Nicole emailed to let me know that she was able to snag all the above for just $25--the total retail value $101.50! First she signed up for PINK Nation and got the coupon for the free beauty travel kit and $10/$35 purchase. Her store was also offering a FREE lace panty with ANY PINK purchase!
This is what she got:
3 Pink Body products on sale 3/$15
2 Pink With a Splash Perfumes 2/$20
FREE Lace Panty ($9.50 value)
FREE Beauty Travel Kit ($25 value)
Then she used the $10/$35 coupon
Final cost just $25 + tax!

**Go on over here to check out all the details on these Victoria's Secret promotions!
(Thanks, MojoSavings!)
Find more Victoria's Secret Deals and Victoria's Secret Coupons at the new Hip2Save.com
Now I have the urge to go to VS...haha
I love their undies!!
I thought only one coupon could be used at a time... I'm so excited if I can use all 3 in one transaction!
I hit VS yesterday and got the free travel kit, free pair of panties, free 1 oz lotion and a bar of "pink" soap all for $5 plus tax! Great deal, I must say!!!
Where did you get the $10.00 off coupons?
Can anyone tell me what's in the travel kit? My plan is to spend the "$35" on other Pink beauty products & package it all as a Christmas gift for my niece, and I don't want to duplicate. Thanks!!!!!
Ok, so I always tell myself I am going to take advantage of these great offers but I am going to put the stuff away and use for Christmas gifts for my niece, sister-in-law, etc. Then I end up keeping the stuff for myself because I love it so much! Does anyone else do that?!
Off subject...Target has Cutter bug spray on clearance for $3.35 and paired with the $2 off coupon, makes a pretty good deal. Also, BIC pens are on clearance for 0.70 paired with the Target $1 off two coupon makes them only 0.40 cents for two packages.
Here is the link for the FREE 1oz Pink lotion
I didn't see it on the main post. Sorry if it is a duplicate. :)
I just went and got a free thong, a free Pink dog (they are free at our store today since they are overstocked), free travel kit and a sucker. Paid only 1.50!
Aw! I want a pink dog! haha
I was so excited to get my free travel kit today when I went to VS but they did not get them yet! The girl told me that none of the stores in this area (Buffalo, NY)has received them. I will keep trying...
Where do you get the $10 off $35 c/o? I got the Travel,underwear and travelsize lotion but can't find the other. Any suggestions? Thanks
Go to Collins store links for Victoria's Secret and go to her second post August 26th I believe and sign up for PINK NATION link she has there. Once you sign up, it will show a page with a big pink banner on the right for the $25 travel bag PLUS the $10 off $35 you can print out.
I've been trying to win a pair of panties with no luck lol :(
If I could fit in those little red undies, I would be doing more than cutting coupons! LOL
in the kit is
Ok so i went today got my $1.50 sucker , free 1oz lotion and thong, then they told me the pink nation coupon had to be the whole page even though it shows where to cut it hmmm? so it was a good deal so i told a few friends about it then went home to get my coupon and paper, came back only to find they hid the suckers!!! I had to ask for them, then she looked as if i was stealing as she rang me up! i am a coupon queen more than ever thanx 2 hip! But when you get a good deal almost anywhere they act like you r stealing, walmart is the worst, kmart sucks during doubles i almost argue every time. I learn the rules i follow them to a t, yet i still have problems. Don't harass me take notes, and have a wonderful day :) Dawn in Springfield, Ohio
I went yesterday and they took all three coupons in one transaction. I bought two of the $1.50 suckers and got the panty, lotion and travel kit. There was a lady at the next register doing the same thing. The lady behind us asked where we got our coupons. The lady next to me said hiptosave!
I was able to use both coupons too! Actually, you don't even really need a coupon for the free thong, it's just a deal that they are having in the store, there should be a poster outside. So I bought 1 pair of pink panties, and I got the thong and travel kit free! What a great deal!
Just a heads up, the first salesperson told me I would have to by two Pink items, one for each deal, but the second one I talked to let me get the thong free without having to buy something else. It's not technically a second coupon, it's just an in-store deal, so they should let you. Just try to find a nice salesperson :)
I went today and they also gave me a hard time. The saleslady said I cant sell you a 1.50 sucker(took the bowl and put it in the back) and you get a 25.00 item for free. What ever,so I bought a 5.00 soap.I am going tomorrow to try another v.s.. They do not like people coming in to use coupons to get free items and nothing else. Waa!
anyone had trouble signing up on the pink nation site??? It won't let me enter a password, just says it's invalid. I've tried different ones, each over 8 characters, can't figure it out. Sent them an email, got standard email in response. help from anyone would be great, I really need a new Bra!!!
for the password just make it about 10 letters and numbers combined ex 111111dddd it will still be red and say it is wrong but it will let you get through
Nicole - thanks so much for the list of the contents!!!
I had so much fun at VS tonight! They made me do 4 separate transactions but here is what I got:
Free undies (with card I got in the mail)
One pair of Pink panties and the Pink travel kit (pd. $3.80 after an in-store special where you get $5 off any purchase just by trying on the new Body bra!)
One sucker and Beauty Rush lip gloss (pd. $1.60)
One sucker and the Pink thong (pd. $1.60)
Total: $8 for $62 worth of merch!
ppl at VS said I couldnt use the "free thong" coupon and the "free travel kit" at the same time b/c her computer wont let her type that many codes in for 1 transaction....ugh!
So, I just got 5 for $25 undies (1 free wyb 5 for $25) So, 6 Pink panties for $25. Got the free travel kit and the free energizing lotion (only b/c that was with no purchase req)
no lollipops on site
I bought the lollipop and got the travel kit. They wouldn't let me get the lace thong unless I bought another lollipop.
if you try on one of there new bras they give you $5 off any purchase too! I also used a $10 off $50 from a survey, got a fantastic new bra (needed desparately), free lip gloss, free travel kit, free lotion, the $5 tote,lollipop, all in one transaction. $35 total...life is good
Hey gal's!
I was just wondering, the picture here, and the box said it also included a lip butter..the small white thing you see in the zipper travel gift bag..but I realized mine did not have it inside?
Did anyone else miss this lip butter? It's free, so I'm very happy, but just wondered why the bad did not include this even though the back of the bag says it does.
Just went to VS. I bought 2 pink suckers for $1.50 each and got 2 pairs of the lace things free ($9.50 each) and the $25 gift set. They would not let me use the coupon for the free lip goss though!! I am going to another VS tomorrow to do it again!! The funny thing was that my husband was with me and he was embarrassed! Should I have been?? LOL
I went to VS today but they wouldn't let me get the thong or the travel kit with purchasing the lollipop b/c they said the lollipops went assecories and that coupon wouldn't work on assecories. They were very rude to me.
UPDATE to my comment on Fri Aug 28, 09:02:00 PM 2009, Went to another VS, bought $5 soap and they made me buy something else so I picked up a sucker (cashier was not happy!!) I got another travel kit, free thong and free lip gloss. I just love this deal!!! Agin, my husband thinks I am insane!!
So, yeah I went today. Bought 5 pink fragrances used the 10.00 off 35.00 so paid 27.00 with tax. Got 3 free panties one of which was the thong(no need for the coupon), one travel kit and one 1oz lotion.
Of course, However, the lady said they are not supposed to combine offers and complained but she still did it. A headache, YES but got a lot of stuff for 27.00.
Why am I not the lucky one who gets the friendly cashiers who wants you to make use of their coupons????? BOO HOO!
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