Monday, September 7, 2009

3rd Give-Away: 4 Readers will win 20 $2/1 Blue Bunny Coupons!

UPDATE: This Give-Away has now ended!

And the third 24 hour give-away...

Four lucky readers will win 20 $2/1 Blue Bunny Aspen or Sedona Coupons! These coupons don't expire until 11/30/09, so you'll have plenty of time to make use of them! Aspen and Sedona treats are made with Granola and frozen yogurt. They are definitely on the healthier side, but yet still satisfy my sweet tooth and trust me, I've got a big one!

As I stated before, these are awesome-- high value coupons! They will make for some sweet deals when paired with a sale. Walmart has these priced around $3-$4, so as low as $1 after the coupon. If these go on sale at your local grocery store buy one get one free, then you may be able to snag 2 boxes for FREE after two $2 coupons!

Wanna enter?
Just tell me one of your favorite things about my site ( it can be anything), then just leave your name and contact info below. I will announce the four lucky winners tomorrow, September 8th at 6 p.m. EST.

Want another entry?
Subscribe to my email updates or RSS Feed and let me know by leaving a separate comment. You can also leave an additional comment if you are already a subscriber!

Good Luck!


1 – 200 of 507   Newer›   Newest»
Kelley said...

I love how you make it easy for us by putting the coupons/rebates together with store sales in your deal scenarios. Brilliant!

Kelley said...

I'm already a subscriber.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to be the first to leave a comment! I LOVE your blog. I can't tell you how much money you've saved me and I've only known about your site for six weeks.
The thing that impresses me the most is your absolute dedication to getting out the info and in a timely manner. I see you posting deals before the sun is even up! Thank you so, so much.

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about your website is just how easy you make it for us to save so much money! You are amazing! I really got into couponing because I was shown your site. You make it so simple! Thanks for all of your help!You website has become a staple for me--I check it 2-3 times a day just to see what new deals you have discovered.


Kimberly said...

I'm CrAzY about your blog!!! I love the multiple updates, free samples, and great deals!!

Andie said...

I love that you give me lots of ways to save money, and that you're always positive. Checking your site daily is a must!

Stephanie P. said...

I love how it is constantly updated and I love to use your lists for Walgreens and CVS. I just print them out and go. Thanks!

Jennifer (Fern) said...

I love your giveaways!

Jennifer Ivey

Lisa said...

I love being able to click on one website and getting lots of great ideas for putting my coupons and rebates together to save money. You make shopping fun!!!

Julie said...

The single best thing so far is my leapster deal. Thru your website I got hooked up with a $5 off a game mfr. cpn. When I was at kmart (cuz you told me about the double coupons there) they had some games on sale as low as 15.99. A cashier gave me a $5 off kmart coupon. SO I stacked the two and got a game for $5.99!! I felt like I won big time!! Then I got another kmart cpn and stacked it with my 2nd mfr. cpn and got another game for $5.99!!

I also love that you update so often.

Also your kmart double cpn list form a month or so ago was really helpful.

My dh lost his position a few months ago and we are strugglin' big time. The $$$ saved (much of it cuz of your tips) is literally helping us stay in our house!!



Andie said...

Are you kidding? Of course I subscribe!

Anonymous said...

I just subscribed for your email updates, but I forgot to leave mine with my comment earlier.
Thanks, Teresa

Mary said...

I love love love your blog! I love several things about it...Selfishly, I love how you do all the hard work for us on saving money and post the best of all deals (all the time too!) so all we have to do is look at one site (YOURS!) to find it all! It has cut our grocery budget by over 60% thanks to you!!

I also enjoy reading your personal entries with pics of your kids or your vacations, etc. and it makes you seem so much more real and relatable.:) I still don't know how you do it all!
Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

I love all of the printable coupons and freebies that you post. I also love all of the store scenarios. You do all of the hard work for us...thinking! (smile) Shavvon...

JC said...

I like how you make things easy and quick. Your blog is easy to read, right to the point, clean layout and I love quick giveaway especially.

Anonymous said...

I am new to couponing and you were referred to me from a friend. I have now set my homepage to you and check your site very frequently. You have saved my family hundreds of dollars and I have been paying it forward. I talk about your site at work, to family and friends and neighbors. You have made is so easy, I wish I did this sooner :)

Thanks for all your help
Beth (Medina, OH)

Meghan said...

