First, I just want to let you all know that I've heard from numerous readers regarding the Gillette Fusion MVP Razors Register Reward deal and it looks like its "Rolling"! Yay! This means that you can use the Register Reward deal from your first transaction to buy the razor again and then you'll still get another Register Reward--And you can keep "rolling" the deal!
Deal Scenario:
Gillette Fusion MVP Manual or Power Razor System $8.99
Use the $4/1 coupon from the 9/27PG
Pay $4.99
Get back a $6 Register Reward
Final cost FREE + a $1 moneymaker!
Buy another Gillette Fusion MVP Manual or Power Razor System $8.99
Use the $4/1 coupon from the 9/27PG
Plus, use the $6 register Reward from the above transaction
Add in a $1 "Filler" item
Pay nothing, but tax
Get back a $6 Register Reward
Final cost FREE + a $6 moneymaker!
...And you can keep on "rolling" this!
Second, I just wanted to remind you all that the $5 off $25 Walgreens coupon is available to use today, 9/29 thru 9/30! Remember this coupon has to be used AFTER all Manufacturer coupons and Walgreens store coupons, so the way to get the most bang for your buck is to purchase items that generate Register Rewards.
Deal Scenario:
Buy 3 Theraflu Nighttime 6 ct. $4 each=$12
Vaseline Sheer Infusion Lotion 6.8oz $6.99
Gillette Fusion MVP Manual or Power Razor System $8.99
Emergen-C Booster $3.49
Robitussin DM To Go 2 pk $2.49
Chapstick Fresh Effects $2.99
Coupons used-
Use the $2/1 Theraflu Walgreens coupon from the Health Savings booklet
(will deduct $6 for purchasing three)
Use the $1.50/1 Vaseline coupon from here or here: IE or Firefox
Use the $4/1 Gillette coupon from the 9/27PG
Total now $25.45
Then use the $5 off $25 Walgreens coupon
Pay $20.45
BUT then get back an $8 Register Reward for the Theraflu, $6RR for the Gillette, $6.99RR for the Vaseline, $3.49RR for the Emergen-C, $2.49RR for the Robitussin and $2.99RR for the Chapstick!
Final cost FREE + a $9.51 moneymaker!
For more Walgreens Deals and Walgreens Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
I keep reading the terms and the $5 off $25 says it must be $25 AFTER all manuf. coupons are taken off. Am I reading it wrong?
Yeah I think she typed it wrong because her scenerio is after the q's
Yes, it's definitely AFTER all other Qs.
Ang GOOD LUCK finding all these items available at one store!
Rather than the Robitussin, buy the Oral B toothbrush and use the .75 coupon.
her scenerio works cause after q's the total is ver 25 then use the 5/25 pay 20 something. its good if you dont have any rr to start with or have a gift card cause its a mm. and you are right good luck finding all the items!
Are the Oral B toothbrush RR's printing now? Mine didn't print on Sunday.
Yes, the total has to be BEFORE the Q's. These RRs are sneaky and evil though. I like target cards and ECBs way way way way way better. THe RRs are viewed as COUPONS so it makes me nuts that I can't use it on an item if I am using a coupon on that item. PLUS the "shelf life" is so short. Two weeks goes by fast. And if you don't use them, you lose them. But I guess that is how Walgreens can afford to do such deals, people who are not aware, can easily lose them (either literally or they expire.)
Also, I heard some employees at wags say they are going to the card like cvs. Then you will be limited to how many deals you can get.
I just wanted to let you know that I was able to use the 5 off 25 dollars wags cp & my total at the end (after using all my reg cps) came to 14.16. So Goshen, In Wags you are not having to have the total come to 25.00 even after all your cps come off. More money savings. Hopefully every Wags is doing this. The sales girl is the one who informed me I could do this.
After I read my post I thought I'd clarify it a little more. My total to begin with was $38.80 and after the wags cp & my reg cps my total came down to $14.64. The cp is confusing I think but I just went with what the sales girl told me & it worked.
Many of the Wag's are only allowing one razor purchase per day, per customer here. The first one I go to does not have limits, but all the razors are sold out everywhere. Good thing I got my four the first day!
