Snag your FREE chocolate today! Go on over here to enter and if you're one of the first 200,000, then a FREE candy bar coupon will be mailed to you.
Other Fun Sweepstakes & Give-Aways to Enter:
Pace is giving 160,000 first price winners a coupon for a FREE Pace product, with a maximum value of $4! The odds of winning seem better then most sweepstakes. If you win you'll be able to print your coupon right away too. Remember to press the browser back button to print a total of two FREE coupons (possibly more)!
Wanna try?!?
Just go on over here and register or log in to play. If you need a code you can use SAL321.
Ashley, from ShoppingFrugal, emailed me about this fun instant win game! The Honey Nut Cheerios Sweet Rewards Give-Away will have a new $5 gift card winner every 10 minutes, 100 winner's a day! They will be giving away a total of 40, 608 $5 Gift Cards between June 1st-March 9, 2010! Wow!
Just go on over here and register to play. You will need to enter a cash code found on specially-marked packages of Honey Nut Cheerios or if you don't have your own code, use this free code: K30FR-H4F3H-7720 .
You may enter a code up to ten times per day. You may use the same code more than once too! The best part--you can win up to 10 time during the promotional period! That's a total of $50 in FREE money you could win!
Good Luck!!!
I just won the Pace $4 coupon. Thanks!!!
Every week I sign up for the free chocolate coupons. I received my coupons from the first weeks of signing up, but have not received any since the begining of June. Anyone else not recieve their coupons?
I won the Pace coupon finally the other day and got awesome deals at Target! I also have won the Cheerios game two times! Don't forget to play the Oprah Summer Sweepstakes game on her website and also the restaurant Johnny Carinos has a fun game you can play on their website too for free food and prizes.
I finally won the Pace coupon!!
Dawn - I have not received anymore candy bar coupons for quite a while either. I am thinking their system shows that we have received the maximum 4 coupons per household already...
Kellogs has a nice promotion where you donate $5 to Feed america and you receive $5 in kellogs coupons which would go nicely with the rebate.
You can only get 4 chocolate coupons per household. I've won the Pace game 3 times and the honeynut game three times! Fun!
I keep getting emails asking how I liked the chocolate I got from my free coupons, but have not received ONE coupon yet???
I thought it was 4 coupons per household per week. Oh well!
It's weird though, because they always send me the email a few days later saying that I will be getting the coupon in the mail.
I haven't received the chocolate lately either. I thought you get it each week.
I checked the mars website and it is 4 coupons per household for the whole promotion, not just per week :(
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