I love your formatting for all the weekly deals, Walmart, CVS, Target. You are thourough and easy to read. You have AWESOME kmart double match-ups and you are really good at what you do it shows with the quality of your blog.

Anonymous said...

I love that your website is updated so often, it has helped me save so much money. Thank you.

Kirkham Family said...

I love all of the posts and I have saved/earned a lot of money from your site! Thanks so much for your hard work.

rhonda said...

favorite thing = variety of savings opportunities posted. My favorite savings was on the lego spaceship for which I paid less than $20 (originally around $100 or more). Those kits are expensive!

Kirkham Family said...


Penny said...

I love how easy it is to navigate your site and how easy it is to find the deals by store and which coupons to use! It definitely is Hip2Save!

Brittany said...

I love that you post toy/online/rebate deals for non-consumable items in addition to grocery! I have gotten pretty good in the grocery area...but since July I have become a much better Christmas and Birthday gift giver thanks to this site!

GC said...

I love the unadvertised deals you post!!! I've been able to snag something that I would have never known about if it hadn't been for your blog!! Thanx.

Gracie Cappello

Penny said...

I'm now a subscriber!

Anel said...

I love how you focus on many aspects of saving money, toys, make-up, cooking utensils, etc. Also I like how you provide ideas of what gifts would work for what occasions. Thank you!!!

Michelle said...

I love the fact that you're constantly updating your page! I check your site early in the morning (around 5AM) when I take my husband to work. Then I check back throughout the day to see what other wonderful deals, freebies, information and tips you have to offer. Your service is invaluable! Thank you so much! Keep up the good work!

Julie said...

I like how you are up to date with all of your postings. I rely on two blogs for my coupons and deal scenarios and you are one of them!

Prathee said...

I love your site because you are covering all the deals. You're awesome.

Brittany said...

I forgot my email!oops!

brittlynn44 at yahoo dot com

emily said...

This is my favorite money saving site. But my favorite thing about it is how often it is updated. I have it open all day and check it many times a day.

Marianne said...

My favorite thing about your website is that you have so many updates...I know that whenever I check back, they'll be new deals posted!

Terry said...

I'm brand new to couponing. I used your site a couple of days ago to do my first couponing trip to Target! I love how easy you make it to save money! Thanks!

Tricia, Tallahassee MLM Discussion Leader said...

Love your blog - it's the best for finding freebies. I recommend it on Tallahassee Moms Like Me in my couponing posts all the time.

Unknown said...

I love the multiple updates, I find myself checking your site often throughout the day... I don't want to miss anything!!


maria said...

i love the fact that you have a variety of thing on this blog. not just sales but mail in freebies too!


deemumma said...

What's not to love about your site!!!
But my favorite thing would have to be that you take the time to put links in with all of the coupon match ups, that saves us all so much time not having to search for the coupons ourselves! Thanks for all you do, you are a blessing to our family.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, my favorite thing about your site is how often it's updated. I mean the deals just keep coming! I love that nearly every time I check (and I check often) there's something new and wonderful. Thank you for all your hard work!

Elizabeth M.

Ashley said...

I like the name of your site. It's creative.

Ms Chica senorita @ aol dot com

Anonymous said...

i'm a subscriber!


Stacy said...

I love all the deals you post! I also love how you link where to find the coupon.

Dolphin Girl said...

I love how on top of things you are. I know if I want to know the latest deals and freebies, I should check your site, because you have it all!

Unknown said...


Stacy said...

I am a subscriber

Anonymous said...

I love your site, I check it daily for deals. Because of your site, I have learned how to CVS and get great deals at Target! Thanks.

Cydne said...

I love how fast you are, and how many FREE or super-low-cost deals you find. Your Target & WG lists are the best!

cydnewright at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Love all the coupon links which help me to save $

Kathy A

Daphne said...

I love your site and check it many times throughout the day! The great deals and tips you provide are outstanding! Thanks so much!

lisa said...

Hi I love everything about your site. I have to check it in the am & right before i go to bed to make sure i dont miss out on anything! Its an addiction! thanks

Julie in KnoxTN said...

I love the variety of deals you post up! A lot of them are ones I don't see anywhere else (or I see them here first and THEN they start popping up on other sites... teehee!).

