Coupon Locations Recap:
$75 off $100
Drag marshmallow from the stick and place it on the fishing hook, then wait for the fish to pop up in the background and catch him by clicking on the fishing pole.
$50 off $100
Wait for the fish to pop up in the background and catch him by clicking on the hook (not the fishing pole).
$20 off $100
Scratch the s'more on the girls t-shirt who is standing by the dog. This takes a little while.
$15 off $75
Watch the movie and click on Heather's Leg in the dumpster.
$5 off $50
Click on the girls pink flashlight.
For more Old Navy Deals and Old Navy Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
Hi Hip2Save. I hope you will continue this post even after the unpleasantness last night. Thanks for all you do.
It refreshed at 8AM EST
Waste of a night! ARGH!
im so glad i didnt wait up!
Any luck on the 10/50 one? That one wouldn't be bad with all the deals right now!
To answer your questions. The coupons reset around 8 am EST. No high value coupons left at 8:06 am when I went on.
Totally agree, a waste of Sunday day and night for me, stayed in all day and up til 2:30am EST.
Was hoping this week it would be my week!!! Hopefully they will reset Thursday as most people are saying their coupons expire then.
At what point in the video is Heather's leg in the dumpster?
I went to bed at 1 a.m. and got on here at 7 a.m.I went fishing and caught nothing.lol I did get the 5/50.Hoping they will reset again.
how many 75 coupons did they have ?
I'm so disgusted!!! I stayed up all night for the website to refresh at 8am when I was dropping the kids off. So unfair...I think I will boycott Old Navy for a while.
boycotting on wont solve anything. just try next week. :/
Wow. I stayed up until 1:30am PST and am so glad I finally went to bed. Looks like they did it on Hawaii time :) What is that all about?!?!
I'm still gonna keep an eye out this week and see if I can snag one!
Was anyone able to get a high value one? How did the Facebook sharing go?
I am totally bummed. I stayed up way too late and felt way too obsessed, so I went to bed. So bummed when I awoke and had missed all the fun.
I feel bad for the troopers that hung in there and stayed up late! I just can't get into this whole Old Navy thing because I have yet to get anything out of it, lol!
SOOO Disappointed in ON last night. When it was no longer Sunday it was the last straw for me. I mean when they tell you, "update on Sunday," it should have been Sunday somewhere...even Hawaii.
I went ahead and emailed a friend the $20 off $100.
I stayed up till three. Definitely a waste but I'm glad someone was able to get some high value coupons!
Trish I was right there with you lastnight and you were so hilarious! I loved it! You have great humor!
I finally caught the fish and by then all the coupons were gone...I don't think I'm ever gonna get lucky enough to get the 75 of 100 coupon!! Did anyone have any luck?
How do you get the 10 off of 50?
The places they hide the coupons are so funny. I wonder how people find them so quickly!
Thanks for sharing how to get them, now I just need to wait for a reset.
Dang it! I left my laptop on all night next to my bed. Apparently that program that is supposed to refresh the page every minute or so stopped working in the night (since it had been working before I went to bed)! Grr!
I got one of the 50 off 100 and entered my name and email. I did not realize you had to make a coupon to get it emailed to you. I just thought by putting my info in it would email the coupon to me.
DOES ANYBODY KNOW HOW MANY 75 COUPONS THEY RELEASED TOTAL ????????????????????????????????????????????
I saw on that Chatango site that it was 177. I don't know how accurate that site is but I did get a lot of other reliable info from it.
I stayed up till 4am ....then checked on 6am...then missed!!
Is everyone else getting the page that shows they are working on the site? I wanted to try and practice but it's not up.
It reset at 8am this morning and I was able to grab the 50 off 100 coupon! So excited!
Hi Hip2Save. It refreshed close to 8am this morning. I got the 50/100q. Once you hook the fish, you can try again with the marshmallow. :(
I wasn't able to stay up that late. I gave up and tried to be content with my 97% savings from my K-Mart trips :) If anyone has one of the 50/100 or 75/100 that they won't use, my boys are desperate for new swim suits. Maybe we can trade for Wags RR or something? amichaelis @ juno.com (no spaces). Thanks!!
anyone have a 50/100 or 75/100 they wanna share, i have 10 amazon e gift card and 10 babies r us gift cert willing to give up...
please, i would love to buy my son some new clothes
Stayed up until 5am!!!! Such a waste...now Im sitting at work like a zombie.. Of course they post when Im on my way to work...
I will say, I definitely enjoyed all the company... You guys are what kept me going last night. BTW: Thanks to Shopping Frugal for some good advice, as well as Tiffany.
I too stayed up until 5am EST, then check at 630 when I woke up. Then again at 810 and they were all gone!
If anyone has extras and wants to share.
I would appreciate it!
Stayed up til 5am in and out of sleep til 7. Had to get baby and myself ready for work and of course missed it. I want my sleep back ON!
thanks for all the tips guys i got a 20/100...all we can do is try next again next time and remember it's meant to be fun...you'll never get the big ones if you're trying to be greedy and i think it's good that they switch up the times to give others a try at it. i'm from hawaii so if ON was trying to give the locals a chance at it good for them!
I noticed the coupons are only good until thursday, think they will be resetting again on thursday? Or do you think they may reset even earlier than that?
