As you all may know, the 3 previous links to the CVS $5 off $25 flu quiz are no longer available. The good news is that there is another working link to get an additional $5 off $25 coupon! Just go here to take the flu quiz again and print a new $5 off $25 coupon!
**Remember you can only print this one time! It has a unique one time use bar code.
(Thanks, CouponingToDisney!)
For more CVS Deals and CVS Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
it can be printed from multiple computers right?
This has a different barcode, right? I don't want to be embarrassed...
Question while on the topic of CVS...I was under the impression that the Candy deal (Buy $20, get 5 ECB's) was an all month long deal, but my store said it wasn't. Can anyone confirm?
Got it!
why is mine giving me that open or save option???....when I click, open it does a macromedia flash player box, and then nothing happens.
Please help!
Does anyone know if this is a one time use per card? Or just one time period. Because on the other ones I printed two-one for me and one for my mom.
Yes, this has a different barcode and yes, this can be printed from multiple computers.
I printed mine and it said it expired 09/28???
Mine comes up with a completely blank page not working at all for me.
Wonderful! Thanks - I'm hitting CVS after work tonight and that will help a lot :)
I am so glad you rebooted this, or put it up again b/c the three links last night were not giving me anything. I could take the quiz but no coupon! THanks
Thanks! I was just looking for one of these :) !
Both our local CVS stores had some great clearance items.
I made out like a bandit!!!
you can check out what I got here!
Am I doing something wrong? I'm just getting a blank white screen. Is the deal over?
Does anyone else's barcode show 876564 009317?
i just got mine. the bar code was different than yours though. don't know why some arent getting it. Mine expires 11/02/09
Mine will never print. I take the quiz & then click on print but it won't. I couldn't get mine to print when this first came out either.
Got it thanks!
I know some questions have been asked so this may be a repeat --
I just signed my husband up for his own CVS card so we can get twice the goodies. =)
My questions are:
When taking the flu quiz
A. Do you get a different bar code if you print from another computer (I already used one on mine card or I could verify this myself!) and
B. Can a coupon with the same barcode be used on a different Extra Care card?
My CVS associates are really good about things, but I don't want to give them a coupon that by rights they shouldn't take -- I already feel a little guilty about taking the quiz so many times for more coupons. LOL!
Thanks in advance!
I went to use the new coupon and the clerk said it had been used on Sept 28th! I told her I just took the quiz yesterday and she put it through! Why did that happen?
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