If you like La Victoria Salsa, then you'll definitely want to register on La Vic Rewards! This is where you enter your La Vic Rewards codes (found on the lid of specially marked salsa jars or taco sauce bottles) and keep track of your Rewards Points tally.
The best part is that after registering you could automatically win a coupon for a FREE bottle of La Victoria Salsa! Even if you don't win, you'll still be able to print a .50 coupon!
Just go on over here to register on La Vic Rewards! After registering make sure to fill out the survey. Enter this code A127F943X649C8 when prompted . Please note you may automatically win a FREE jar of La Victoria Salsa without even having to enter the code.
The best part is that you'll gain more points with each code you enter. One you get 64 points you get a coupon for $4 off 2 La Victoria Salsas! Which means that you'll possible be able to score 2 FREE jars! I know at Walmart the 16 oz. jars are priced around $2.23, so only .23 after the coupon!
After entering the above code you should be up to 16 points! Then you can go ahead and start entering these codes below:
LaVicBestSalsa-32 points
L8CP225J509:08U8XN-15 points (You can enter this code up to 4 times)
L8CS298T819:03VQOZ-8 points (You can enter this code up to 4 times)
L8DA271N613:36DESW-16 points (You can enter this code up to 4 times)
L8PD276K610:07FN1A-16 points (You can enter this code up to 4 times)
L8DA2710614:36B4OK-16 points (you can enter this code up to 4 times)
L8DA271N613:36DESW -16 points (You can enter this code up to 4 times)
My total rewards after entering all the codes above came to 428 points! I now have enough points to claim 6 $4/2 coupons! Yay!
Once you claim your reward, you'll immediately be able to print the coupon!
Also, if your a salsa fan, then don't forget to enter the Pace Instant Win Sweepstakes! Pace is giving 160,000 first price winners a coupon for a FREE Pace product, with a maximum value of $4! The odds of winning seem better then most sweepstakes. If you win you'll be able to print your coupon right away too. Remember to press the browser back button to print a total of two FREE coupons (possibly more)!
Wanna try?!?
Just go on over here and register or log in to play. If you need a code you can use SAL321.
I scored on $ 4 coupon.Thanks,
U R the best.
Looks like one of the codes is listed twice - a typo?? - (once as the first 16 pointer, and again as the last code - 16 points)
L8DA271N613:36DESW-16 points
Is there another one you used instead? My total is 364 pts.
Why is the site telling me that the codes you have posted that we can enter up to 4 times is not a valid 14 digit code? It says the code does not contain any : ?
If you press the back button after you redeem your points for a coupon you can print it twice.
Lani M,
Enter them in the 18 digit code spot.
There is 2 spots to enter the codes. Enter the 16 point code in the second spot. Hope that makes sense!
Thank you all! I guess this is what happens when I go onto this site BEFORE coffee! Do you see where my priorities are? Heehee!
My total was only 364 as well. Is there another code?
Thanks- this is awesome! I did get the free salsa before I even entered any codes!! You rock!!
It only let me print 2 of each coupon. even though i have more points to redeem - the Coupons printer site doesn't allow more to print ("this campaign is over, pls close the window").
Unfortunately, the LaVictoria site still deducted the points as though the coupon did print. Bummer!
Thanks Collin,
I got my 364 points. Is this ongoing?...I don't want to print the coupons until I'm ready to use them. This was really nice of you...thanks again:)
I guess I am a little late. There is only a spot for a 18 digit code or 14 digit code. any suggestions?
the coupons i printed don't expire til 12/32/2009 - yahoo!!
make that, 12/31/2009 expiration
The very first code, after you sign up and the next 2 codes go in the "14 digit" spot...the other codes go in the "18 digit" spot. HTH.
Thanks for letting us know the expiration date of the coupon.
I got it!! thanks so much, Fran!!!!
DBF loves the taco sauce, so I was disappointed when I scored these last week and found out the $4 Q wouldn't get us 2 for free (they have to be used on 16 oz product or larger). Guess it will have to be more free salsa! Thanks for posting the additional codes.
Thanks so much! I scored a free salsa before entering any codes too! I also only got up to 364 or so points though. It wouldn't let me enter a couple of the codes. Thanks again! I love your blog!
