To celebrate the chipping skills of PGA tour pro Briny Baird, P.F. Chang’s China Bistro will offer everyone in America a FREE order of the restaurant’s signature lettuce wraps with the purchase of an entrĂ©e. Just go on over here and enter your email address. You will then receive this coupon via email!
If you haven't tried their lettuce wraps before, then you're in for a real treat! My hubby and I absolutely LOVE them and they're filling too. If you make a "date night" with this coupon, then just order one entree. The lettuce wraps are pretty much like an additional entree anyway!
**You can check P.F. Chang's locations here.
Yum!!! We LOVE PF Changs! Thanks!
World Kitchen has some amazing clearance deals on pyrex pans for 1.99. I got seven pans shipped for 23.00! AMAZING !!!
thanks hip2save! we love changs!!
Thanks Collin, That picture sure makes you want those wraps NOW. Aren't they the best? While I was typing this post, I got my email from them...the coupon is good until June 14...if that helps anyone in making your decision.
Oh my gosh! This has to be the best w/purchase coupon ev-a! I love me some lettuce wraps!
My email just came through with a bunch of attachments that all lead to their website; no coupon.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Mine too . . . (a bunch of attachments leading to their website; no coupon)
I'll be so sad if I don't get to use this one! Help?
I also only saw a bunch of links to their website when I first opened my email on my mac laptop in the Mail application. Once I opened the same email via a browser based email site, I was able to see and print the coupon. Hopefully, that will help.....
i've tried to open mine in explorer and mozilla and no luck
Wow! Yum--I love these. Thanks so much for sharing.
ooh. thank you!! i LOVE lettuce wraps!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU HIP!!! My hubby and I went on our very first date to PF Changs in Orem, UT and now that we live in Sacramento we were so excited to find one right here too!! We'll def. be hitting this up with our new freebie!! YAY! (And I totally agree, one entree plus the app is PLENTY!) PLUS, we may just splurge on the great wall of chocolate!!!
Yea!!! These are soooo good!!!!
i also had trouble printing the coupon, any hints?
I went to P.F. Changs today and used the coupon. I just right clicked on the image that said get free lettuce wrap when you buy one entry and then printed that. When we went they gave us two because my husband and I both bought an entry. It was a lot of food!
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