If you have a Facebook account you can score a yummy freebie! Starbucks is offering up a coupon for a FREE Pint of Starbucks Ice Cream! The coupon will be sent via the US mail. You'll need to first go on over here and sign into your account. After doing so, go here and click "Share Now". You will then be able to fill in your mailing info.
Please note that they are ONLY giving out 800 coupons an hour-- which means that you may have to try back later. Also, if you reside in these state you can not request the coupon: Colorado, Louisiana or Tennessee
(Thanks, Carol!)
thanks...got one coming... with the heat in the 100s lately it will sure taste good
I had one of these coupons already (from a Starbucks card appreciation mailer) and I was able to use it with this week's WAGs BOGO deal. We got two pints for free!
i went there...don't see how to get a coupon...can someone help?
I only got a $1/1 coupon
try again at the Top of the hour
Only 800 coupons an hour, so try again at the top of the hour.
Just got mine :)
Does anyone know if you can do it again next hour or next day if you've already gotten one. I'd like to send one to a different friend, too.
Got one! Thanks!
Thank you Collin! I love Starbucks Ice Cream :) Whish everyone luck to get a treat.
Will be back at 12:00!
I mean wish ....not whish :(
Ha.ha. Sorry
So is it every hour? cause I just tried it at one minute past the hour, and it didn't work.. tried it agian at 3 minutes after.. still doesn't work.
They probably go super fast since there are only 800. Hope you get one next hour. I cannot check at each hour. Oh well!
No coupons for me in Colorado. :( But my Walmart has Starbucks ice cream for $2.50 and I've been using my $2 and $1 coupons to buy it cheap, so I guess I can't feel too sorry for myself!
hey got me one!! Thanks! You have to click exactly when the time turns 12:00 pm. so sit patiently i guess and get ready to click and have your eyes glued to the time in your comp. ;)
I had to wait for on the hour and just got mine. Yipee.
mine said
Use of application "Share a Pint of New Starbucks® Ice Cream" has been restricted
We're sorry, but this application is not available to you. Please visit the Application Directory to find other applications
is this normal when not doign it on the hour?
I was able to do two at once by clicking on them simultaneously in two tabs. I don't know if I can come back next hour though.
I think I got one.
are these mailed to your home or do you have to print them?
the ice creams were gone at 12:00:02...i swear 800 clicks in 2 seconds...I may be exaggerating but it what it seems like....some fierce competition for ice cream!!
LIMIT ONE FREE PINT COUPON PER HOUSEHOLD ADDRESS. If Recipient’s address is a Post Office Box or commercial address or it contains an invalid, undeliverable or non-United States mailing address or an incomplete address or if any Recipient address is deemed invalid, based on these Terms & Conditions it will be rejected and will not be honored or acknowledged. Notification of same will not be sent to Sender or Recipient. Duplicate attempts to send a Free Pint Coupon to the same Recipient or household address (whether or not sent by the same Sender) will not be honored or acknowledged.
The Sender may only send one (1) Free Pint Coupon during the entire Promotion Period.
Please allow two (2) to four (4) weeks for the Recipient to receive the Free Pint Coupon at the address the Sender provided on the Application.
Drats. Clicked at exactly top of hour..nothing...Guess I'll try again next hour.
Am I doing it right? Clicking the second the clock hit new hour?
Finally got one. Third time is a charm! Anonymous - you are doing it right! They just go SO fast! Hope you get one!
the first time i tried it i got Use of application "Share a Pint of New Starbucks® Ice Cream" has been restricted then i log on my facebook account then i tried next hour and got one
I was able to get one. They go live 1 min before the top of the hour.
At about 1 minute till the hour, do I just keep hitting refresh?
I guess its one per person period. I'm not sure how to get 2. Anyone know?
It says one per address so if you have a relative that doesn't mind receiving coupons/samples, you can use theirs. =) I tried a few times last night and got mine at 9EST this morning!!!
Do you need to have 2 Facebook logins? Sorry...I was just wondering because I got one last night after I logged into my Facebook account then opened the link to theirs. It let me fill in all the info and said it was on its way. Then this morning I logged into my Facebook again and tried to score another for my mom in law an it said "Sorry you already shared"
What did I do wrong?
Hey Anonymous
yes you have to have another facebook account to get it for your mom. Apparently they already know your account has used the application giveaway already.
I got one today 7/09 at 9:04am!!! YUM -- Thanks!!!!!!
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