Here are 2 more Target deals that I didn't mention in the Weekly deals post! Thanks to Shannon, one of my readers, for alerting me to these HOT buys!
Degree Deal Scenario:
Buy Degree Fine Fragrance deodorant $3.29
Buy Degree Fine Fragrance body mist $3.29
Use the buy one get one free coupon from the 6/28RP
Plus, use the $1.25 coupon from the 5/17RP
(for the one you're not getting free)
Then use two $2 Target coupons from here
Final cost FREE + $1.96 in overage!
Also, the Eggo Bakeshop products are still on sale for $1.50 at Target! Pair with all the great $1 coupons available to get these for ONLY .50 per box!
Eggo Bakeshop $1 coupons available on:
- Coupons.com
- RedPlum.com
- Kellogg's.com
- Bricks coupon: IE or Firefox
You should be able to print 2 coupons per computer from each link above. That means a total of eight $1 coupons! If you like the Eggo Bakeshop products, then now is the time to stock up!
For more Target Deals and Target Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
I know this is off subject, but i need help. Does anyone else also read southwestcouponclippers blog? If so are you able to leave comments? Iv tried on two computers and had someone else try to leave a comment and it gives some sort of error message. If anyone has an idea, that would be greatly appreciated.
hi, i was wondering i can only get the coupons.com and redplum to print , any ideas?
Question about the Degree deal - when you are using a BOGO coupon, are you allowed to use a second coupon because you are getting two items? Does this vary by store? Will the second coupon beep? Do you have to hand over coupons in a certain order?
I had this problem with the cereal at Target today. I called corporate & when using a BOGO coupon you can only use ONE manufactor coupon. My BOGO coupon was target, so I could use one manufactor, but not 2.
I never thought you could use 2 coupons with a B1G1, but many people seem to be able to do this...even me.Some stores do allow it, also. However, I do think it depends on the cashier you get...some of them can be real sticklers. Last week at CVS, I had a rain check for cereal B1G1...I also had a B1G1 coupon, thinking I was going to get 2 free. Well, there is this one manager (the stickler) who wouldn't let me do it, so I had her void them from my order and I got my rain check and coupon back. I'm going to a different CVS tonight to try it again...I'll let you know how I make out. One thing I can tell you is, if they don't take them, don't get frustrated...just ask them to take them off your order(that's if you really don't want it). Remember, you won't always be able to take advantage of every deal...if you did, you would be burned out in no time. HTH.
Regarding the Degree Deal - the $2 Target coupon says 'Limit one offer per transaction". Also none of the Targets in my area will allow another coupon with a "buy one get one free" coupon - they said it's required to buy both items to use that coupon - the same as a $ amount off TWO products. Do you have any different info on this?
Im not sure about other BOGO coupons. I just know corporate said if its a Target BOGO, then you can still use 1 manufactor coupon too.
Im not sure about other BOGO coupons. I just know corporate said if its a Target BOGO, then you can still use 1 manufactor coupon too.
I was able to snag this deal last week! It worked for me (Fort Worth, TX) using 2 MQ (1 was BOGO and 1 was the $$ off) plus 2 of the Target coupons for $2 off.
I used all coupons today on the Kashi as instructed in utah!! No problems!!
It pays to go to a different store, if you have trouble at one. As per my comment earlier about not being able to use my manufacturer B1G1 cereal coupon with CVS rain check B1G1 cereal at one CVS...tonight I went to a different CVS and was able to use it, so I got 2 boxes of cereal free.
I went tonight to work some deals and got a rude awakening. I have never had a problem before, but it was only a matter of time before I ran into a store manager that would not see reason. The store in Rockwall, TX, Laurie (who was not wearing her name badge, I had to ask) was rude and refused to let me see the paper that had her coupon policy on it. I kept asking her if she could key the coupon down and she kept claiming that they do not take coupons for travel sizes. Really? She said it was a new policy. I asked if they had changed it since this afternoon when I reviewed it for my reading pleasure. (Yes, I was a smart***). But that was only after she kept giving me one lame excuse after another and when I would argue she would come up with another new "rule". Well if it doesn't scan, if we can't key it in, no travel sizes, only one coupon even if there are two products, they are fake coupons. I pointed out to her she could take that coupon on over to a computer and verify it at the address on the coupon. I am mad and I will call tomorrow morning and talk with a manager that is over the acne stage in life. Sorry, I am usually not this mean. It is just irritating how inconsistent they are. They tell me they can not take them if they do not scan...yeah that is the litmus test! Give me a break. I still score 4 Picture games for presents, and 19 packages of batteries for free. So I guess I didn't come out empty handed. But it did take me almost one hour to check out and argue. The cashier was very nice, Heather and I thanked her for it. She did snide back that she was just trying to do her job; to coupon block me??? Thanks for reading my rant
Amber, I had a similiar experience at Target a while ago with travel size items. They were very rude to me and made me feel awful! I was so embarassed.
I just got off the phone with Target and they told me the coupons should have been adjusted down. They do have a new policy to reserve the right to limit free items to a "normal family size." So that people do not hog up a bunch of free travel size items.
The representative did tell me she would call the store and talk with the manager. I will try again at a different Target tonight.
Buy 10 of the Eggos, use ten $1.00 coupons = $5.00 OOP. Then submit for the $10.00 rebate at http://www2.kelloggs.com/FamilyFocus/contentcta.aspx?id=1320 and make a $5 profit!
this is TOTALLY off the subject and has nothing to do with Target but does anyone know what a good deal on milk is and where in the world it ever goes on sale at???
Thanks so mcch!!!
Sobe Lifewater is on sale at Target 10/$10, plus you get a $5 gift card. You could parlay that with the B1Gi and essentially get all 10 for free!
Target: Beniful Dog food deal
Buy 2 bags @ $14.29 each and receive a $5.00 Target gift card. This makes each bag $11.70
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