You can find these at various stores such as Walmart, Target, Kmart and more! I actually hate purchasing these at Target because the register always beeps, since the value of the Buddies soap is lower then the value of the coupon. The cashiers can push this through easily, but sometimes they give you a hard time about it. I instead choose to go to Kmart. I love their registers. They hardly ever beep when manufacturer coupons are higher then the value of the item! (Have you noticed that too?) Anyway, I've purchased Johnson's Soap Buddies there in the past with the previous $1/1 coupons and the register have always accepted them without any beepage whatsoever! Gotta love that!
**Also, don't forget that you can use this coupon to sweeten the Johnson's Baby Care Rite Aid deal too!
For more Kmart Deals and Kmart Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
For more Target Deals and Target Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
For more Target Deals and Target Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
For more Walmart Deals and Walmart Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
i buy these at Target and it never beeps....the register deducts it automatically as 97c!!!!
i didn't get the coupon yeseterday. what booklet was it in?
Kroger has them too & it never beeps. There use to be a catalina with this when you buy 3 or more, but not sure if its still working. I haven't bought them in a while.
Boo...not in my coupon packs yesterday either!
Target posted their coupon policy on their website, I heard rumors that they were also updating how their registers accept coupons. This could be very good news ...
Can you believe that I actually ran out of these? My girls love them and they last forever. Glad I'll be able to get some more at a very good price! Thanks!
I just bought 8 of these at Target using the Target $1 off Qs and it took them without a beep but maybe b/c they were their own Qs?? They were perfect to put in my 1 year old's birthday goodie bags! Safe for kids of all ages, not junk that parents would throw out and FREE for me!
personally i am not going to use this coupon for the buddy bars....the coupon says johnson baby item. i feel the "buddies line" is a toddler product. the rest of the products on the coupon actually say baby on the bottle.
Thanks! My kids love these!
My Target has been totally out of Buddies for over a month. I think they are tired of giving away free Buddies :(
I went to Target today and used the $1.00 off coupons. Sigh....... The register beeped, the employee panicked and the assistant manager was called over. First, she said she couldn't do it because the coupon was of a higher value than the item. Then, she tried to suggest that they were travel size (which actually has nothing to do with nothing). Sigh...... Anyway, I told her that they were in fact not travel size and that she could adjust the coupon down to $.97. She said she could get in trouble because they were having "issues with coupons" blah, blah, blah and went on and on talking about "someone last week with coupons and baby formula" blah, blah, blah. Whatever...not my problem. If they are having "issues with coupons", then they should no longer accept them, IMO. At any rate, after 2 or 3 minutes of moaning and groaning and running off at the mouth, she ended up doing exactly what I suggested in the first place and adjusted the coupon down to $.97. I thanked her and left with my soap buddies. :)
I spoke with a cashier at my SuperTarget about how some registers automatically adjust the price and how some really don't- she told me that eventually they all would be the auto ones, not sure if it's a software or hardware issue. In either case, yeah!
If you don't want to deal with a beep for the Buddies Bar - then don't go to Target to get them. My coupons didn't go through, but the cashier was hip and let them go since they are a Johnson's product! Yipee!
Had problems last week with trying to purchase Market Pantry cheese at Target with coupon. I called Target headquarters after this experience and talked with a lady named Amanda. She told me that should I ever have problems again, there is a phone located right at the register and you can ask the cashier to call headquarters and ask questions. She said this would be preferred over calling a manager over. Amanda said that with one quick call all issues with coupons will be resolved. Hope this helps all of you in the future!
These Qs beeped at my Target (MN) but the cashier pushed them through without a second glance, so I got 3 cents overage per item (though I would be just as happy getting the Qs adjusted to 97 cents).
Where can I find these coupons at? what area, please let me know
Boooo Target! I just got back from trying to purchase the Johnson's Soap Buddies Bars. It was horrible! They beeped, a manager was called over and after all was said and done, they wouldn't honor my coupons. They claimed that it wasn't a baby product. That is after they told me they couldn't do it because it was less than the value of the coupon. Good luck shopping at Target! Thumbs down!
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