Wow! Here is a long list of restaurant freebies and deals that are available:
- Arby's is offering up a FREE BBQ Bacon Cheddar Roastburger with ANY soft drink purchase. Just bring along this coupon on or before 7/12/09.
- Peet’s Coffee & Tea is giving out FREE Mango Tea Freddo or Berry Pomegranate Tea Freddo tomorrow, July 10th between 2-3PM. These look so yummy and refreshing. You can check out more details here. (Thanks Jenna!)
- Chick Fila A is once again celebrating Cow Appreciation Day July 10th! Just come dressed like a cow and you'll get FREE food! (Thanks Frugal Girls!)
- Mark your calendars for July 14th, Long John Silvers will be giving away FREE Baja Fish Tacos from open until 2:30 pm. This is only for participating locations, so make sure to call ahead. (Thanks Being Frugal is Fabulous!)
- If you have a 7-11 nearby, then you'll want to stop by on Saturday, July 11th. They're celebrating their 82nd anniversary by giving out FREE Slurpee's from 7 am- 11 pm!
I've noticed your blog has been a little 'quieter' with updates. I hope that means you're actually enjoying that vacation of yours! :)
~ Jennifer
OMG I’m definitely gonna print this.
Remember to get your $1 burnless bakeware for July!
GREAT experience at Arbys....My DH and I each had one of the above Qs, and bought small drinks for 1.49 each got the BBQ Cheddar Bacon Roast burger FREE (YUM!).
THEN, on our receipts, there is a space for a code when you enter a survey. So...we'll each get a Reg Roast Beef or a beef n Cheddar FREE!!!! (no other purchase is required) YAY!
So, 4 sandwiches and 2 softdrinks for $3 total!!
Hey Lisa, where do you get the $1 burnless bakeware?
Yippee! I've been looking for an excuse to take my kids to experience slurpees. This may just be the excuse I needed.
aaah, now i totally wanna freak out all my friends and dress up as a cow, I have no shame.
i am not sure where to post this but i have a lot of diaper / baby coupons avaliable but no little ones so if anyone is interested i am willing to mail them too you if you are willing to email me your address....first come first serve...my email is
Thanks for the Post! I will definitely be taking advantage of ALL of these. :) At first i did not think I would be partaking of the fish taco as the only Long John Silvers is about 11 to 12 miles away (too far for a 99 cent food item LOL) but then I thought well let me check what I have to do that day and I saw I am going to be just about a mile away so I guess I will just have to stop by and try it =)
Thank you for all of your great food finds...I posted about it on my blog and gave you linky credit! ;)
baby coupons are claimed
Don't forget your chocolate! https://secure.realchocolate.com/
Hope everything is O.K. with you, Collin and you are enjoying your trip!
I really love Chickfila but I just cant get myself to dress up life a cow =(
as a cow*
I printed out the cow masks from online and took my kiddos up to Chick-Fil-A. We got three kids meals and an adult meal with drinks and fries for FREE. We had a blast. And no we wasn't the only ones dressed up. There were herds and herds of cows.
I totally scored and had to share I got an email from Kohls for $10 off $10 or more and got next weeks 20% off. the 30% would have been better but free is free so I wont complain. THANKS for all you do to save us time and money
Do you know how you got the email? If it is a generic email with multiple uses would you mind emailing it? If it is a one time only then it will say for one time use only. I got the 15% off and it is a generic for multiple use.
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