I just wanted to give you all a heads up--Make sure to check your Parade magazine when you get the Sunday paper tomorrow. You may just find a $3/1 Surf Laundry Detergent coupon inside! This High value coupon should make for a very sweet deal when paired with a sale!
(Thanks, MoneySavingMadness!)
Mine was $.75 off...here in Greenville, SC...
I'm HOPING that I get the 3 off coupon in my parade magazine. My mom only uses surf detergent (or tide..but surf is cheaper).
Is there a way I can tell which papers Parade magazine comes in?
I only use Surf, my fingers are totally crossed! And I'll be heading out to buy a few extra papers if it does have the $3 coupon!
Mine was .75 too in STL. :(
Got it in mine, there was also a $3 off in Parade about 5 weeks ago plus a $3 off in my inserts in the last few weeks. I have bought 6 Surfs this week at $1.50 each.
That would make them free at Kroger this week!
Anon 12:08 - where are you located?
i didnt get one in NY!
Mine was only for .75 in GA
Nothing in Illinois :(
Mine was only .75 in Florida ~ Boo Hoo !!!
I am in Dallas.
Just a heads up about buying multiple papers for the surf coupon... you may have to check each parade magazine before you but the paper because last time I got 6 papers and 3 parade magazines had the high dollar coupon and 3 had the .75 coupon! So it's really luck of the draw!
$3 off in NOLA!
Got the $3 in USA Weekend insert!!
$.75/1 in Gresham, OR
Mine was also $.75 - here in Charlotte NC
Couier Journal - Louisville had $3 coupons
News Enterprise - Elizabethtown had $0.75 coupons
The papers are less than 30 miles from each other...go figure!
Got the $3 in the USA weekly insert in TN
$3.00 in Austin, TX!!!!
Do you guys think they are going to sell these on coupon clipping websites..sadly, I didn't get any.
.75 in my little Washington state town. :(
I'm in Dallas, also got $3 off in Parade about 5 weeks ago plus a $3 off in my inserts in the last few weeks. I don't use Surf, I gave 3 to my mom and still have 3 expires12/6.
.75 in Portland, OR
.75 in SO CAL
Six papers, checked all six Parade Magazines, no Surf coupons here in MN.
$.75 off in Parade&USA Weekend in CO.
.75 off in San Diego North County Times
I got the $3.00 here in Southern Indiana but we get the Courier-Journal that is based in Louisville, KY.
simpleinspiration, where in North County are you? I am in Vista. Nice to find another couponer in my area. :) $.75 Coupon in LA Times too. :( Forgot to check San Diego Union Tribune this a.m.
I bought three papers and all three had just the $.75/1 coupon. Disappointed because I only use this detergent. Still nice to find a coupon.
I agree with Anon. 7:35 a.m.
I buy multiple papers and some of the Parade magazines have coupons and some don't--all in the same week.
It really doesn't matter where your location is, they must scramble the coupons because some are for larger dollar amounts and some are less as well, also in the same week's Parade.
~ Jennifer
east TX...got it in both my 2 Parades for $3 off. You have to watch the Parade magazine though. I always check for coupons. Alot of times mine have totally different coupons between the 2 and so forth. It is kind of weird. My husband is in printing, so he said that some manuf. might only want to pay for so many so they split the advertisement with another company.
$.75 in Bend,OR =[
.75 in no va
Mine didnt have any q's in it. :(
@Sally 11:30am:
I'll send you a stamp for the 3 q's you have. :)
S.F. Bay Area, N.CA only .75 cents...
$.75 here in northern NY...
Crap! I got the "USA weekend" and the coupon was .75 cents.
Got $3/1 in the Jackson, MS area...but mine was not in the parade it was in the USA Weekly.
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