I tried to print more of the $4.00/2 coupons too. It took my points but no coupons would print. Does anyone know when I will be able to print more? I am afraid to try again.
I tried to print more coupons as well and ended up "wasting" 64 of my points when it didn't print. Maybe you can only print one coupon per day?????
Click on the bottom of the site for "Help Center" and let them know you are losing points, and not getting coupons. I haven't printed my coupons yet, but I'm wondering when you are hitting the "back" button, if they are somehow picking up on that and deducting the other points...just a thought
Hi Fran,
I logged out and logged back in again before I tried to print the second set of coupons (the second coupon wouldn't print even though I saw the two small printer icons on my screen). That's why I'm thinking that they limit you to one coupon per day???
Just won the free jar of salsa!!!!!
Maybe! Did you try the help center?
You don't want to lose your points:)
I got a free coupon without adding the codes, too! I only printed one coupon and didn't bother hitting the back button because I'm swimming in free Pace salsa right now.
I ended up having to print on multiple computers, I hit coupon reward again and it wouldn't print, wasted 64 points. Still ended up with 8 coupons. Thanks!
Here are some other codes if you didn't sign up the first time around. Enjoy!
L8CP225J509:08U8XN (15 rewards points, 18 digit code)
L8PD071W622:45JRNQ (16 rewards points, 18 digit code)
L8CU238L411:40SXFB (24 rewards points, 18 digit code)
L8CT239O414:30XX1L (24 rewards points, 18 digit code)
L8CW276B601:13Y9TF (16 rewards points, 18 digit code)
I'm also having a problem printing them - they're using bricks coupon software so it is set up to only let you print two per computer. But the points were deducted. I contacted customer service about the problem so we'll see what they say!
I too had issues with only being able to print 2 per computer. But I was able to get 728 points total, Thanks Collin! and also Chrys for those extra points.
Thanks for posting the extra codes...that was nice of you also. I am now up to 684 points. It is really nice that we can help each other...way to go:)
I read through the rules etc... and regarding the losing of your points for coupons not priniting etc... It does not state anywhere about any limit of coupons that is permitted to be printed per day, HOWEVER, it does state that a maximum of 6 rewards per account/email address will be allowed. So if you have enough points for more you still will not be able to use them. Also for those contacting them about losing points, it states over and over that codes can not be transferred, bartered sold, etc... and that they may require verification if contacted. So just be careful... Also the promotion runs through 12/31/09 and says all rewards must be redeemed by 01/30/10 at 11:59:59 p.m. (PT) after which points accrued are void and rewards can not be redeemed. HTH some of you...I have a lot of points now so hoping I will get to print them all... even if on different computers.
Ok, so I'm totally confused. I have almost 500 points..I was able to click the back button and print 2. The first click it said "expired" so I clicked back again and it brought up the little printer picture saying it was being sent to printer.
But when I went back to redeem more of my points..just like everyone else here it would not let me..stupid me I didn't read and ended up losing points trying.
So......even though I have 500 points I cannot use them unless I have access to another computer? Drats! I only have one computer. What are some options? Also can deleting cookies help out?
I'm sure everyone is aware already but just incase....Don't forget that the codes Chrys listed can be printed up to 4 times!! The first one said I already did that one earlier..but the last one let me apply it 5 times! Give it a try!
OH YA! Thank you Chrys!!!!!!!!!
You're all very welcome! So many have helped me out, I am just returning the favor!
try printing one then before you hit back go back to the salsa tab and log out then go back to the brick tab and hit back. Printed two for me w/o deducting more points!
I just wanted to remind everyone that you can go on this site every day and log in for a chance for the free jar of salsa...I won today...you can only win one jar per household, email, etc. Funny, I turned my printer on, getting ready to print the free coupon, and the screen popped up that it would be mailed in 4-6 wks.
thanks for the scoup! And for the great blog, as well!
Did anyone ever find out why we can't redeem 6?
I'm unfortunate to not have a second computer to print from :(
748 points plus a free jar!
I did have some coupon printing issues. The first two printed with no problem. I used the bricks software. When it instructs you to close the window, DON'T. Click the help link and fill out the form and according to the page, the coupons will be mailed to you. I also contacted customer service.
this was my bricks address you should be able to copy this to your browser and print two per computer, if you have not already printed.