Ok quick question.. Since they're rolling, is there a particular order I should use the coupons for the second razor deal? Do I use my $4/1 first or hand them the $6 RR? Or does it not matter?
Nevermind! My math was wrong anyway!
my wag was OUT of razors and the lotion however CVS has the same lotio ndeal and the first one i went too said they did not get theirs and wont til wedensday which is after the sale so i asked they call another one in town and they had it so I took all my cvs shoppig htere and got the lotion 2 times I hav e 2 cards in different names.. and really got great deals with other ceral c and shampoo..
I'm going to give this a try today...
I am new to couponing and need a little help.
In her scenario, she states:
Deal Scenario:
Gillette Fusion MVP Manual or Power Razor System $8.99
Use the $4/1 coupon from the 9/27PG
Pay $4.99
Get back a $6 Register Reward
Final cost FREE + a $1 moneymaker!
Buy another Gillette Fusion MVP Manual or Power Razor System $8.99
Use the $4/1 coupon from the 9/27PG
Plus, use the $6 register Reward from the above transaction
Add in a $1 "Filler" item
Pay nothing, but tax
Get back a $6 Register Reward
Final cost FREE + a $6 moneymaker!
...And you can keep on "rolling" this!
How do you keep ir rolling if you need numerous $4/1 coupon from the 9/27PG. DO you need numerous newspapers? How do you get more $4/1 coupons from the 9/27PG?
I went to the nearest Walgrees and every single one of the Register Rebate items was gone. They told me to come back. Does this happen to you guys much? If so, when is the best time to hit the store when I have the best chance of these items being in stock.
Debrah and Leah/Mike -
You should go Sunday's early! I always have trouble going the middle of the week, but sometimes stores restock closer to end of the week too. Also yes, people get multiple papers to get more coupon inserts! My grandma gives me hers and I go out and buy 1 or 2 extra depending on how good the coupons are that week. Look at the coupon previews that many bloggers post and you can see if its worth it to buy extras that week.
Leah and Mike:
Yes you need more than one paper (or a friend with a paper) to get an additional coupon. Sometimes if you use a register reward and buy the same product that gave you the register reward it does NOT print out another register reward. "rolling" means you can continue to use the RR that just printed on the product and buy the same product (the savings keep rolling on to you)
Debra Maxwell:
This happens to me all the time. There are lots of couponers and lots of websites letting us all know about these deals. Some people wait outside the store before it opens on the first day of the promotion. Some of the promotions are a month long though, like the Vasaline (i think) So do check back you have plenty of time
I bought the Theraflu, Fusion Razor, Chapstick, Dentek, Oral B Toothbrush, and John Frieda and only half of the register rewards printed! It's a total headache every time I go in and nothing ever prints like it should and I always have a problem with the coupons I use (even though I follow the coupon exactly). I'm sticking with CVS and am forgetting about this stupid store-what a nightmare!
Just wanted to let everyone know that i went to wags at lunch and they had their clothes 75% off. i got a cut pair of sweat like capri for $2.50. great for walking or working around the house. They also had cute little shorts. too small for me.
With extra sunday papers: my sort of rule of thumb is that I buy four. I figure that's enough coupons for two BOGO deals. Works for me. If I need any extra coupons for a super awesome sale, I go to eBay.
At least at my Walgreens, if I pay with a Gillette RR to purchase another Gillette RR, it will not give a RR on the second transacation. Anyone else experience this?
so I went to Walgreens today and got all my stuff together and had my coupons all ready to go...I even found the health booklet in a HUGE stack next to the pharmacy. I went to the cosmetics counter cause the girl there was interested in what I was doing too (mind you this was my first time trying this couponing thing at Walgreens). Everything rang up just great until I got to the Theraflu coupon, and it wouldn't ring up for the $2 off the 3 boxes ($6 total). So then the manager had to get involved to override for it but I didn't get the RR because it didn't ring up right. Also, I had to get a toothbrush too since I was short after all the items, for some odd reason! :) I felt pretty good about it because even though I could tell that the manager was irritated, I was WAY too excited to be getting a deal and getting started saving money! and my $5 off $25 coupon wouldn't work until I got over the $25 total. I also called my local newspaper and they said if I needed more papers they usually keep extras for 1 month and I could just come down and buy them anytime during that month :)
So i went to Walgreens and they are all out of the Gellette Power Razors... there is a store in salem and newburg that has them... no one else has them.