Anonymous said...

Subscribed by email & confirmed

Kathy A

MandieSmittie said...

I just subscribed! Thank you!

Jill said...

My favorite thing about your site is that you always seem to have EVERY deal posted. Other sites usually only have one or two of the same things posted (if anything at all). You always keep us up to date on all the great deals!

Anonymous said...

wow 45 already. just how easy you make it for us. thanks

Anonymous said...

Receiving by RSS

Kathy A

~Mo~ said...

I Love Your Scenarios!

Unknown said...

my favorite is the coupon links!

Debi Rohr said...

I love how you post pics of your projects, that can be so inspiring, like when you organized your pantry. Also, love the links you provide. I also like how you make saving money "hip". Blessings to you and your sweet family!!

~Mo~ said...

I subscribed to your email updates!

~Mo~ said...

I also subscribed to your RSS Feed!

Thank You!

Unknown said...

I love your coupon and sale match ups!!!

Teresa said...

I love that you cover so many different stores and all of the deal scenarios you let us know about. Your site is so easy to read and follow. Thank you!

MandieSmittie said...

I just found this site - and now I check it everyday. Thank you for making my saving and shopping so easy! Now I have no excuse but to bargain hunt!

Anonymous said...

I love how quickly you post all of the deals. Thanks for all of your hard work!

Anonymous said...

I love that you are always updating you site. You work really hard to make sure everything is accurate! Thanks

Kristin said...

I love how you give courage to those of us who sometimes feel like we are doing something wrong by using coupons.

Kristin said...

I subscribe.

Anonymous said...

I like that you link me to so many deals and that you're constantly updating.

Misty said...

I love how east it is to see all the new deals on your site, I check here daily to see what's new in the land of savings :) thanks

mnmzz at msn dot com

Loredana said...

I stumbled upon your blog site a little while back. I read a few of your entries and this whole new idea of 'couponing' sparked my attention. From your site, I learned how to coupon and save money. I love this new frugal lifestyle! I will never pay full price for anything again!! What I love best about your site is how easy it is for a newbie like me to learn and understand how to coupon.
Thank you so much for all that you do.
(I also just subscribed too)


Serena Abdelaziz said...

Your site is so organized. I have already saved SO much from reading your posts. Now I am learning things by myself. It's a GREAT feeling. Thanks.

Serena Abdelaziz said...

I am a subscriber as of two days ago.

Chrissy said...

I love everything about your site! I love that you are constantly updating - I check in many times a day! And I really appreciate that you keep things positive and upbeat. I don't personally know anyone else here, but I feel like we are all friends!

Claudia T said...

I love that you have up-to-date deals on a regular basis! It's become less intimidating and more fun to use coupons, thanks to your site! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
You can leave me a msg on my blog:

Claudia T said...

I subscribe to your blog :)


Anonymous said...

All the deals on your site of course. I am addicted to you site.

Jessica said...

I love that you offer deal scenarios. Most other sites just tell you about great coupons,but I love that you give scenarios of exactly how to use them. It really helps!

Charmaine said...

I LOVE that you give back to the internet community with all that you have learned and continue to learn! With your advise and blog, you have saved hundreds of us, hundreds of dollars! Keep up the great work, and feel good about what you have accomplished. Kudo's to you!!!!!! THANK YOU!

Lisa said...

I love how you have deals posted by stores & how you do scenarios and match-up's to go along with it. You save me sooooo much money and time!

luvmymadgab at comcast dot net

Lisa said...

I subscribe!!

luvmymadgab at comcast dot net

Kristen said...

I love how easy it is to figure out the deals that will work for me each week when using your CVS and WAGS guides. I can't even tell you how much you've helped me get started on my couponing. Thanks so much!


The Sewing Ninja said...

My favorite thing about your site is you update deals so frequently unlike some sites where the deal is gone before its even posted.

Sabrina said...

I used to think I was good at saving money and couponing.... until I was introduced to your blog!! It has taken our savings to a whole new level! I am so grateful for your deal scenarios at stores in particular! And toy sales/deals have been a huge blessing as well. Thank you so much for what you do!

Jen said...

my favorite thing about your site is you do all the work for me. i wouldn't even know where to begin putting together these amazing deals, but i can come to your site and have a shopping trip planned out in a matter of minutes. it's fantastic!

