Anyway, the point of my post is to say that these online bargains are fun to take advantage of! When you're on a limited income and/or tight budget it's nice to know that you can still receive great little surprises in the mail while doing it in a frugal way!
I personally believe that if you limit yourself too much and well, not splurge at all--then you'll binge! Meaning you'll buy everything in site. Just like when people go on a strict diet and limit their food intake... with time they usually end up binging on NOT one donut, but a dozen! Trust me I've been there, I know!:)
So go splurge occasionally and remember a splurge does not by ANY means have to be expensive!
sorry, i'm new... how much for shipping?
thk it was free shipping with code
Hey all!
Anon, shipping starts at $5.95.
I meant to leave a note yesterday! I got my package from Sephora yesterday afternoon, and it is fabulous!
Thanks again for the headsup on this, Hip2Save!
way to go diana!
Yes I got mine today also. How great... bought my daughter a purple pencil holder for school and got free stuff for me. I love it. Hip to save is AWESOME!!!
Hey, I got my nail polish and free gifts yesterday! I love everything!
I got mine yesterday too! I like it all, but I thought it was more like whitestrips, you know, something that will whiten your teeth dramatically in a short time period. I'm nonetheless glad I bought it! A great deal for 2$! And I've gotten started reffering ppl to ebates and have have 30$ already! Yeah! Thanks hip!
thank you for this little bit of inspiration. Hubs and I are really struggling financially as we've lost an income so we haven't been doing anything but stay home...and no shopping except for groceries. I even cut myself off from CVS and WAGS until we can get a higher income (I don't have enough ECBs or RRs to roll onto anything worthwhile. Plus the closest of both of those are an hour away). So thank you for the inspiration that it's okay to splurge just a little! It's the inspiration I needed to get through a tough financial time!
Great deal! Lets us know if that stuff works!
I got mine on Thursday! And I was pleasantly surprised to see the Go Smile freebie was a good size. I'm really excited to try out the product. It says it's only a trial on the order form/receipt but it's much larger than just a small trial portion.
I actually was nearly out of a Benefit product I use so it was totally worth it for me to purchase that and get the freebie. I normally just buy from the Sephora store and would have bought it soon anyway.
Went today and offer is over :(
Yay! I always read your blog, and I was actually the person who shared the GoSmile deal on slickdeals, it seems that they ran out of stock fairly quickly, but I am glad that so many people actually got in on the deal before they ran out. I actually only purchased a $1.00 item!
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