All of the register rewards worked, but it would not let me go back in and get more. It says on the reward that you cannot use it for another p&g product, therefore it cannot be used on another razor...saw someone had the same problem...
Found everything at my Wags, except the Robitussim in the right size.
Thanks for taking the time to post this deal!
So here is what I did:
Used a $6RR to purchase 3 Theraflus, hand over the $6RR first then the coupon from Health Savings book, paid $.27 and got back $8. Then bought Razor with $8RR. Paid $1.08. I repeated this 4 times.
Thanks Hip to save.
Oh what a nightmare in Mass.! Purchased the Venus w/ a $5MQ got the $4RR. So far so good.
Next transaction was the Fusion Razor & a "filler" item. Tried to use the above $4RR w/the $4MQ and it would not print out the next RR!!! Cancelled that transaction.
THEN tried to buy Fusion w/ just the $4MQ and it STILL Would not print the RR!!
I am so sick of the hassles at Wags and all their crazy rules, buying "filler items" etc and still not gertting my RR's.
Going to go to CVS and get a price match tonight. They are on sale there also & giving $5ECB.
I shouldn't shop with my two toddlers... such a distraction, plus the WAG register lady was not very nice.
Went in to try the razor deal. First went fine, register reward printed out. Then I tried it again, $8.99 razor, $4/1 coupon, bringing it to 4.99 then I got what I thought was a $1 filler item out of the bin, rang up $5.89, so she wouldn't take the $6 RR, and I'm not sure why (I'm thinking maybe I should of got something worth like $1.11 or something?)...
so I left all the rest of the stuff there and just walked out with the one razor and the $6 RR. In the car I was reading the RR and it says it can't be used for P&G products. Hmmmm. I want to try this again tonight when I don't have crying toddlers to help confuse me. I have yet to find a helpful, coupon friendly WAG's employee. They have totally squeltched my coupon joy everytime I'm in there.
I made it...I had my transactions all typed up, coupons stapled and all. I got to the store, no Oral B toothbrushes or Halls, so I had to regroup. Here's what I did:
Vaseline Sheer Infusion Lotion
MVP Razor (only had the manual one)
Robitussin 2pk
(3) Theraflu
$1.50 Sheer Infusion Q
$4.00 MVP razor Q
$2.00 Robitussin Q
(3) $2/1 any Theraflu Qs
$8RR for purchasing 3 Theraflu!!!
$7RR for Sheer Infusion
$6RR for MVP Razor
$2.50 for Robitussin
NET: $15.62MM!!!!
Hip2Save deserves a reward AND some!
@Jenn: You know what I do? I literally take the time to print out my list and staple the coupons to the list before I go to the store. No...I don't have toddlers BUT, IT IS EASY TO GET CONFUSED! :( Go to http://iheartwags.com. On the right, you can download a worksheet. I save this and use it at times like this when I have to 'wheel and deal'.
I just got back for doing this deal ~ my store had everything in stock! IT work great!
I was able to use my $5 off $25 before coupons but I have a really great Wags and they love to see how much we save with coupons!
It has to be over $6 (since you had a $6RR) BEFORE taxes. Once my total was $4.99 + tax and they wouldn't take my $5RR.
One more thing...
My WAGs has those Scrubbing Bubbles toilet gels (Citrus only) on clearance for around $1. Good filler, plus there are coupons around for this too.
My Walgreens is very difficult too. I have more negative experiences than postitive ones. I have one cashier there that is very helpful and I know she likes to get deals so she appreciates what I am doing. The cashier that I usually end up with though is very unhelpful and not nice now that that I have made her call the manager more than once since she was wrong on coupon rules. It is very frustrating but my CVS and Rite Aid always sell out of items on sell very quickly or never had them in stock in the first place.
