Well, Kmart has the Pictureka card game priced at just $5.99. Use the $5 coupon from Coupons.com (should have reset if you printed it last month) to get the card game for just .99! BUT it gets even better! Check out these deal scenarios:
Buy 3 Pictureka card games for a total of $17.97
Buy some other toy priced around $2.25
Use the $5 off $20 Kmart Toy coupon
Use 3 $5 coupons from Coupons.com
Final cost .22 + tax!
Buy4 Pictureka card games for a total of $23.96
Buy some other toy priced around $1.25
Use the $5 off $20 kmart toy coupon
Use 4 $5 coupons from Coupons.com
Final cost .21 + tax!
Buy 2 Pictureka Card Games for a total of $11.98
Buy another Toy priced around $8.25
Use the $5 off $20 Kmart Toy coupon
Plus, use 2 $5 coupons from Coupons.com
Final cost $5.23!
(Thanks, Brittany!)
On another note, the Kmart ad for next week is now available to browse through! This means that you should be able to see if in fact your store is participating in the double coupon promotion! Let us know in the comment section if you're one of the lucky ones!

For more Kmart Deals and Kmart Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
No Sorry don't look like any of the ones in Anniston or Gadsden Alabama are participation.. I just checked all the addresses and nothing.. Last time we had to FORCE the issue with the email we got off of here... will you be contacting the corporate office again?
Snap!!! My store participated once. They hated the event and haven't done it since. I wish they'd do doublers again. Maybe I'll call the store and ask the manager about it.
The next nearest store is over 50 miles away!
Dayton Ohio is participating. YAH!
I contacted corporate and the York, PA store is participating. Yeah!!!
Redlands, Ca is participating again. Woohoo
the kmart toy coupon says the coupon will be applied after other discounts and cannot be combined with other coupons for the same item. However, .99 is still great, as I can't find any left at Target
Southern Indiana is participating (Jeffersonville, Clarksville, New Albany).
Looks like most of the stores in Florida are doing it! The list I got back from Kmart was to long to post in the comment section...so the sunshine state is in luck!
FYI: Check with your stores first. Kmart is implementing some stricter coupon policies regarding limits before & after coupons. Also, most kmarts here in Michigan won't take printed coupons unless they are from the Kmart website & are kmart coupons. In Michigan, I don't feel like the double coupon event is not even worth doing. Bummer! Why do they make it so hard!?!?! Just be prepared before you go.
I really wish that sometime the Twin Cities stores for MN would participate.
las vegas, nv still not participating =[
You need to have the amount on the Kmart coupon (ie $25) after all other coupons are used! They make it really hard to use the Kmart and other coupons together!!
i am not seeing the toy coupon. when i click the link a transformer shoe coupon comes up.
I live in Michigan and Kmart here does take IP coupons. You might want to check with a few different stores in your area.
Sioux Falls, SD is participating!!!!
Did anyone find out if you have to spend $25 before or after coupons. Fran, do you know? Help, I cannot get a straight answer from customer service.
actually its BEFORE coupons are used. So you can have 25.00 worth of items, then give them your coupons. That is directly from corporate.
Looks like even MY small town in central CA is doing it again. This is 3 times in a row! Yay! Usually only good for stocking up on cleaning supplies and deoderant. lol
Call your local kmart and ask. I know corporate said last time they would only accept 10 coupons, my kmart was stil accepting 25. I plan on calling to make sure this time they are taking 25 as well. But as far as spend AT LEAST 25.00 that is BEFORE coupons. That shouldnt be hard to do because kmart is overpriced.
I am wondering how you are able to use more than one coupon per order? I have problems using more than one of the same coupon because it states that there is a limit of one coupon per purchase. I love your idea of buying 3 games and using 3 coupons, but the cashiers won't allow it.
I've always used that coupon before my other coupons...just be sure to hand that coupon to the cashier first, then wait to hand over the others...make sure the $5.00 comes off 1st.
I'm surprised that is a problem. one coupon per purchase but you are purchasing 3 not trying to use 3 coupons on one item. Hopefully you can just try a new cashier.
St. Louis is participating!
I the list from corporate and most of MI is participating. I'm going to hit the 4 KMarts in my area as a newbie this is a great opportunity to build up my stockpile!
Looks like Milwaukie, Oregon is not participating. But you know what? Every time I've gone to KMart, there's been some kind of headache so it doesn't hurt me a bit that they don't have the coupon. I hate going there!
picktureka game is 6.59 here in pa. not on sale
Thanks! I did the Pictureka Card Game Deal and got 3 games plus Luigi& Guido (cars from the movie CARS -- which were on clearance for $3.20 for BOTH cars) and ended up spending $1.17 for everything! Another awesome deal :) !!!!!!
