Wowza! CVS is running a SUPER HOT promotion on Pampers starting tomorrow, 6/7 and running through 6/13! Buy one package of Pampers Jumbo Size Diapers priced at $8.99 and get a $5 Extra Care Buck. To make this deal even sweeter use the $1 Pampers coupon from the 6/7PG. Final cost will ONLY end up being $2.99 per pack! The only thing I'm unsure of at this point is the limit. Anyone have any ideas?!
(Thanks, mwalsh!)
For more CVS Deals and CVS Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
I heard from another blogging source that the limit is 3....but that the deal is listed online and not in the ad...has anyone checked the website? I will now...
Thanks for the info. I have linked to the deal listed on CVS.com in my post above. Just click on the highlighted link.
Thanks- Random CV S question- can you buy all *3* in the same transaction and get 3 separate ECBs ($15 total) to print out on the same receipt? I'm a WAGS girl and CVS is new to me:)
Do you know if the Pull Ups are included in this offer. Do they consider Pull Ups Diapers?
Yes, if the limit lets say is 3, then you can purchase all three in the same transaction. After you pay a $15 Extra Care Buck will print out at the bottom of your receipt.
Deidra, If you want 3 $5.00 ECBs, you will have to do three transactions, but like Collin said, if you do all 3 in one transaction, the ECB will be $15.00. I find it easier to use 3 $5.00 ones, but that's up to you.
amy, pull ups are huggies. these are pampers. i think the pampers are easy ups and yes, those are included.
Price would be $3.99, not $2.99. ECBs are not printing. A friend tried this tonight.
the deal doesn't start til tomorrow.
It doesn't matter if the deal starts tomorrow...because all stores are programmed to start giving ECBs for next week's deals starting on Saturday afternoon. Plus there are tons of stores open 24/7.
does anyone know if there are any CVS stores near Portland OR?
i did not know that the ecb started sat. and that there are 24hr cvs's. wow...
Stephanie, Go to CVS.com, top right corner, click "find store", then enter the zip code for the area you are in.
hopefully this will be a real deal tomorrow.
Paper says limit is 3.
Dumb question I am sure but what is a Extra Care Buck Thanks
Anon, An ECB is a coupon that has cash value. Say you purchase something for $3.00, and the ad states you will get $3.00 ECBs, it's like you are getting the item for free, only you pay up front, then at the end of your receipt will be an ECB for $3.00 to use on whatever you want. They are good for a month from when you receive them. They are not like RRs from Walgreens. The ECBs can be used on any of your purchases...if you don't know what to use them on, you can always purchase milk, some people use them on diapers...whatever you want, other that a gift card. Check around on Hip2Saves home page...I think she has an explanation there as well. HTH:)
I printed the page from the CVS' website to show them in case I have problems. I sure hope they honor this.
bought them tonight. had a copy of the page from cvs.com. ECB did not print, but the cashier printed it out for me without a blink of the eye. she wondered why it did not do it automatically too
How many were you able to get?
I went to my 24 store after midnight to do the deal with a print out of the website in hand. The ECB's did not print and they would not manually print them for me. They are holding my items until Monday night so I can speak to the manager during the day Monday. Hopefully this will get sorted through. I wish CVS Customer Service would be open tomorrow but according to the message when I called they won't be open until 8am Monday.
There is also a $2 coupon in the P&G booklet that was sent out!!
definately bring the web page in. It did not print for me either. But the manager said he would make it happen
WoW What an awesome deal! Im hoping its working and there are no issues here in FL
Jessica & others...a relative of mine went to a 24 hour store and shopped one Saturday night. It was right after midnight. Nothing rang up correctly or printed bucks. They said that their system is set for another time zone and rolls over at 2 a.m. Central time, so that might be why some of you had problems last night. Keep that in mind. It will probably work today. If no, then there is some other problem.
This deal is not working this morning. I came in for diapers at 8am Eastern time. But as I said in an original post, the manager made it happen. Print off the internet page and all should be well.
This is a great deal but I'm not seeing anywhere that confirms a $5 ECB. I just see the sale price of $8.99. Help?
Just to clarify for an earlier poster - all CVS's do NOT turn their new deals on Saturday. Out of the 4 stores in my city, only 1 does. It is up to each store if they turn the next week's deals on early or not. Hope that helps someone.
I still have several $2 coupons that were mailed to me!! That makes it even better!!!!
