Johnson's Head to Toe Baby Wash on sale for $2.19
Use the $1 coupon from here: IE or Firefox
Plus, use the $1 Target coupon
Final cost $0.19!
(Thanks, $30WeeklyGroceryChallenge!)
Nescafe Tasters Choice Stick Pack Carton (6-7 count) $1
Use the $0.75/1 coupon from here
Final cost $0.25!
(Thanks, DC!)
**Don't forget to check out all the Target deals I've posted about recently here (you will have to scroll past this one to see the other deals).
For more Target Deals and Target Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
I also used the Johnson's coupon to purchase the smaller baby powder. It was $2.24, I used Target coupon and J&J coupon. Purchased for 24 cents each.
I keep getting looped around trying to print the Nescafe coupon. I sign in and get to the continue button to print coupon, then it asks me to register/sign in.
Anyone else have luck?
nevermind! Got it to work.
For some reason the hip2save url was still in the address bar.
My Target (St. Paul) ad says they are 2/$7.
I went to Target today for the 15 oz. Johnson's Baby Wash and it was not on sale. It was $3.14 so I didn't get any.
Has anyone had any luck finding them on sale?
They are 2.99 in Illinois the johnson shampoo..:(
The 9oz. size is $2.19. The 15oz. (which is the size you need for the IP $1 off coupon) is 2/$7. This deal doesn't work since you can't use the $1 off IP coupon. That would be coupon fraud!!!
Went last night: the johnson coupon is for the 15 oz and it beeped. For the first time EVER the lady just let it go trough!
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