Well, the deals at Staples get even sweeter! They have quite a few FREE after rebate items. You can check them out in your local ad here. Plus, they also accept competitors coupons. Which means this $10 off $50 Office Depot coupon can be taken with you to further sweeten these deals! Keep in mind this coupon is ONLY valid thru 5/4! If someone finds another coupon, then please let us know in the comment section!
** Don't forget they also have the FREE PC tune up promotion ($29.95 value) available again!
Rebate Highlights:
Casio KL 60L Label Maker $19.99
Submit for $20.00 Easy Rebate
Final cost FREE!
**The limit on this rebate is 2 per customer! Yay!
Ghiradelli Luxe Chocolate Bag $3.99
Submit for $3.99 Rebate
(Does not say Easy Rebate)
Final cost FREE (limit 1)
HP Multipurpose Paper $7.29
Submit for $6.29 Easy Rebate
Final cost $1!
Staples Photo Paper $9.99
Submit for $8.99 Easy Rebate
Final cost $1!
Deal Scenario:
Purchase 2 Casio KL 60L Label Maker $19.99 each=$39.98
Purchase 1 Ghiradelli Luxe Chocolate Bag $3.99
Purchase 1 HP Multipurpose Paper $7.29
Use the $10 off $50 Office Depot coupon
Pay=$41.26 + tax
Total of rebates you'll receive back $50.28!
Final cost for all the above FREE + a $9 moneymaker!
Staples Easy Rebates are just that, easy! Go on over here to read more about them. Basically you'll be able to submit all your info online. You won't even have to mail anything in! That's the best part in my opinion. You'll receive your rebates within 4-6 weeks after submitting them!
(Thanks, Heather & Kim!)
For more Staples Deals and Staples Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
I'm on this.
Staples in Florence, Ky no longer accepts competitors coupons....I did get the free pens today though. Thanks!
Can't find the bic coupon any longer. Tried that zip. Any advice?
It has already reached its print limit!:(
My Staples in Springfield, MO won't take internet coupons. Just FYI.
Quick Question: Each rebate states that you must send in each receipt in a separate envelope, no photocopies accepted. How can we be sure we can get the rebates if we cannot make photocopies to send each in a separate envelope? Thanks!!!
They would not accept my coupons today at my Killeen, TX staples. She made a copy of my coupon to have to look at when she calls corporate. The manager said, "It won't work because the coupon would make it free." Apparently he doesn't know how manufacturers coupons work. I will try back in a few days!
With Staples Easy Rebates you will actually not need to mail anything in!:) You can do the whole process online!
However, the chocolate rebate will require you to mail in the form.
I would suggest first completing your Easy Rebates online. Then if you have to mail in one, I would do that last. Almost all Staples rebates are Easy Rebates. Which means they can be processes online and you will never have to mail in a receipt.
You are right, looks like the chocolate will need to be sent in -- great!! :) Thanks Hip 2 save
In So Cal there is a $15 off of a $25 purchase on the front of the Office Depot Ad in the Sunday paper. I used it today, with no problems.
There is a $15 of $75 Office Depot coupon that expires May 9th
I also have a deal senario on my site for this coupon.
Hey Collin, You might want to add that Staples also has a 12 pk. Staples Stickies for $1.00 (I think they are a Post-It knockoff.
I posted this Friday when you posted the pen coupon which, by the way, I never did print...remember I needed ink?
Also, you might be interested in this one:I went to Office Depot to get my ink...I got 2 Combo packs since they were cheaper than buying 1 black and 1 color...I also had a $10.00/$50.00 purchase that I get from time to time because I belong to their Rewards program. Anyway, when she rang up the 2 pks. of ink at $31.99 each, I got the $10.00 off from my coupon, and another $10.00 off for buying 2 Combo packs. This might be an ongoing promo...worth checking out if you need ink. They also give you $3.00 credit toward recycling your used cartridges...I returned 3...so that will be an extra $9.00 at the end of this quarter...plus with the rewards program, you get 10% back on ink, toner, and paper purchases. I didn't know if you knew about this.
