Print this now (remember you can print 2 per computer) and save them for the upcoming Kmart Super Coupon Doubles event--which starts 8/16! When this coupon is doubled you'll most likely be able to score FREE or very inexpensive dish liquid! Don't see the coupon? Try this zip code 85712.
**Remember that the values on Palmolive and Ajax coupons are only usually .25, so this is a super high value coupon!
For more Kmart Deals and Kmart Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
The Ajax coupon didn't reset for me!? Oh well! Better luck next time!
Zip code? It doesn't show up in mine. Thanks!
use this coupon at CVS and get your detergnt for free this week
Didn't reset for me either.
No reset for me either!:(
It reset for me! Thanks, hip!:)
It reset for me. I can't believe it. Usually the coupons never reset for me!
Didn't reset yet for me, either. Is there a certain time period you have to wait? Does it depend on what zip code you use?
Thanks for the zipcode info because I checked in my zipcode and it did not show up.
Thanks it reset for me, but only let me print one time.
ThankS!!!...but, it didn't reset for me yet...hopefully in a couple of days...I used my last ones to get FREE bottles of original (not concentrated) Palmolive at Walmart since they were exactly $1.00...
Thanks for the info! I created a link but made sure to give you linky credit! :)
mine didn't reset... and to the first anonymous - the coupon is for the larger size and the smaller size is on sale this week, so you can't use the coupon.
no reset for me, never does :-(
Now I feel a little guilty saying I was able to print out two...!
Is there a special coupon that you need to use in order to double? Also, how do you know if your Kmart is doubling?
My CVS had the smaller size on sale. Will save this for kmart doubles!
What zip code? Doesn't show on mine.
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