The Sewing Ninja said...

I too am a subscriber at:
cmricha2 at hotmail dot com

Deb T said...

I love the way you pair the coupons with sale items and also the quick postings of great deals.

Ashley said...

You post more deals than ANY other site. You rock!

Charlene said...

I thought I was already pretty good at couponing, until I found you site. You have helped me learn how to find even better deals. I've also started shopping more at Target and Walgreens because of your site.

ChristineR said...

I love how you showcase all types of deals out there, and not just the grocery and drugstore deals. Very well rounded - Thanks!

A Day In The Life said...

I love how all the deals are eacy to follow!!!

Sara said...

I love all your deal scenarios! And how fast you have updates. Thanks for saving me so much money!

A Day In The Life said...

I'm an email subscriber!!!

Heather Huber said...

I love all the savings and freebies you provide. Tips like your's save me and my family bundles of $ and I really appreciate it!


Courtney said...

I love your site because it has helped me become a more money wise mom. I am a stay at home mom due to my son's disability's. My husband has to be our sole provider. It was so hard to adjust to being a one income family when we were used to two incomes. We are so thankful for your help in our transition and for my husband for being such a hard worker!! :) Keep up the great work. :)

Deal Finding Chik said...

You stay up to date with everything!

christinaprey said...

The two things that I love most about this site are

1. You alert us to other deals than just grocery deals. Because of you, I have gotten great deals on toys, cookware and many other things.

2. When you give the shopping lists you only list the really good deals. This saves me a ton of time because I can go directly to the cheap/free stuff. It's great!


christinaprey said...

I am already a subscriber :)


Coupon Contessa said...

I like the variety - everything under the sun!

Christy Wong said...

I love all the Target deals you post. Target is one of the places I shop most regularly, and I have saved so much money there since I started using all the coupons and deals you post on your site. Thank you! I tell everyone about your website.

shawn said...

I like that you give scenarios for sales. I often cut and paste it to Word, then take it with my coupons to the stores. Easy!

Anonymous said...

jean says:

i love how you are constantly updating your site. whenever i check it out there is something else for me to sign up for or print or check into. you do an awesome job!!!!! thank you

Coupon Contessa said...

I also subscribe to the blog!



Shelley said...

I love how your site is constantly updated with the latest deals...I check it about 2 hours ;)

kmel2u said...

Love your site and all of the dedication that you put into it I check it out all day long because it is always being updated.
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication so that others may save.

Mrs Save Alot said...

i clinck on your site at least 4 times a day. I love how quick you are to update and post deals. you are by far one of my fav blogs

Shelley said...

I am a subscriber :)

Erica Mangum said...

I love all the good deals that you let us know about, and free things sometimes! Thanks! Erica

Anonymous said...

How much money you help me save...jkcmccandless at aol dot com.

Jessica said...

I subscribe to emails

Lynn said...

This is the best blog ever! I consider it a one stop for everything deal-related! Freebies, coupon matchups, giveaways, etc. I also love that you update so often! I save lots of dollars with your help! :)

Cat;rina W said...

I count on your blog every day to give me the best deals around. As a new mom of twins, I don't have the time I used to to scavenge for the best deals. Your site has become a one stop shop for all the best deals and freebies. Thank you for all your hard work!

Sarah said...

love your coupon match ups!

jennie said...

Ilove all the updates!

Denise said...

I am a e-mail subscriber

Barbara said...

I just started reading your site about two weeks ago, and I'm hooked! I love all the deals, stuff I would have never had time to find on my own. Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

A friend told me about your site a few weeks ago and I love it! It is so easy to use and there is always a new deal to discover.


Denise said...

I love your blog, Yours is one of the few that updates all throughout the day. I get so many great savings ideas, my husband is amazed at how well we both are doing on savings, thanks to you and your blg !!

Anonymous said...

you make it waaaaayyyy to easy!

Betty said...

I love how you keep things current and updated ALL the time

Barbara said...

I'm a subscriber now!

Michelle said...

Wow I have to pick one thing. Well it is great that you post what you personally find at Wal-Mart and Target. I also have to say I love the funny stories you post and the funny pictures like when you got your new freezer. These make me laugh when checking your blog.

Michelle said...

I subscribe also. Have for a while now.

Melissa said...