Guirandelli Luxe chocolate bag is a "mail-in rebate" according to the ad...
is there a limit to the HP Multipurpose Paper rebate? I love that paper and would love to stock up now!
Also for those of you whose Staples don't accept manf. coupons, you can always get the ad price-matched at Walmart!
Thanks - is the rebate in Staples money or Actual money?
According to the easy saver site, the paper is actual Limit 2! They must know I need some paper. :)
With an Easy Rebate, you will receive a check in the mail that can be cashed.
Dear Hip 2 save... Have you done Staples rebates before? How long does it typically take to get a rebate in the actual mail? Also, have you ever NOT recieved a rebate that you were expecting ? Thanks!
We don't have a Staples here, can you order these items online and still get the rebates? Thanks!
In Ohio they would not accept the Office Depot coupon because it is not good on electronics and they considered the label makers electroic. But it was still all free, just not the $10 profit.
Good news! I got the label maker. Bad news! I got the wrong Ghirardelli chocolate. Good news! I got chocolate!
I may not have got it free, but it is still chocolate :)
Thanks for the deals!
Dallas, TX did not even carry the label maker lol, oh well :)
I went yesterday to staples and the cashier told me I couldn't use the coupon because the store was already giving me an instant saving ($ 0,99) on the product. So I asked for the corporate phone #. After the employee called the manager he came ( the manager) and checked the coupon he told the cashier that yes I could use the coupon.
I got the pen at North Dallas store (Coit/Campbel Rd)
My staples didn't have any more of the label makers...bummer! But I did a good job anyway. I purchased the following items:
Originally totaled: $118.12
After sales price & coupons: $85.91
after rebates: $35.35 (that is like buying the shredder and getting everything else free).
Melanie...loved your good news/bad news :) Any chocolate is good news!
I had no problem with $10 off coupon and the BIC coupon in Franklin, TN. Thanks so the info.
Just wanted to point out that with the FAR label maker, you get a Visa prepaid cash card, not the regular Staples check. Doesn't make a difference to me but to some, it might.
Thank you for the info. I got the last label maker at my store!!! My store wouldn't take internet coupons either. Be sure to ask if they take competitor and then ask if they take internet. Mine will take competitor but not internet.
Don't forget Staples has a Reward Program that you can receive $30 per month from by submitting 10 empty printer cartridges per month.
Thank you so much for pointing that out. It is a Visa Prepaid card! Sorry about that.
This is to the Anonymous who asked for corporates number! Way to stand your ground! I love when readers stand up for themselves. You did awesome!:)
Oh and to answer the other question, I actually have not done a Staples rebate before. This will be my first one!
Anyone have experience with Staples rebates?... and how long it usually takes to receive them?
I was so excited to get this deal. I walked up to check out and the lady said I couldn't use the $10/$50 because the label maker was considered an electronic item. I was SO upset. But I kept my cool. And then they tried to tell me I couldn't use the BIC coupon because I would get it for free. I think everyone needs to be educated on coupons. haha
Do you have a link to the $10/$50 Office Depot coupon?
I hope some of this is left by the time I get there. I want that label maker!
The $10 off $50 Office Depot coupon link is in my post, but it expires today!:(
They would not accept the pen coupons - said it was "already on sale and I couldn't get them for free", and they "wouldn't recognize a printed coupon" - kept telling me it was a copy, which it wasn't...
AND, they are out of the label makers, both in store, and online. :(
does anyone know why some staples are accepting the competitors coupons and some won't? it should be a corporate wide thing, right? phoenix arizona is a no....but i'm calling corporate tomorrow.
....oh, and as an air force wife...LOVE the new "hip2serve" site!! i've saved so much money using both!!
I went to my local Staples today. They sold out of the label maker, but I grabbed some of the other stuff. I wanted to add that I checked out the "As Seen on TV" endcap. I found one of those MicroTouch Groomers w/Light on clearance for $2.50. Snagged that one. I wish I had taken that Office Depot coupon for $15 off $25. I ended up spending $25.10 after tax, and before rebates. If I had used the coupon, it would have been free + money maker.
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