Was only able to get $5 off $50.
Like I said before if you have extra and want to share!
arrgh, that's frustrating. I stayed up until 1 am PST and then my sick baby was up like every 30 minutes from 2 on, so I got like 3 hours of broken up sleep! I curse you ON! lol!
So much for staying up until 3am EST. I'm just glad I wasn't determined enough to stay up any later. It's been so frustrating for the last several weeks even when I had a hunch what to do right away, but by the time my hand eye coordination kicked in the coupons were gone in a poof.
Congratulations to those that were able to snag the great coupons!
well, it's noon florida time and I just got the 20/100 coupon! So that one is still out there I guess. Best of luck to all
I just realized that ON reset at midnight HAWAII time!!! That would be 6am est. That's just not right:-)
Do you think they will reset???? I dont see any 75 off on ebay this week that is so strange.
I would love a 50 off if any one has a extra chorchner@yahoo.com THANKS!
Does anyone know how to get the $10 off $50?
Some people are having problems with Heathers leggs in the dumpsters not working. Click on the pic when the video is 1 min 6 seconds in and it will also give you the $15 off $75 purchase.
Thanks for posting the coupons for us! If I had to hunt for them all myself, the week would be up before I found them. :)
How sad is it that I miss the plain-vanilla 15% off or 20% off coupons? DS is the only person who wears a lot of Old Navy, so I can't really use the $75 and $100 minimum coupons (if I were ever fast enough to get one). It took over an hour last week to find enough to hit $50 for the 30% coupon. I would have loved to use it on some jeans for me, but nothing at ON fits me the right way.
Are they going to release the 75 Dollar coupons again during the week or that was it for this week ???????
I was up until 3:30...as much as I have come to like ya'll...I WON'T be doing that again. I am draggin so badly today! Ugh
I have a $100 MACY's giftcard that i'll trade for one of the 75 off 100 coupons. Hey, it'd be a $25 profit for you. maddy.dennis@gmaildotcom
I'm never able to stay up all night like most since I have to be at work in the mornings, but I woke up this morning at 7AM Central and figured I would see if there were any left and it had apparently JUST reset!!!
I got a 50/100 and didn't see the 75/100 on the scroller so went ahead and printed my $50 then found out there was a $75 but they were already all gone...
I am very happy they reset in the morning for those of us who can't stay up so late. :) I've been trying since the very first week and haven't been able to get anything till today. :)
Christi - I agree with you! I miss the the 15%, 20% and so on coupons too. I don't need a TON of stuff, just a little bit of savings would be fun :) Remember the good old days when they even had 40% and 50% off one item??? Sigh....
Well at least I still have the six flags tickets that I won. LOL
Anyone notice that they expire on Thursday??? Maybe that means they'll go back to resetting on Thursdays?? We can hope...
For some reason most of the coupons will not work for me. The only ones that will are the $75 off of $100 which are long gone LOL and the $5 off of $50 which do not interest me. I guess it is regional again like the blue polo thing last week. The 20 off 100 is still active but it simply won't work.I've clicked that stupid shirt too many times now and waited way too long for nothing to happen. I can't get anything to happen when I click on heathers legs in the dumpster either for the $15 off of $75. So what gives????? Oh well maybe next week...?
Yea I was called to bed about 1am but the conversation was fun so I stayed up to entertain the masses and keep everyone awake...but come 3:30am I was beyond done!
I got a 15 off 75, in the beginning of the video I clicked on a yellow star- and it popped up.
I tried to email a 20 off 100, but it wouldn't work?
Is there a way to share with a friend, without doing the Facebook process?
I was able to snag one of the $50 coupons. Thanks for all of the heads ups!!!!
i got one of the 20 off of a 100 ones.. whoever emails me first can have it.
Has anyone noticed any resets? My counter doesn't even show a 75/100 one...even to say it is all gone.
While this can get frustrating (or at least tiring!) I am glad ON does and glad that they shake it up every week! I always get excited for a new online adventure!
Maddy, at all interested in selling that card of trading it for Gymbucks? If I get ahold of a 75 off, I will let you know....send me your email. Big tim interested in the Macy's card
On the girls shirt you have to click on the girls shirt and hold the button down while "scratching" it - just go up and down on the smore on her shirt. It takes about 20 or so seconds.
I hope you continue to post on the Old Navy Weekly coupon! I was up early this morning (thanks to a very loud thunderstorm) at 5 am cst, it had not reset then. But I did get on a 7 am cst and was able to snag a $15 off $75. My best coupon score to date!
P.S. Last week on Old Navy's FB page, someone posted a link to your site to find the locations of the coupons. Which could be the reason for the negative comments last week.
Thanks for all your hard work on posting the great savings!
Anyone have any extra 50 or 75 coupons I would LOVE one. I had class this morning and could not miss it. Thanks so much!!!!
there is another 15 of 75 in the video when 'kelly' has a headshot show up.
when you go to send to friend, though, you have to do it thru facebook and everyone i tried to send it to, the msg said 'that person is not available, try again later'
odd, but fun anywa
Had to baby sit the 3 little ones today so left at 1 PST.
If anyone has an extra $50 coupon could really use it.
Thanks (Carole)
Right now the ON site has the notice up that they are hiding more coupons for the week and to check back later. Does this mean they are about to be reset?
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