't get the blue polo- could someone send me one? What is the deal with the bird? Can't catch it!
Where is the polo? I can't find it! kpier01@gmail.com
pppppllllllllllllease explain the blue polo!!!!!
I don't have a blue polo either? Could someone please help and send me one?
I will owe you one!
please please 50/100. I am so confused i dont see any polo~
I don't see the blue polo. Anyone willing to email me a 50/100? We just adopted a little boy and he needs clothing. With the $25,000 adoption fee we have no money. Thanks. jnjriedell@msn.com
is there a time you have to wait for the polo to show up?
I need a 50 off to pleasE! TO pawperks@att.net
robert, tried to send you a 50 but said you already made coupon for the week.
thanks SO much! my little girl's birthday is today, and now she gets some new dresses to wear to her party next weekend!
If someone could please send me the $50 off $100...I can't find it!
Been trying for weeks, can someone send a 50 or 100 to me too? Need maternity clothes bad! luckypigeon247@yahoo.com
Thank you!
can somebody else email me the 50/100 i cant see it in my email!!!!! jenquinfalk@gmail.com please!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't have the polo either. Can they set it up where some have one and the others have another. I have the black dress, but don't know what to do with it.
Polo is under fabulous finds
Megan...just sent you one.
krista - sent you a 50
pawperks, sent you a 50.
Please Help me.
Ugh! No blue polo here either.
Please send any extras to orangefile@windstream.net
Thanks! It would be much appreciated.
just click the arrows..its a boys striped blue polo
please help! i cant find the $50. anyone that has it if you can email one to couponsdeals11@aol.com id appreciate it! thanks in advance!
No blue polo on mine:( If anyone has an extra I would love one.
yeh I got the 30% off, try sending it to kelli_brodhagen@yahoo.com
Would someone mind sending me a $50 if you can get it? I can't see the Blue Polo?
Thanks so much!
I need a 50 off, Please! Pretty please, with a cherry on top! cutedimples17@yahoo.com. I will love you forever.
are they resetting coupons at all this week
OK now I'm frustrated. A lot of us don't even have blue polos on our screens anywhere, even when we click through the selections. Why is it that we never even had a chance after spending the time. SO unfair. could someone help me out? a-newsclips@comcast.net
THANK YOU to whoever sent my a 50/100, you ROCK! :)
Shooot! I couldnt get the bird and I cant find the polo shirt!
Anyone willing to give a $50 off please???
thank you thank you thank you!!!
i have been trying to email more 50s - but it won't let me.
here is where they are:
in the bottom left corner are the 'more fabulous finds' click on the right arrow to scroll through the clothes until you see a blue striped polo - click on that and you'll get a $50.
I really hope that helps!
will someone please please send me a 50 off 100...
I don't have the blue polo either! If anyone who can get one would mind emailing it to me I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!!
can someone send me a 50 off I can't get a polo!! This is crazy!!!! cowgrlup1@hotmail.com
how come i am not getting the polo, pretty please send me the 50 if someone can, i would really appreciate it.
4 kids to cloth! If anyone has any extra I would so greatly appreciate it. ajhess05@yahoo.com
i dont have a polo either ...if someone can get one or spare one please email liorantes@yahoo.com
thanks so much!
hey the Ross I just emailed your coupon to you
can someone pleeeeeeease send me one! been on here all day: k9sellers27mc83@aol.com
i love you and appreciate you!
do you think they'll reset the 75 coupons? It says check back "soon" Does that mean they'll post more or they're just wanting us back for next week. This is my first time. Please excuse my ignorance.
can someone help me too? thanks kctranx@hotmail.com
any extra 50/100 coupon would be great!!
No polo here I went through all the clothes! That's crazy and unfair!! Please someone help me out here!