Don't forget if you still have any of your P&G Brandsaver booklets from the spend $50 get $120 in coupons, there's a few $2 Pampers coupons in there which would make this deal even better.
Oops! I just figured out where you had the $5 ECB info posted and confirmed. Sorry, still on my first cup of coffee! Thanks for the great post and I linked to you too! Some of your readers may have also gotten a coupon emailed at the end of last week (mine is $5 off $30) and that would really help sweeten this deal!
My CVS didn't know anything about the ECB, so they said to bring back my receipt if I find something that says it... I'll bring back the print off from the Internet and hope for the best!!
I purchased 3 packages this morning. As others have found, the EB don't automatically print. Good thing I took a copy of the ad from the website with me! I showed it to the cashier and she called the supervisor. The supervisor looked at it and printed 3 $5 EB for me! Great deal!!
I'm in Atlanta, the ecb's didn't print for me...the mgr had to approve it then he asked to make a copy of my print out from the website!! I love it when we have to educate the mgr's on the weekly sales. HA!!
In Taylors, SC the ecbs didnt print I showed the cashier the ad, and shes manually printed my ecbs and on my recipet it didnt say anything about a print limit!! YAY!!
My manager called corporate, and they said website is a MISPRINT...uh oh!
My manager was helpful and willing to print them for me, but he needed one copy of the printout for each one - I bought three diapers but only had one printout. So I got one $5 ECB then in the store, and I'm going to bring him two more printouts and he'd said print the two other $5 ECBs when I brought them in. He did say the limit of 3 in the ad would take precedence over any lack of mention of limit on-line. I had $1.50 off coupons that had been on Cheerios boxes a while back.
I bought a jumbo pack just now for $8.99 and NO ECB printed. The manager told me if it is advertised online, it might send my ECB's to my email. If not, they told me to print off the screen where it is advertised, and they would have no problem giving me the ECB's. So you might want to print that screen before you go.
i did it this morning. we all know they dont print out but i brought the paper and they did it for me :)
Make sure you take the web print out with you, I didn't. It doesn't say it in store or in the add. The clerkt that rang me up checked online and said it wasn't there, but he printed me one anyway.
The manager at my CVS would NOT take it. They said b/c it didn't have a bar code, he wouldn't do it.
Then, I had an internet coupon for sunscreen and they said they do not honor those anymore.
It was definitely not a good CVS day for me today. I will be writing headquarters.
I can't get the page to print for me at all. Maybe they are working on removing it from the site??
Min prints just frine. Im headed to CVS now :)
I had problems printing it with Mozilla, but was okay with hitting print screen (button by th "F keys" This will copy the entire screen. Then paste (CTRL + V) it into a blank word doc and print!!
I am sure they will fix it on Monday! Sorry some of you are having problems!!
actually, i talked to a manager, and she said it was a misprint online (she had called their corporate office), and they are working to fix the misprint. So it might not work at ALL on Monday
mine did NOT print and store manager said they could not look anything up online in store because they do not have inet access....what should I do? I cannot print the page for some reason?
just printed it thru IE instead of firefox and it worked- I guess I am heading back to CVS to get my $5.....
bought 1 pack of pampers and EB did not print - i showed the web printout and the manager gave me the $5 EB
I just bought a jumbo pack and the $5 didn't print at the bottom of my receipt so the checker printed one for me after the transaction. If this keeps happening, then there will not be a limit and you can keep buying them because there won't be a record of it on your EC card.
I went back with my 2 more copies of the printout (see my comment above) and the manager said in the meantime he had called about it - he said he was told that the intention was that it wasn't supposed to be an instantaneous printout but rather was supposed to go towards the quarterly rewards. He printed it out for me anyway since I had come back with the extra printouts but said I might even see those extra bucks again in my quarterly reward. I'd be shocked if that happened but with all the confusion, I suppose anything is possible. Anyway, good CVS day for me - 3 packages Pampers for $2.50 apiece, 2 free Dawn, free razor, and free 24.7 lip stuff (clearance at $5 with a $5 CRT coupon)!
I tried this at my Cvs and no coupon printed and they knew nothing about it!
Just got back from CVS. I had no problem with getting the diapers. They also had some good clearance items.
Just looked at the online ad and dont see any mention of the $5ecb. Did they take it down?