I'm not computer smart lol. Whats the bricks softwear? lol
were you able to print the rest? For a total of 6?
Problem is..when it starts printing I hit the BACK button and it just sends me to the Pace page that says come back tomorrow or something like that.
What am I doing wrong? How do you get more than one coupon to print?
Re: Help Printing Coupon
We are sorry that you have had trouble printing our coupon.
We have determined that you are trying to print from a supported platform. You can try our stand-alone installer by clicking on the following link:
If you are at work, and do not have administrator rights to your computer, or would like to try again on another computer, we have provided a link below so that you can forward this email to an account on another computer
to try again.
(Note: If the link below appears on more than one line, you may need to copy the entire link and paste it into your browser manually)
We hope that we were able to help you print the coupon. Please feel free to reply to this note if this did not resolve the problem, or if you would like to communicate with us in the future.
Coupons, Inc.
Technical Support Team
Bla! Bla! Bla! They are always sorry. I replied to this email:
This email was absolutely no help. I correctly followed the instructions. I installed the program, yet the coupons did not print. This turned out to be a complete and pointless waste of time. . . .
In any case, I did get something and it was easier than getting the free bottle of Dr. Pepper from Guns 'N Roses.
2 more codes :)
I guess tomorrow is the last day to add codes for DOUBLE points? I guess I need to hurry then!
Though I don't know why lol I can't get it to print anymore so why save points?
L8PD274B601:17CCKG (18 digit code)
L8DB212X623:10FPCF (18 digit code)
Each one can be added 4 times. I think I got the second one to go 5? give it a try
and 2 more.......
another..sorry I'm finding them randomly lol..
After all of the codes everyone shared - thank you! - I had 1000 points! I was able to print 2 $4/2 coupons, but trying to print more resulted in lost points. :( I have 808 points left and I'm not sure what to do with them. Now I just hope I can find their products in a store near me! :)
I dug into my refrig and found 2 plastic bottles of La Victoria salsa with the code printed under the "Best By" date.
The problem is both say they are invalid codes? Even though it shows the "Reward code on bottle" picture on the label? Thats annoying. But I can barely make out the code with the small dotty print.
Guess it doesn't matter anyway seeing we can't redeem anymore...
I have been reading on other blogs that people are winning the $500 prize.
I wonder how you know? Is it every time you log on or add points or? Maybe its each day when you log in it might not just say "You won free salsa!" But it might say "You won $500!"
I haven't been able to find anymore codes :( Not that it matters lol.
I can't print the darn coupons anyone else with same problem??
The rules state 6 you can redeem..but I printed one...then pressed the back button and printed another. But then it stopped letting me.
I thought maybe it messed it up by pressing back instead of going back to redeem for another point use but someone else did that and it would not let them print another either that way.
The other day, I tried to print again and it took my points and did not print..I said what the heck and I went back to redeem again and pressed print..again no coupon but only this time it did not take any points away.
I had emailed them as to why I can't redeem the 6 it said I could..and continues to say I can and they will not respond.
I heard you have to go to a different computer/printer and it will print more. But I'm not sure if that works anymore either.
I think its a bunch of &$&(*% seeing I have over 1000 points and can't use them.
Hope someone figures this one out lol ! :)
I had trouble using the two coupons I was able to print. I went to Fry's Marketplace and the clerk gave me a hard time. I held up the check out for several minutes until they agreed to accept my coupons. I guess they resented the fact that I was getting something for free.
I had less trouble using counterfeit Jack In The Box coupons.
I didn't have any trouble at all using them at Walmart. I still have 1 left to use. Would have more but.......
I was thinking about the printing problem. I know NOTHING about computers, but was wondering if it not La Victoria's website that is denying out multiple prints, but the coupon printer we download/install on our computers?
Like when you win a coupon, and you can print 1, but some can't print more by pressing the back button because the coupon printer we have won't allow it? La Victoria is recognizing that we are redeeming..but The Coupon Printer denies more than 2.
Could we uninstall the coupon printer and reinstall? Just a thought....searching for an answer somehow lol.
I am in Wisconsin and have not located the salsa :(
Did anyone else find it in their stores??
I got mine at Walmart. Big shelf full of salsa down the aisle with the bag beans/canned beans etc.
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