Anyone have ao 50/100 please sen to me khakidawg16@aol.com
Any one mind sending me one--My kids wear through their pants like mad! Thanks,
How do you get the blue polo to be part of your fab finds? it's not part of mine, i scroll through like eight hundred times every time I refresh! Anyone wanna share one with me? Mrs_Adams_05@yahoo.com
Where does the black dress with small printed flowers go?????
jen, tried to send it again, but said you already have one for the week.
I really need cloths for my son. Anyone have a 50/100 they can spare? We would be very grateful.
Thank you. How many times do you click? Do you see it the first time around or click 50 times? We have nothing- believe me, we are all looking there.
if anyone could send me the 50/100 id greatly appreciate it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant get the polo :( tennisbabe1515@yahoo.com
i tried the fabulous finds but there is no polo shirt on mine. just 2 camis and a lot of shorts =(
I can't find the polo!!! Can someone please email me a coupon at delishelly@aol.com!!!
i tried the fabulous finds but there is no polo shirt on mine. just 2 camis and a lot of shorts =(
PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE!!! I'll ask again, that's how desperate I am! If anyone could send me a $50 coupon I would SOOOO appreciate it! abyana@hotmail.com
no polo for me either. What's up????
my email is sweetannec@aol.com
Would someone be willing to share a 50 off? I cant find it anywhere!
where is the 75? How do you catch the bird?
I think I could cry, every week this is so frustrating!!! Please help, if you can spare a 50 off cowgrlup1@hotmail.com!!!
wow, that stinks...
no polo for me either. would love $50 off $100. Thanks
Anyone have extra $50
please send me.
Just sent you one
dawn its jen...can you try tennisbabe1515@yahoo.com???!
don't understand whats going on w/the blue polo thing. i don't have one anywhere. tried refreshing over & over and still nothing. if anyone has any extra... grimes.angie@gmail.com
jennifer hess i just emailed you a 50/100
I can't find one either. Up all night last night and all day today. Please send me one I would appreciate it.
those who have the blue polo showing-can you email me a coupon? the shirt isnt on my page-I can see it when I hit the "print all fabulous finds" button, but it isnt in the grouping on the actual page. if you hit refresh you should be able to send another coupon to misti at misti_morrow@hotmail.com
I would greatly appreciate it :)
could someone with the blue polo send me a $50 off?? jdonald@uga.edu Thank you!!!
would anyone be willing to email me a coupon 50 off 100. I can't find the blue polo.
Thank you
will cont. to try and get it
mom with kids, just sent you a 50.
megan - i just sent you a 50
I would greatly appreciate a 50/100. I cannot get mine to work either. slinthicum@zoominternet.net
I can't find a blue polo anywhere. Could someone please send me a 50 off I would really appreciate it. tgreeniraan@aol.com Thank You!
I don't have a blue polo. help please or if anybody can send me on ymurry@comcast.net
To all of you wonderful "Hip2Savers"...be a "LifeSaver"...I would love to have a coupon for 50 off! I don't have the blue polo on my screen. Thanks! :) khiestan@gmail.com
hi could someone please please please send me their extra $50/100?
thank you!
When all the madness is over I so hope someone can tell us why some people got the polo shirt and some people didn't? What is going on old navy? I don't think I can take the disappointment again:(
where is the 50 off 100
The bird is already a scandel. Just wanted to let everyone know. And I don't have the blue polo shirt either.
I have been up 24hours and couldn't get nothing yet.
can someone please share a 50 off, my husband just lost his job, I can't get a coupon, my son needs summer clothes!! cowgrlup1@hotmail.com
i think this will be my last time....I have tried and tried for hours and hours with no luck...ugh glad some people got them :D
50 off please!!! this is driving me crazy!!!
laurakelly1@sbcglobal dot net
please 50/100
jshaw413@yahoo.com not tlance18@yahoo.com I sent myself a 30% one
I've tried all day to get a coupon but now there is no polo shirt to click on. If anyone has an extra please e-mail me one @ skarob@hotmail.com
Thanks a million!!!
if anyone can please send me the 50, i cant find the polo. I have been trying for weeks, and never get a coupon, please please.
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