There's a great new coupon available on Coupons.com: Save $1 on ANY one, any flavor/variety Cascadian Farm product. If you don't see the coupon, then try zip code 55941.
Cascadian Farm products are sold at Walmart and various other grocery stores. They have a variety of products from Granola bars to cereal + frozen fruits and veggies! I have seen the Cascadian Farms purely steam veggies priced around $1.69 at Walmart, so possibly just $0.69 after the coupon. Let us know of you come across any other great deals.
Other New Coupons:
Save $1 on one Box of Cheerios: IE or Firefox
Save $4 on ANY one Elefun & Friends game: IE or Firefox
Does anyone know the cost of these games?
Thanks for the tips, but I'm confused... if it says off "one Box" of Cheerios then how would you get a free single-serving bowl? It's not a box? Thanks :-)
It does say (the one in the box) my stores are sticklers on the wording! Bummer! I wonder if they make a single serve box?
Jessica (mom23sassies)
Elefun was on sale for $14.14 at Target when I got it for my kids a few months ago. I think it's normally like $17.
Hi guys,
sorry about that, you are correct. I just got so excited that there was no size listed that I forgot to read the wording!:)
Anyway, I will go ahead and remove that!
I couldn't find the Cascadian farm coupon with that zipcode. I must have printed it out already because mine hadn't reset.
I went for the Cascadian Farms coupon, and while I didn't find it there at that zip, I did find that the Target Wonka gummies coupon had reset for me. Yippee!
you can also use the coupon for the hippos game on the travel game which is $4.99 at target. Making it .99 cents but not all target's carry the game and it is found on the end caps of the toy aisles not really in the game aisle.
I didn't see the Cascadian Farms Q at that zip either. Anyone find it under another zip?
I found it at that zip...I think it was on a later page...like maybe 12 or so.
Even if it is on a box, I tend to by the smallest size of the big boxes of Cheerios. Seems I can always find a sale and never pay more than $1 for a box after coupons. They are my family's favorite so we go through lots of Cheerios.
I didn't see it before because I've already printed it, so it was at the end. whoops!
A MILLION THANKS FOR THE GAME COUPON LINK!! I was so excited about those when I heard about them but by the time I was finally able to find them my coupon had expired and I haven't been able to print one since! YAY! Now, hopefully they still have them at my Target! :)
i couldn't find the hungry hippo travel version at my local target or walmart. does kmart carry them and if so what price? anyone know?
When I went to Target they had Hungry Hippos and several other travel games on the end cap by the luggage and backpacks.
Cascadian farms has yogurt also.. maybe score free yogurt?
I found these travel games by the "travel" section - luggage and such. they were on an endcap.
If you live in Utah or Idaho you can use some great cheese and yogurt Q's at coupons.com just type zip 84070. This zip also has Q's for $1 off Foster Farms lunch meat and $1 off Gold n Plump Chicken.
The only place I have found these travel size games is at Toys R Us. They are $6.99 there. But I had a store coupon for 25% off the Elefun games which made it $5.25 minus the $4 coupon.
Through Saturday the 26th, Target has a promo going that when you buy Hungry Hippos, Connect 4 or a few others, you get a bag of Doritos and a 2-liter of Pepsi for Free. Pair this sale up with the $4 coupon and you get it all for $11. Not too bad!
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