This week I have been buying my 'free' items in stages. Sunday I bought everything. In one order I bought all the items, then on the next order I bought another lotion and some other needed items with the RR from the first order minus the lotion RR. Then on Monday I bought the cheaper RR items with my lotion RR and a few dollars out of pocket. Then today I went back and bought the other items with yesterday's RR. I plan on going everyday and doing that. I am not purchasing the razor though since I don't have anymore Q's for that. Plus I have 3 in my stockpile.
HERBAL ESSENCE IS ALSO ROLLING****************************
Does anyone know if the RR works on all the Gillette Fusions, or does it have to be the ones that say MVP on the side of it? Thanks
I was able to use the $5/$25 coupon before my coupons! My total was $30.xx and then took off the $5/$25 coupon, RR next, manf. coupons next - got my total down to $8.xx and got back around $20 RR today!!!! My store had all the good deals except the Oral B toothbrushes.
Wow, the walgreens cashier did not like that I was paying with a register reward when I tried to buy the vaseline lotion that comes with a 6.99 register reward. She tried to tell me that I could not do that. I had to explain to her that I can because Walgreens advertised it. Is it just me or does it seem that you have to constantly educate store employees on their policies. Help!
I am an avid Walgreen's shopper. I am sorry to hear about so many deals that go wrong but I understand. When I have a bad experience, I just do not go back to that store. I drive an hour to shop Walgreen's. One city I shop in has over 30. It seems like they are on ever corner. I just shop the ones that are nice to me.
This evening I went to one of the cities I shop and purchased 13 razors. I was able to roll all of these. Since I have 3 men in the house, this was a great deal. Goodluck to all!!!
If your Cashier does not read the fine print (or if they do and do not care like mine tonight) you can use the $5 off of $25 before any manufacturer coupons. It will and does work. I do it this way EVERY time they run these coupons and I never have a problem. The only problem I had last time was it had to be after the WAGS coupons but not the Manufacturers. Give it a try!
Mrs20Mist: Where did you get the $2 Robitussin coupon? Did you make sure it was acceptable to use on the 2 ct to go? Most coupons out there are for the 10 count...if you used it on the 2 count then you are not using your coupons right.
Jana: it needs to say MVP on it or you won't get the RR!
They were out of the razors everywhere yesterday but I had one store that said they would give me a rain check for it. They even stapled the ad price to the rain check so I wouldn't have any problems redeeming it.
I have stopped trying to roll RR's because I have gotten them to work.
I've been able to use the $5 off $25 BEFORE any other manuf. coupons and RR. I just hand them that coupon first before any others and they take it every time. I've done this every time they have this coupon and I've never had a problem. My original total was $26 and I ended up only paying $1.75.
My local Walgreens in Chandler, AZ had most the items listed: lotion, razor, emergen-c, chapstick, herbal essences, halls (only 1 left, but I got it!), and I did 2 theraflu (couldn't find anything listing the deal re. $8RR for buying 3). I used my $5off25 cpn, another $16 in RR, plus only a few cpns (didn't hv any lotion or theraflu cpns), but still only paid $6.xx and got approx. $27RR back. FANTASTIC - thank u so much Hip2Save!
I had heard so many rumors about Walgreens discontinuing their RR program that I decided to call them myself at their 1-800 #. So, I did. The woman told me that yes there will be a new program, but she could not tell me the date that they would be starting it. So, it is coming, but just do not know when. BUMMER!! Hope we can still get good deals with the new program.
the theraflu here in colorado is 6.99. no 8rr advertised too....anyone from co here?
I tried to do RR's at Walgreens and had so much trouble. I ended up spending so much more than I had anticipated. They wouldn't let me use a coupon for each item and a RR. They kept making me fill in extra items. Not just that, but by the time that I got it all together and was frustrated over the extra items and hot b/c I'm HUGELY pregnant.. I didn't even notice that one of my register rewards didn't print. I think I will stick to Rite Aid. lol It is a lot less stressful.
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