Marzetti Apple Dip would like to know your opinion of their future packaging initiative by taking a 20 minute survey here. In exchange for answering a few questions, they'll will send you a coupon for a FREE tub of caramel apple dip! Yum!
**Please note- you will only receive a coupon if your first few answers qualify you to continue with the survey (*Hint* If you eat caramel dip quite often you will most likely qualify to take part in the survey).
(Thanks, MoneySavingMadness!)
I am soooo lazy, I got about a third of the way through and couldn't finish. It's wayyyy too long for free dip, and I LOVE free dip! :D
Thanks for the heads up, anyway. LOVE your site!
It wouldn't let me finish the survey! I typed in my answer in a text box and it kept saying I was wrong because I included punctuation...so I took that out, and it did not fix the problem. AGH! I contacted Marzetti, so we'll see what happens.
I was so excited too because we buy one of these each week of fall, because my husband LOVES carmel apples.
They include apostraphes as punctuation. I was getting frustrated too until I saw I used "don't"
Thanks for the freebie!
Love this product.
I got mine. The lack of punctuation was frustrating. It took longer than ten minutes.
This is a lengthy survey! I did get through, after re-typing my responses several times. And I will get the free dip - thanks for posting this!
no problems here. Thanks for the freebie just got my $20 in star coupons from the last one today, something new to look forward to :)
just did it. took awhile, but worth it! thanks!
I just completed the survey. Will I get the coupon by mail?
What were they thinking not letting us use any punctuation? Do they have any idea how hard it is to type a sentence w/out it??? :-) Thanks - was patient and got to the end. Can't wait for my coupon.
Whew!.....Took some time but I kept going because I love this dip! Thanks Hip!
Thanks Collin.
Thanks for the tip on this one! It was, however, one of the longer surveys I've ever taken--and not especially well done, IMHO! But I got to the end of it and apparently qualified so I have a vision of caramel dip in my future!
Got mine! Thanks!
Yep! It will be sent via mail. Can't wait to check my mailbox!
Thanks a bunch Collin!
I am excited about this one, I already had plans to take the kids apple picking tommorow, so this came just in time. I guess I will have to buy one of these with a coupon I already have until the free coupon comes in the mail.
Honestly that was the dumbest survey I ever took. What are they thinking and what will they gain? Oh well, got my dip -- hope that my dumb answers make them happy! LOL
I got mine!! Thanks. It was saying something about punctuation but when I looked I had missed filling out a field
i don't think that is true about qualifying. I said my honest answer, which was using stuff less than once a year and I still qualified and got the whole survey. ALso NUMBERS are not allowed (besides punctuation.)
thanks for the survey...the punctuation thing was bizarre.
Thank you. Got mine! I love this dip!!
Thanks, got mine. Only took 10 min.
survey completed, lengthy but completed, thanks for the post.
that has to be the longest survey I've ever filled out...I stopped midway through...I don't usually buy the dippers, but thought w/Halloween it would be great...I'll just look for deals if I really need it!
What a useless survey! I hope Marzetti didn't pay the survey creators too much.
it wouldn't let me finish - said my time had expired and that i could not take the survey. whatever.
this dip really went up in price this year - overpriced to me - survey kicked me out - darn it
says survey not available at this time.
FYI - They have taken the survey down now because it "was posted on a site for people seeking free giveaways" and they were inundated with responses.
So, no more free caramel dip! :(
No more surveys. They actually stated, earlier, that because the info was posted on a website for people seeking free giveaways that they can not use the information. It now currently states "This survey is not active at this time and cannot be taken."
i literally got to the survey and hit the little arrow to start and it said "Thank you for your participation" and now it wont let me go back in because it says that i already completed the survey : (
The deal is dead. They are not accepting any more suvey takers as it was "posted on a website for people seeking free give-aways." Oh well!
"Hello valued Marzetti customer,
Because we are interested in the opinion of our customers, yesterday we sent out a link inviting you to share your thoughts on our caramel dip. Unfortunately, the survey was posted on a website for people seeking free giveaways, and we began to get thousands of responses that cannot be used in our analysis. Due to this circumstance, we have had to close the survey and not accept any further responses. We would like to thank those who were able to participate, and would like to apologize to those who would have liked to share their opinion, but were not able to do so. Thank you for your understanding and your interest in our survey."
This is now closed...
I wonder if those who completed the survey will still get the free coupon
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