I LOVE your blog! Youve saved my family SOOOO much money. I know I've emailed a few times to show you my heap of stuff I got for next to nothing thanks to you! Thank you thank you thank you

melissa said...



OOO, ahhh I love Blue Bunny treats!Almost as much as I love your bolg!!!

Emily said...

I love how to put together the coupon match-ups and I love how quickly you are about posting everything!

Emily said...

I'm also a subscriber.

Bawanab said...

I love how much you help me and others save money on all things. It has helped my family out a great deal this year since I found your site and lost my job.
My husband is amazed at how much I bring home for little to no money. I look forward to all your post on the upcoming deals and matchups along with he freebies.
Thanks so much .....


Alissa said...

I love that you post all the time! I've read some other blogs that I like, but I go back to check on them and they haven't posted anything in weeks! You also post freebies and cheap online stuff in addition to coupons, that's awesome!

Alissa said...

and I subscribe to your post as well, thanks!

Anonymous said...

i check SEVERAL coupon sites, yours is the only one who puts up deals that i dont see on other sites. some are exactly the same as others, but i know when i check hip2save, there is usually at least one great deal i didnt find anywhere else! thank you!
mrsfarns07 @

Sabrina said...

I also subscribed!

leah said...

I love when there are those special freebies like: jcp shirts,free makeup,free lotion! its the best!!

Linda Shifflett said...

I absolutely love your blog. I check here several times a day for your updates. That's the best part. You update frequently. Also love the free samples and great deals that you post. I am so sure that you have saved many families alot of money over time. Thank you for everything that you do.

Linda Shifflett said...

I am a subscriber by email.

The Hills said...

I love, love your site. I look at it several times a day. You definately make my couponing much easier. Thank You!!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love your blog. I've seen many but yours is the BEST. You've proven to me you can save money and spend very little for everyday items. I've turned so many people onto your site that follow you too. Thanks for all the hard work!!!

The Hills said...

I subscrided to your email.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate that I can check your site before heading out the door to make sure I have my coupons matched with the stores I shop at.

Thank you for your hard work that has saved our family money!


Stori said...

I love that you link all the coupons that are printables to your sale listings!

Anonymous said...

I am a subscriber!!!

Anonymous said...

I subscribe (under a different eMail listed)


Enely said...

I'm already a subscriber

Whatanangel said...

I love how easy you make the deals. One click and I am ready to get something free or print a q. Love it. Addicted for sure.

Whatanangel said...

I also signed up for your free email updates. can't wait.

traviskaim @ yahoo . com said...

I love the organization of the site, how you can search by stores or keywords as well as the constant updates. (OK that was two)

Toni said...

I just love your site, it is always the first one that I log onto each day and the one that I recommend to all of my friends. You have saved me tons of money AND time! thank you so much for all that you do!

Anonymous said...

I love your user friendly your website. And how you help me save!

Enely said...

I love how easy is understand the deals on your blog.

MMMulling said...

My favorite thing about your blog is the community aspect of it - I love that you share your reader's deals and that your readers will tell people one million times what SS and RP stand for even though there's a like for all that on your front page. I'm also handing out coupons to strangers in the grocery store and alerting people in line to redbox codes because I don't feel like anyone should miss out on a deal and I feel like this is what you do on a broader scale.

~ Marie

KellyG said...

The thing I love most about your site is the scenarios that you work up for us, Walgreens and Target are my favorites.

Anonymous said...

Your site is always the first palce I check when I log on! You have the most recent coupons and I love the Simple Shoe Deals! I have ordered several pairs for myself and my family. You must be really organized as I find myself not getting to much done on somedays when there is alot going on on your site! I love it! Keep up the good work! Audrey

Melissa A. said...

I love all the timely information on rebates & freebies. Gotta move fast to get most of them!

Anonymous said...

I love your site because you always have lots of leads on good deals and you've helped me save a lot of money in a very short time.
jlscores at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love that you post several times a day!

Anonymous said...

I'm also a subscriber!
jlscores at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love your site because you save our family SO much money :)

Anonymous said...

I am a subscriber!!! :)

Thank you for all the hard work you do.

Deb said...

Your coupon match ups are awesome! You have helped us save so much money! I also love when you post great deals - like that cute serving dish with the stand yesterday. Thank you!

debmcguire at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Love all the deals you blog about!

