Wow! Coupons.com just released 2 awesome new coupons! I am super excited about these 2 coupons!!! Why? Well, these type of coupons do NOT come along often, so make sure to print them now! I'm guessing the limit will be reached really quickly on these... so hurry!
Get a FREE half gallon of Chocolate Milk with the purchase of White Gallon This coupon is up to a $3.79 value!
Get a FREE White Milk Gallon with $100 Grocery Purchase
This coupon can be used before ANY manufacturer coupons, so make sure to hand this over first when checking out. This coupon is up to a $4 value!
UPDATE: If you don't see the milk coupons, then try zip code: 63090 (Thanks, CM!)
Now do you understand my excitement?
i dont see it, is there a specific zip code?
no coupons for me either
Need the right zip code. Can't see it.
That's strange because I found the coupon without even putting in a zip code.
Yes, please post a working zip as I am not finding these coupons as well. Thanks :)
Try deleting the zip code and see if that works.
When I leave the zip code box blank the coupons are available, but when I add in a zip code the coupons dissapear.
I tried deleting and putting in various zip codes across the country (WA DC, IL, AR) -- it's not showing up here either.
Same here, deleted the zip code and used many different zip codes, still no coupons
I don't have a zip entered and it is not showing. Oh well maybe it is just a hit and miss on this one. Thanks anyways!
Is anyone able to see the coupons besides myself? I promise I'm not crazy!:)
I already tried deleting the zip, still not showing up.
I was able to find the coupons. It took a minute, though. I had to go through the link you provided a second time and then I left the zip code box blank. The 2 milk coupons were on the second page for me. Hope this helps someone.
Not seeing it? Tried 5 different zips. Is it another state specific coupon, if someone has printed it?
Try Utah & Idaho zipcodes: 84635, 83631
Hey guys, I figured it out. Delete the zip code and then search. If you don't see the coupon (I didnt't) close coupons.com, then go back through the link Hip2Save provides and you should see the coupon. For some reason that worked.
The Utah and Idaho Zip codes do have milk coupons for their areas, BUT those are NOT the coupons I'm talking about.
still nothing
I did exactly what anon said, and it's still not working:(
I reset my browser and cleared my cache and when I go to coupons.com it asks me for a zip code, I tell it "NO THANKS" -- looked through every page -- STILL nothing. VERY bummed! With a 1 and 3 year old, I go through 3-4 gallons a week! :P
Ya, I tried the other 2 previously mentioned zips and get hte 75 cents off coupon, but still can't find the other 2. Have tried deleting the zip, closing, then going thru the link provided, but nothing.
I tried without a zip code, with my zip code, and with other zip codes. Still nothing.
I can't get it either! This would have been nice because we go through a lot of milk in our house. Hopefully I can find it somehow.
Tried signing in, but it doesn't seem to make any difference.
I also got the .75 milk coupon but nothing else. I cleared the zip, opened it through your link, opened it and closed it again. This is so strange.
Anyone want mine, they are only good in ID and UT and I am in Florida. I have two of each up for grabs, email me at wendyoliverio@verizon.net
I tried everything too - Publix will take the $ .75 off!
I just want to make this clear, so there is no confusion. The coupons I'm talking about are NOT just for Idaho and Utah. They are different milk coupons and can be used all over.
I found both coupons. I didn't type in any zip code and clicked on the food category to search.
Thanks, hip!
I don't have it either....too bad...would have been a great coupon.
Didn't see any, tried different zips and no zip, still nothing.
Thanks for the post!
Try clicking the second link - the one for the chocolate milk - then when you get to coupons.com clear the zip code in the box and click the right arrow next to it. The first time I went to coupons.com it wasn't there then I went again through the second link, cleared the zip code, searched, and there it was.
Can't find it either!!
Keep trying!!!
I just did exactly what mathmomof2 did and I was able to print the coupons!!!!!
This exact thing happened to me a few weeks ago with the high value softsoap coupons. It took the better part of a day for someone to luck into a zip code and email it to me. Rest assured, the coupon has not vanished. Someone will stumble upon it and then it will be posted!
mathmomof2, did you clear your cookies, and if yes, at what point?
opened up a seperate browser and used 84635 and found 75 cents off milk and $1 off cheese. Printed them and now the print limit is reached. Never found the others.
Thanks Anon! Just used 84635 and got the 75 cents milk and $1 cheese!
I think that COupons.com saves your zips. If I clear my zip, my coupons don't change. I have cleared cookies & all. What zip are the people in that found the milk coupons that Hip mentioned in the original post? (not the utah & idaho ones)
Use zip 63090
Thanks, Hip, for the post, and thanks to Penny, a commenter on Amy's (in Orlando) blog for the zip.
If you read the fine print, the ones with the 84635 zip are the ones that are only valid in ID & UT. I'm not able to get the ones Hip is talking about to print either.
I totally believe you (although I didn't see the coupon)! The past two months (May and June), I've found "odd" things to happen with coupons dot com a few days at the end of the month. Last month I found and printed Dole canned fruit coupons that were only there for a blink of an eye (and they didn't subsequently end up in a print limit reached category either..it's as if they didn't ever exist).
YEAH!!!!!! Thanks CM! I was able to print it as well -- zip: 63090.