Kmart takes up to 4 of the SAME coupon during the double week. You shouldnt have any problem using more than one of the same coupon.
called and they said that kansas city mo all stores are participating. YA!!!!!!!
darn if I didn't just use my 3 game coupons yesturday at target! Sorry to miss out on this one.
Jackson, TN is NOT participating. Boo!
Couldn't I buy 4, use the 5/20 and all 4 $5 off coupons, and use my overage towards other kmart doubles purchases?
Looks like Davenport, IA Kmarts are participating. Anyone know if the Huggies catalina deal is still going on? I thought I read that it goes until the middle of July but can't remember for sure. It was a fiasco for me last time, but I feel compelled to try again... :-)
Steph, where are you located? I live in Michigan near Ann Arbor and didn't have a problem with the double coupons here.
Jami STL-
My coupons have reset a few time. I bought 4 games plus I have printed 3 more coupons. You might want to see if your have reset.
I live in Muskegon and the Kmart here is participating...I have yet to have any problems at this one.
Michelle, the Huggies deal is on until July 13th. Spend $50 and get a $14 CAT (Catalina coupon).
My Kmart in Washington State didn't have the Pictureka card game, only the full board game for $24.99. Might want to call to see if your store has it.
I didn't try this before at Kmart, but had a problem at one other store. Maybe the coupon stated per transaction, rather than per purchase? I went to Kmart and I was able to do it! :) I bought 3 games (they weren't as cheap here in MN 6.29 at Kmart, 6.99 at Target), a $2- toy on clearance which brought my total to 21.87 before tax. My grand total after using the 4 coupons was $1.96! Thanks so much!
I got the card games at my Kmart in Jacksonville. They had a bunch on a little hanger strip (not with the rest of the card games). Yay! Thanks, Collin....enjoy your vacation
Actually, the Hasbro coupon game deals are super at KMart. Wish I'd thought of this earlier myself! Another possible deal scenario which I will be doing later today involves the Electronic Monopoly game (CP on coupons.com). My KMart has it priced at $21.?? so I plan to buy it with the $5/$20 Toy CP + the Hasbro $10/off Electronic Monopoly and pay about $6.?? OOP. Christmas in July! Haven't seen the Scrabble game or I might do that one as well.
Doesn't look like mine is doing it :( I don't think they ever will either.
It would of totally been worth the trip too! Hope you all get great deals!
Guess springfield MO isn't doing it. our K-mart stinks!! Never any good deals..
Got the game for $1.32 after tax - yippee! Can't wait to play it with my husband while we wait for the fireworks to start. :) Thanks!
I tried to print the $5 off toy coupon and the file downloaded blank... any suggestions?
Elizabeth S.- Which Kmart are you talking about in WA state? Thanks!
All ND stores will be participating!! Yay :)
My local Kmart would not let me use the Pictureka coupons together. I had to buy each game individually to use the coupons (it said on the coupon that could only be used once per transaction).
Just an FYI
It was the Kmart in Bellingham that I didn't see the Pictureka game at. Of course now I'm reading other comments and someone said it wasn't with the other card games at her store, so I'm wondering if I could have missed it.
Thanks for the card game "scoop". I was able to get the last 8 from my Kmart (I work in an office and have lots of access to computers) anyway I had no problem using all of the coupons. I handed them the Kmart coupon first and the 8 Pictureka coups. I am going to give them out as christmas gifts to all my neighbors w/ some candy or something.
The only Pictureka game that I could find at my local store was 24.99. I must be looking at the wrong thing.:(
Wow! I just bought 5 games. They let me use the 5 off of 20 coupon first and then I had 5 $5 dollar coupons. I only paid $2.70 (along with 2 cans of pringles). Thanks Collin!
Is there are way to print the K mart Q WITHOUT using all of the printer ink? The entire page is black and very difficult to read. I'm going to have to hang it out to dry before I take it in!
I am a Kmart cashier, and one of my customers told me about this site. After watching her buy almost $40 worth of merch. for $1.58, I was hooked! This time around, I got $33 worth of goodies for $6...Our Kmart participates great!
When I click on the coupon link, $5 off $20 toy purchase....I'm getting the 1st page blank & then a $5 off transformer footwear coupon. Has the good toy coupon disappeared???
Any where else to find it?
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