Didn't work for me on Sunday afternoon. ECBs didn't print and the cashier didn't believe the screen printout. He seemed to be convinced that cvstoday.com wasn't cvs.com and it was impossible to convince him otherwise, so we returned the diapers. Bummer! Glad some of you were able to score this deal, though.
They wouldn't give me more than one $5 extra buck coupon. The limit wasn't listed online, and the manager said this is usually a one limit deal. bummer.
When I went the manager said she was sure it should have been spend $20 get ONE $5 ECB. I told her that wasn't the case, but she insisted. I gave her my name and number and said I would call corporate when I got home (very politely) and she said she would also try to find out for me and call me if she found out anything different.....I doubt she'll call.
I just went to CVS due to this great diaper deal... and did NOT get the $5 back. :(
TAKE THE PRINTOUT WITH YOU!!! My store hadn't heard of it either and it's not in the printed ad so get online to print it and take it along and they will honor it.
Yes!!!! I just got back from two different CVS locations and I was lucky to get nice managers that took a look at my print off and gave me back all my extra bucks...I was able to get the limit of 3 at each store too! Thank you Hip2Save for Saving me so much money!!!!
Can someone please answer a CVS question for me? Is CVS like Walgreens in the aspect that you cant roll ECBS? Meaning, can I buy a pkg of diapers and get $5 and then use that $5 towards the purchase of another pkg?
The CVS in Fort Worth, TX put a limit of 2 on the deal. I also had to bring the internet ad in to get the deal.
My ECB's did not print out. When I showed a copy of the ad... the manager claimed that the ad only states that pampers are sold online or in store... not that the promotion can be in store. She said online promotions are only valid for online purchases and would not print my ECBs.
I went into my CVS with the internet ad. I briefly showed it to one of the employees and she gave me the deal no problem. I got two packages with the coupons and I got $10 ECBs. The girl had to manually print out my ECBs at the end of my transaction. Also, I think I can go back and get more.
I went back to CVS with the ad- and receipt and the manager just took $5 off my purchase (I was picking up pics)she did not print out any ECB- I wondwer if I can buy more tomorrow??
I also went to my CVS today and talked to the asst mgr before purchasing anything to make sure they will honor it! He was completely clueless but tried to help me by checking all of their sales item and no pampers was listed. He looked at my ad again and called the 800# but of course they're not available since it's sunday. He said he would check on it tomorrow and leave a note for the mgr so when I go back he'd know what I'm talking about!
GREAT JOB to the ones that got it today! ;o)
So he is what happened to me when I went to CVS at 8:30am! Purchased a pkg of diapers and NO CVB. Showed the internet print out and cashier said if it isnt in ad they cant honor it. Called for mng and she was iffy on the CVStoday.com website. I asked her to call the 888# listed on the bottem. After 10mins. she told me she spoke to CVS and they said that it is not valid! THey have no connection to CVStoday.com and will not honor such a deal. So, needless to say, I only purchased one pkg of diapers since I had ECB bucks to use. CVS mng was very helpful and very polite though.
Looks like they changed the page, it doesn't even say the sale price anymore, much less the ECBs.
oh well. I knew this would be too good to be true. I went to my CVS this morning and I didn't receive the ECB's...only $10 off $30, arghh!!! I normally use Huggies but this sounded so great. Oh well!! Hope ya'll have a good day :)
Good news! I just spoke to Heidi at CVS customer service and the $5 ECB was not a mistake. They are aware that they are not printing and should have the problem resolved in 24-48 hours. If you did buy the Pampers and did not get your ECB, you can call customer service (888-607-4287) and give them your receipt info and they will send you the ECB.
just went to the CVS page and the ad is gone with the $5 ECB....maybe it was a mistake??
just wanted to let you know i just got off the phone w/cust serv they said the pampers deal ended at 10am today,dont know how they can do that,but apparently it was a mistake on the web site---very disappointed in CVS
I called customer service this morning. I bought 3 packs yesterday. Gave her all the info from the receipt, and she said within 48 hours, $15 ECB's will print out on my next receipt.
My experience here in Buffalo, NY. Went to CVS this Monday morning around 10:45AM. Took the printout with me and showed it to the manager. The manager said he thought it was a fraud but offered to call the 1-800 customer service line. The man he spoke with at cust. service said the deal IS LEGITIMATE and they were just having problems with it working. He told the store manager customers should get $5 in ECB's for every pack, limit 3. So they rang my 3 packs through and I left with $15 ECB's. Good luck everyone!! The deal is real!
went to CVS this am and got the diapers and the assistant mgr was great and just took $5 off each pack!! Awesome Deal.