I'm going to have one very happy 3 year old (who only drinks chocolate milk!) :)
Yeah Success!!!! 63090 This zip works. Thanks CM & Hip. I was able to print 2!!!
Thanks CM! 63090 zip worked for me too.
I used zip code 63090 and was able to print each coupon 2x, thanks for the post.
ip 63090 is working! Just printed my coupons! WOOHOO!
Got mine by using zip 63090.
yay! I had to clear the zip, close my browser, open it back up and use 63090 and I found them - thanks CM - thanks HIP2SAVE!!!
i used 63090 and i got them!! i have to growing boys who are milk junkies very excited to get these!
well i look foward to all the goodies u tell us about ..but un fortunately i couldnt find this one..Do i need to use a certain area code?Help i want free milk too
63090 worked for me too!
Thank you!
Yes, I just printed using that zipcode...if you print them today, they expire on 8-13-09. Don't know if the coupon will always print that date or if I wait another day or two, will it print a few days later? (I'm thinking of spreading out the milk...)
The milk coupons only work for certain zips. I am in VA, and can't use the coupons! :(
Got them! Thanks sooooo much!
Ellen, I wouldn't wait to print these out. They often go very fast.
Thank you very much and also a thank you to those that posted 63090 because that is the only way I found the coupons even after, clicking link which never works for me, clearing cookies, closing site, clearing zip and trying IE instead of FF. lol
You are not crazy. I got mine also..thanks to you for posting and to CM for the zip code...very much appreciated:)
Hi, this is a little off topic, but someone mentioned about the high value softsoap/irish spring coupon. Is it still around? I typed in the zip Collin said on her previous post but can't find it now.
Bingo! Zip code 63090 worked like a charm. Printed 'em twice. Thanks!
Thank you so much.I got the coupon.
There is also a coupon for $0.75 off any white milk.Can we use that with this free chocolate milk and have more fun?
Try zip 84060 for 0.75 off any 1 gallon milk.
Yes, these are definitely not the ones good only in UT and ID ones. These say they're good in the USA except Alaska and Hawaii.
Thanks H2S!
Thank you Collin for the tip and CM for the zip! Great find!
wow thanks so much! I go through alot of milk with my two little boys!
I was able to print one FREE white milk gallon w/$100 purchase and one FREE half gallon chocolate milk w/white milk purchase. I will not be spending $100 on groceries at one visit in the next two weeks if anyone would like them. e-mail me at tarbabykel@gmail.com (I'm in NC)
YES! The zip code 63090 works!!! HOORAY!!!
I printed two sets with no problem! Thanks! Kim
I had to use the 63090 zip code, too but the coupons do not limit purchase to certain areas like the other milk/cheese/yogurt coupons do. I chose Foods and they were on thr 4th page for me. I almost gave up! =)
thank-you so much Hip2Save, great coupon and I was able to get it with 63090!
got mine, they came right up when using the zip code you provided.
I was able to print 2 of each!! Thanks! But, there is NO WAY I will be able to spend $200 in groceries in the next 2 weeks to use both of the free gallon coupons. If anyone wants one, please email me and I will mail it to you.
Try zip 84060 for 0.75 off any 1 gallon milk. Tried this and fine print says only in ID and UT. :(
Must be my new printer..its soo slow! I always have trouble getting a second one to print when I hit Back button. Got one though! Thanks a bunch Collin!
I was able to find both coupons (on Page 2, I think) when I went back the 2nd time and entered the zip code Hip2Save posted. Thank you so much!!! Hope others are able to find it, too.
I'm going to take a milk bath.
i was able to find both coupons, but they said redeem at publix when i print them out. it still says it's a manufacturer coupon, can i redeem at walmart?
63090 Rocks!!!Got them both gonna need them badly next week. Thanks to all who worked so hard to get these and inform us. I got here late so I missed all the drama and just printed. You know that's fun right?
wahoo! I was on earlier today and never could see them but thanks to the update with Zip I just printed them! yay! thanks everyone!
Yeah I got mine! I'm hoping to use a Meijer coupon for a free gallon of white milk along with the free 1/2 gallon of chocolate milk...
Had no problem. Entered Zip provided, searched through foods, found it 3 pages in, and printed. My only question: What brand does it apply to?
I have never used a milk coupon before. Are these good anywhere on any 1 gallon milk? It doesn't say a certain state or store. This would be so cool because we go through a zillion gallons a week...got milk? oh yes...
Should be good any where that takes qs. I used some awhile back with no label, you should be able to choose your brand too :-)
Thank you so much for these coupons it worked with the 63090 zip and I was able to email 4 friends so this was a great find.Thank you sooooooooo much for sharing.
Jeremy & Mariss, what zip code did you use for the Publix milk coupons? I want those too! Thanks!
I tried to use my coupon at Kroger, and they wouldn't take it...for some strange reason. Are these coupons only accepted in certain states?
I used the free chocolate milk coupon yesterday at Wal-Mart. When the cashier scanned the coupon it took $3.75 off my order. The milk was only $1.58. A $2.17 money maker!!!
has anyone else had problems with the milk coupon? I'm going today to try my luck. I've never used a milk coupon so we'll just have to see!
Just a question..Does the 1/2 gallon chocolate milk have to look like the coupon? My Walmart just has different brands of 1/2 gallon cartons..not the plastic jugs.
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