A few Freebies for today:
If you like crafts, then you'll definitely want to Sign up for the FaveCrafts newsletter! By signing up you'll receive a FREE ebook of 60 low-cost craft projects!
Sign up for the Stories from the Golden Age newsletter and get a FREE collector's edition bookmark set- NO purchase required! Just go on over here and scroll down until you see the FREE Bookmark set form, then just fill in your info.
Request a FREE Night-Time Renewal Kit from Tempurpedic! This kit comes with a DVD, Tempur material, 3-Month In-Home Tryout Certificate and more!
Are you a new mom or do you know a close friend or family member that just had a baby? If so, you'll definitely want to sign up for these great freebies! Get a FREE gift certificate to take to your baby doctor's office and receive a FREE Enfamil Lipil breastfeeding support kit. You can also go on over here and get a FREE sample of Enfamil Baby Formula!
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The book mark one is a spam scam, and so is the craft one :(
The bookmark and the craft ebook is NOT scam. Please do not state that until you have all your facts straight!
I just downloaded the free craft ebook and it actually has some great ideas inside. Also the bookmark site is not a spam site. They actually have a book delivery program that is legit and I'm pretty sure the bookmarks will come too! Hey and for FREE it's worth the risk to see.
I don't think the bookmark is a spam, but it does seem to be related to the Church of Scientology (the Golden Age books are by L Ron Hubbard, founder of that movement). Some readers might want to be aware that their information is being given to this religious organization.
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