Tina Jennifer D'Silva said...

love the deals u put up...


Unknown said...

I love Blue Bunny! I am a subscriber!

Unknown said...

I think I stumbled across a goldmine when I found your site. I was able to use the pairings you had with Kmart doubles to complete stock up on items that I would have spent tons of money on. My most out of pocket during the week was 1.61. I even took my mom and her oop was 0.00 (we had a 5 dollar off Kmart coupon). I thank you for the deals you help us get!!

Erin said...

I love the variety and amount of info you provide! I am also an email subscriber. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

You have the best Target deal list around. I have referred so many people to your site recently. Thanks for all you do!

I have had some amazing Target deals recently.

diane at themafamily dot net

Anonymous said...

I just started couponing three weeks ago when my mom told me about this site, and I'm already addicted. I'm constantly checking you site for new deals, so I don't miss anything. I'm only 19 so all my friends make fun of me for acting "old", but my roommates love when I get back from the grocery store and spent next to nothing.


heidipgale said...

I absolutely love this site! It's great that you are so personable and in tune with your readers and that you share bits of yourself with us to humanize the words you type. Thanks so much for all the great tips and freebie alerts too :) I really have learned a lot from Hip To Save; it's THE BEST!

Amy said...

I love how easy you make my life!!!!

kelly said...

love your positive attitude

Anonymous said...

I just became a subscriber!!!

Unknown said...

I love all the many many freebies that you always post. You have an AMAZING site!!! Thank you!

Jeanette said...

I love your blog!!! I especially love you Target deal posts. We don't have a lot of the stores here in Hawaii, but at target alone you have saved me about $400 since it opened in July. I have told all my friends about your blog.

Unknown said...

already a subscriber.

Bree Salas said...

I love reading all the information!!! I am new to this couponing stuff...and have found your site to be super helpful!

Carr Family said...

How can I pick one thing I love about your site. Ok, I LOVE finding great deals and coupons and then telling my husband about all the amazing deals I got!!

Tara C.

Bree Salas said...

I am a RSS Subscriber as well

superpaige said...

awesome! I love how they are not always online deals, sometimes it's a coupon, or a sale, or a redbox code. I check here every day!

Rachel said...

I love how your site saves me so much money!!! :)

chrissy said...

omg i love this site. im addicted. I check it a couple of times a day. And when i cant get to the computer im wondering what im missing. Thanks for everything!!

Kat said...

It is the best free site/great deal I've found! You're right on top of the BEST STUFF!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for taking time to put together all the deals. I love u're site.

Unknown said...

I am alreadt a subsciber and love getting the updates.

Leah said...

Oh, and I also get your email alerts!!

Jannel said...

I love all the great online deals you post as well as amazing store deals you find. I literally visit your site at least 4 times a day to see if you added any new deals I don't want to miss out on! Thanks for all you do!

Jannel said...

The entire site is awesome, but I love that you take the time to help others...isn't that what life is all about??

Unknown said...

I love all of you senarios!

Unknown said...

I subscribe with google reader

Bethany said...

I love how much you post. I Don't know how you do it!

Bethany said...


Lea Ann said...

I love how much you update your have saved me tons!!!! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I am a new couponer and love your site - so much knowledge!!! THANKS!

Lea Ann said...

I am a subscriber.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE coming to your blog and reading, you always have such great deals with coupons and rebates and have saved me so much money...I also love it that you update it quite often...Thank you so much, we are all very blessed to be able to come here and read the great

Anonymous said...

I love the deal scenarios you put together and I love the pictures of yours and others purchases that you post!

Anonymous said...

My neighbors and I have totally become adicted to your site. We can't wait to wake up and check each day for the newest deals. You have the best organization and break it down for us so that we can see your actual savings. I tell everyone about your site! We are even going to start a C & C group (coupons and cocktails. Thanks for all that you do for us!! We love hip2save!

contact me @

Kristie said...

I love the way your site helps me save so much money for my family of 6. The way you match the sales with the coupons helps so much!! Your site is the best!!

Kristie said...

I am already a subscriber to your e-mail alerts.

Anonymous said...

I love how you you update frequently!

Allison Z said...

I love all of your deal scenarios and how you make it so easy to save money! :)

Anna said...

My fave thing is all the great deals

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