Coupons Available:
Save $2 on any Kiss My Face Kids product
I'm guessing the Kids soap and foaming hand wash are priced right around $2, so possibly really inexpensive or free after the coupon!
Save $2 on any 16oz Kiss My Face Classic moisturizer
Save $1 on any Full Size Kiss My Face product
Save $1.50 on any Full Size Kiss My Face Oral Care product
Anyone know what stores carry these products and how much they're regularly priced?
Kiss my face is definately not around $2, but thanks for the coupon!!!
I bought some Kiss My Face deodorant on clearance at Target a while ago. I think the clearance price was$2.50-$3.50.
these are in the highend of products they are pricey for sure
These are pricey but since the coupon is good til 12/31/2010 Im sure I can find a sale or clearance. Thanks Colleen - Your Awesome! Charli S.
These products are organic, I believe, so they're rather pricey. I think the kids' bar soap was regularly around $5-6 at Target. Of course, they did clearance them out, so with a coupon, you could get a good deal.
Looks like it's available and most Organic Grocers and some Target stores.
Thanks so much for posting about these coupons! Kiss My Face products are kind of expensive, but their moisture shave is the only shaving stuff I really like, and I was just thinking last night that I really need to buy another bottle. Thanks!
I think the kids' chapsticks are under $3-$4.
Don't be fooled - Kiss My Face may call itself natural, but they have some ingredients (parabens, etc) that many who care about "natural" wouldn't want in their products.
saw it at toysrus/babiesrus
On Rite Aid.com store:
Detangler Cream: $8.95
Foaming Hand Wash: $7.95
Toothpaste: $5.95
Lip Balm (2-pack): $5.95
Shampoo/Body Wash: $8.95
Bubble WasH: $9.95
Shampoo & Conditioner: $8.95
Whale Soap (2-pack) $7.95
LOVE the whale soaps - our son adores them! Thanks for the coupons, but I can't get them to pull up. Any tips??? Thanks!
they used to sell pear scented kiss my face handsoap at trader joes for around $3... but that was a few years ago. not sure if they still carry it. that stuff smells so good. thanks for the coupons!
Thanks for the coupon link. As others have said they're a natural brand so quite expensive but coupons are always good ;)
Someone mentioned about the ingredients, it varies a lot by product, the Costmetic database (http://www.cosmeticsdatabase.com/) has a great list of info and ingredients on all products and how they rank and the Kiss My Face products are listed too so you can see which are better than others. Most of the kids stuff ranks quite good, but the old formulation on one was rated very badly.
They are pricey but worth it!
Kiss My Face is sold at Whole Foods. Their skin moisturizer is about $11 as is the shower gel. They come in a variety of scents. I think the deoderant is agut $7.I have been using their patchouli scents for years. They aren't irritating, and smell good. Surely they are worth the price.
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Does anyone have a zip code that will work for the Kiss My Face coupons? I can't get it to pull up here in Michigan.
I saw these coupons last night, but since I don't have my own printer, I had to wait to today to see about printing them (at my mom's house). They are already gone from coupons.com! I didn't know they would take them off so soon! I'm sorry I missed out on that one.
I can't pull up these coupons either....darn.
I can't get them to pull up. Darn!
One thing to note: These products are NOT organic, unless they have the UDDA or QAF organic label on them. However, I do like Kiss My Face products & have always been happy with them. Just be aware that they are not 100% organic (in case you only buy organic).
I've been seeing these products on the clearance end cap at Meijer alot lately. They've been their for awhile. They've had alot of natural and organic beauty products on the endcap at like %50 off at my Anderson, IN store.
None of Kiss my face coupon shows up. Would you share a possible zip code for this? Thank you!
Any specific zip code to see Kiss My Face coupon at Coupons.com???
i cant find the coupons either.
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