I purchased the Pampers @ 8.99 and the $5 EB didn't print. Where exactly is this advertised online. I clicked the link but didn't see the $5 EB advertised.
I went this morning and did not get my ecb's back on my pampers. When I called the manager she said to bring in the print out in. Where is the page that I need to print out. When I click onto the underlined wording in your post it just brings me to CVS site that says pampers but nothing else. Can someone please help? Thanks!
Ok I see the comment about calling CS if the EB didn't print. I will try that as the cashier was not aware of the deal.
so sad this isn't working! needed some! thanks everyone for posting your findings!
I called the CVS Customer # 1-888-
607-4287 and I was told this was not a valid promotion and they were not allowed to honor it or give me the $5 ecb's. OK??? what is going on???
I do not have a print out anymore and it looks like they removed the statement of $5 ECB from the ad- however it may sound crazy but I did take a picture of the ad when I could not get my printer to work-
if anyone needs the pic to get their ecb let me know...I can email it:)
Called CS and had to speak to a supervisor who said she would send the request to corporate and see if they would honor the $5 ECB. If I don't hear from them today then the ECB will print within 48 hrs.
MJ, can you please e-mail me a copy of the print out to karlton5@juno.com
I called the customer service number and they will have the ecb print out after 48 hours!! yeah
I went to CVS today (6/8) and the jumbo size was not on sale- reg. price of $12.99. When I click on the link, it shows the $8.99 sale price, but doesn't say anything about the ECB. Do you think they removed it from their site? I was going to print it out and take it into the store, but now I'm not sure if the promo is still taking place.
MJ can you please send me the picture of the ad I need it to get the deal!! Thanks!!
Can you please e-mail a copy of the printout?
Thanks so much!
i will email the pic to you guys later tonight or tomorrow- my camera is in garage....
MJ, can you email me the pic also. Thank you very much. rundio4@gmail.com
emailing pic now- let me know how it works out...I hope CVS honors it...I hope they bring the offer back- I only got one package of diapers :(
the ad was thru 06/13
Can you please send it to me too? Thanks
Can you please send it to me too? Thanks
Can you please email it to me too???
Okay, so I just totally typed my email incorrectly...sorry, it's late, and I've been dealing with potty training all day. My email is kennedy228813@bellsouth.net
Sorry!! Thanks so much for your help!!
Do you mind sending it to me as well? loridonaldson@earthlink.net
I have been to CVS three times and each time I was allowed to purchase 3. I had no issues at one store; the manager just manunally printed out $5 ECB for each pack of Pampers. However, I went to another store today and the manager was not very friendly. He wasn't even going to accept it until I told him the other store was honoring it. He then told me the register would only allow him to give me 1 $5 ECB for the entire purcahse! I called their C.S. department and they are going to put $10 ECB on my ECB card. I was just told I needed to bring in a printout of the ad.
I have a copy of the screenshot. Email me tweetie90@hotmail.com if you want me to email it to you.
I went tonight and bought the pampers and what I received is a Save $5 on a purchase of $15 or more and it's only valid for 3 days. It's an extracare/coupon...not as good of a deal as extra care bucks. I'm a Minnesota resident.
I went in and purchased a package and the ECB did not print out. Does anyone know where I would go to get them?
I went into a CVS and purchased the diapers and the ECB did not print out at the end of my receipt.
Does anyone know what I will have to do to get them?
Would anyone be willing to email the ad to me? I'd like to try getting the diapers, but don't have the original ad to bring in with me. My address is: ajandmichelle@att.net - thanks!
they have a copy of the ad on iheartcvs.com., and also iheartwags.com..hope that helps someone..
No problem here in Michigan- yeah! They were wonderful! I have SOOOOO many packs of diapers now for CHEAP! I had some coupons too which made it even better. They just gave me gift cards since the ECB didn't print out and then separated all my transactions so I could use them on each set of diapers. What an amazing deal- thank you so much for sharing this! Gotta love diaper deals! :)
Thanks for the info on where to find the ad!!!!
Thanks to samea, I printed the ad from iheartcvs.com and took it, along with my coupons, today to my CVS. Just as expected, the ECBs did not print, but the manager manually printed them right away. I got 2 packs of Easy Ups for $2 each. This is the reason I am a loyal CVS shopper!!!
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