Two new CVS finds:
CVS has the Single Cups of Honey Nut Cheerios on sale for just $1. Pair with the $1 coupon from here: IE or Firefox (does not have a size specified) to get each cup FREE! (Thanks, AThriftyMom!)
The CVS FREE Photo book limit is actually a limit of 5! Yay! I would definitely make sure to get 5 of these... I mean really, you can't beat FREE! Stock up on Christmas presents early or get an unexpected gift for the grandparents! There are lots of ways to make use of this great photo book deal. If you've never made a photo book at CVS before, then definitely check out Nicole's post with lots of details and pictures on how exactly to go about making the book! (Thanks, Anu!)
For more CVS Deals and CVS Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
Can you make all 5 at once and buy them all in one transaction and have each ecb print out 5 different times or do you have to do 5 different transactions.
If you do it all at once you will get one ECB for 7.99x5= ?
If you do them all seperate you will get 5 ECBs for $7.99 each. I personally like having the smaller ECBs.
Collin, do you know if you can create these online and then pick up in the store?
If you want to do them in separate transactions, can you make the book on the kiosk just once and then save it somehow? Or do you have to make the book from scratch each time? (Supposing you want more than one copy of the same book to share as gifts.)
The CVS photo books are great!
I'm pretty sure you have to create these in the store. I would read the post I linked to. She has a detailed explanation about how to go about making the photo books.
No you can't make it online. I asked when I was in the store yesterday. Would save a lot of time if we could do it online. But still a great deal so no complaints from me :-)
Has anyone actually made more than one? I just want to make sure before I make mulitples! Thanks
My coupon for the honey nut say one dollar off two??? Does anyone have this problem?
I love the photo books! Too bad CA isn't included in this deal! :(
mine say $1 off 2 also
i had two coupons print out. 1.00 of and then a dollar off two boxes.
I asked the clerk at CVS and was told you can only get one for free like it says in the ad. However you can get up to 5 at the 7.99 price. Normally they cost 12.99.
at my CVS in Algonquin IL there was a sign up that said you can get up to 10 books for $7.99 with a $7.99 RR for each book.
I just made mine and the lady at the photo counter was soooo helpful! You have to do it in 5 separate transactions and then roll the ECB's so you only pay for the first one and the other 4 are free. Plus you still end up with $7.99ECB to use on something else. Pretty sweet deal!
I had 2 of the Cheerios coupons print out also. I used 5 of the $1 off 1 coupons and got 5 cups for free!! I am going to attempt the photo books tomorrow. Hoping it will go smoothly!
I got this $4 off $20 coupon in my Inbox. Not sure if others could use it but if you need one, it's worth a shot.
I was kind of disappointed in the photo books. The photos turned out so very dark. And they just printed the pages on photos paper.
They were free...so should I complain. :)
BTW, I made one photo book, ordered two of them in one transaction and 15.98 in ECB printed.
I was pleased with the photo books. They are hardcover and I was able to get 5 which is just enough for all of the grandparents and great-grandparents that will be attending my daughter's 1st birthday party! The photo clerk was unaware of the limit of 5, so we just did one at a time to be save. The receipt will print out saying you have a quantity of 1 to complete this reward and will do so until you reach your limit of 5. I spent about an hour and a half editing my photos and burning to 5 CDs so I could "select all photos" and save time. I then spent about an hour and 45 minutes at the store and was grateful hubby came home from work early and stayed with the baby!! It was a learning process; don't forget you can add/manipulate text! Also, my CVS has a "Wheel of Photo" that you get to spin for prizes when you purchase a photo book. I won 2 FREE photo books ( 1 was on the line and they let me have it!), a 2.00 off coupon and a 1.50 off coupon, so I ended up making nearly $18 on this deal after taxes were taken into account!!! Sorry this is so long, but hopefully this will help someone!
Question, what happens if you return an item that you were given an ECB for?
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