Victoria's Secret has a HOT new in-store coupon available! Get a FREE Beauty Travel Kit ($25 value) with ANY PINK purchase! This coupon is valid from 8/25 - 9/24.
Remember that you can purchase ANY pink item to get the travel kit. If you can believe it, Victoria's Secret actually has PINK lollipops available by the registers priced at $1.50! Yay!
Please be aware that you do have to be a Pink Nation Member to access this coupon. Don't worry, though, membership is totally FREE! Just go on over here to join the Pink Nation and you will have access to fun freebies, offers, discounts and more! After you register, you'll be able to access the above coupon! Plus, new members will also get a $10 Off $35 purchase coupon!
Don't forget to snag a FREE 1 oz. Victoria's Secret Pink Body Lotion while you're there! Just bring along this coupon--valid through September 7th!
(Thanks, MojoSavings!)
Find more Victoria's Secret Deals and Victoria's Secret Coupons at the new Hip2Save.com
the submit button is not working when trying to register for PINK Membership...
I'm going to a Bridal Shower this weekend and this will be perfect!!!! Everything worked for me...
they don't allow more than 1 coupon per transaction
I have never had any problems at any VS store when I have had more than one coupon, they have always encouraged the use of their coupons.
if anyone goes and gets it tell us what its like~
I went and got the $25 kit, free lace thong, free lotion. The kit has body wash, lotion, refresher spray and lip butter in a nice little bag. They would not let me get the free thong or kit with only a lollipop, so I ended up using the $10 off a $35 purchase coupon that printed with the kit coupon and got a pair of sweats and cute undies. You can get the $25 kit, free lace thong only buying a pair of $7.50 panties. The lotion is free, no purchase necessary.
When I went in the manager was checking me out and even she had no clue as to what the *travel bag* was to be. So she ended up giving me a boxed set that has a 3.4oz Energizing Body Wash, 3.4oz Energizing Body Lotion, and 3.4oz Body Scrub, and a pouch. The retail on it is $25 and she let me use all three coupons (thong, travel kit, and lotion). My store didn't have the lollipops so I ended up purchasing 3 Pink body sprays. They are usually $15/1 but they have a sale going $20/2. I also coupled the $10 off $35 so my total without tax was just $25 for $62.50 worth of product. Not the BEST deal ever but certainly great to stock up on Christmas gifts early!
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