UPDATE: You can also snag a FREE Earth's Best Body Care Travel Kit by Jason by purchasing $15 in Earth's Best Infant food. You can check out all the details and print the rebate form here. Keep in mind that you will have to pay a $1.95 shipping and handling fee.
(Thanks, Steph!)
Find More Babies R Us Deals and Babies R Us Coupons at the new Hip2Save.com
How big is the jar -- how many ounces?
THANK YOU for this great deal. This is the exact food my son lived on for almost a year! I'm due in two and a half weeks with son #2 and was not looking forward to paying big bucks for this food in a short few months! THANKS AGAIN!!!
pattil24-there are three different sizes of jars: Stage 1 is 4 oz., Stage 3 is 6 oz. I'm currently all out of Stage 2, but I imagine it's 5 oz.
The coupon prints really big, and didn't fit on the page. The whole right side of the coupon is missing. Any suggestions?
This is the $5 off coupon.
nevermind, I fugured it out
I saw on earth's best site that you can also get a Barnes & Noble gift card. $5 for a $15 purchase, and $10 for a $25 purchase. And it is for any hain celestial brands.
nevermind, it not on jarred foods.
The jars I bought yesterday were all the Stage 2 and were normally 89 cents a jar. I also bought 2 shirts for my son for less than $2. All their clearance clothing is buy 1 get 1 for a dollar! just an FYI.
If I remember correctly I have a peelie version of the Earth's Best rebate and the JARs of baby food are NOT included, but the toddler version is. Just for the heads up.
This is a great deal. I just bought some baby food and grumbled about it because of how expensive it is. I'm going to try to make my own, but this will be great to have on hand.
I tried to use the $5 off of 25$ BabiesRus coupon and the manager told me that the coupon was probably a copy and not valid...I am pretty irritated too b/c they also didn't have there computers set up for the sale and she had to manually key in all 50 jars of food! Stay away from the Howe Ave store Ohioans!
Sorry to hear they did not take your coupon in Ohio. I use these coupons all the time in NY and never have a problem. This coupon is their online coupon which they frequently offer off of their website.
Is this an advertised sale? Tks
I went last night, and they were not on sale at my store. The only sale was $5 off 4 cases.
I went today to my store in Austin, tx, and man did I hit the jackpot!! They had the single jars advertised for 10 for $5. I bought 50 jars. The initial cashier rang them up and the price didn't come up right so I had to go to customer service, where they adjusted each one to .50. But when I got my receipt, there is a promotion running right now also for $2.50 off 12 items. (Don't know any specifics about the promotion, just saw it on my receipt) The register rang this up automatically. So with my three $1 off 10 Earth Best coupons, the $5 off $25 and the sales, I ended up paying .24 for each jar. That is pretty sweet, especially for organic baby food, which I never buy b/c it is too expensive!
So sad... I went today to load up on baby food and the sale ended yesterday. I hope they have another great sale like this one - we only use organic baby food and it gets expensive!
I found out, too, the sale ended on Saturday! :( The $1/10 coupons don't expire until Nov. and BRU is always putting out $5/$25 coupons, so we'll just have to wait for another sale!! Let us know if you hear anything, Hip2Save!! :)
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