New York & Company is offering up a hot coupon valid thru 6/7: Save $30 on any $75 purchase! You can also get this discount online by using promotion code 2476 at checkout.
FYI: NY&C does this all the time. I'm on their email list and it seems like every week they either have this deal or have another awesome deal. It pays to be on mailing lists!
I've gotten some totally sweet deals by pairing this with their clearance racks.
New York and Co also does AAA discounts and military discounts. Each 15% off. I've been able to pair it with the coupon. Definitely get on their mailing list. Seems about once a quarter they up the coupon to $40 off $75 purchase.
Thanks for the post, will use this when I take my 15 year old daughter shopping for her 16th birthday.
FYI: NY&C does this all the time. I'm on their email list and it seems like every week they either have this deal or have another awesome deal. It pays to be on mailing lists!
I've gotten some totally sweet deals by pairing this with their clearance racks.
In addition, is giving 5% for New York & Company AND Free Shipping!! I'm going shopping. Yay! THanks for the deal.
New York and Co also does AAA discounts and military discounts. Each 15% off. I've been able to pair it with the coupon. Definitely get on their mailing list. Seems about once a quarter they up the coupon to $40 off $75 purchase.
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