Wahoo! Guess what?!
The FREE 2 year subscription to Shape Magazine is available again! This is through Rewards Gold. Just go on over here, fill out the survey and then your mailing info. Allow 8-10 weeks to receive your first issue.
Hurry, these always seems to go quickly!
**Don't forget that if you already have a subscription, you can call the magazines customer service line and ask them to combine and extend the subscription you currently have.
Just curious...at the end of the 2 years, do you have to call the magazine up and cancel or they will send you a bill? Is it a hassle to deal with free magazine subscriptions?
Cannot wait for this subscription to arrive. I tried last time, but haven't received anything. Here's hoping!
To Mary - I've done several free subscriptions with this company . . . whenever the subscription ends, they send you a discounted 'resubscribe' offer, but I always ignore it, and I've never been billed - they just stop sending them when the subscription is up. There's always plenty of free magazines to keep my busy though!
Cool! I signed up! Thanks!
Tawanda - I finally got mine in the mail last week.
I ordered this one along with the Muscle Fitness mag offered a while back and have not received either one. Do you actually have to be a member to get the samples? I took both surveys and it then directed me to the shipping info and ....nothing. Keeping my fingers crossed forthis again. Lots of baby weight to lose :)
I signed up for this last time Hip posted about it, and I received my first issue in the mail last Friday! Love free mags!
just got mine from the last time I signed up. So it works.
How do I call them? What do I say to extend my subscription with this number? I can't find a # on their site!
I just received my magazine from the first time this was offered! HORAY!!
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