Hurry on over to
Coupons.com! They have yet another new high value coupon to print! Currently, there is a
$3 off ANY 10 Weight Watchers Smart Ones product coupon! You will have to click on "Sign up and Save", then answer a few questions. This is a great coupon and should make for a very sweet deal when paired with a sale or other in-store promotion! Target had a $5 gift card deal available on these previously, so hopefully they'll have a similar promotion again soon! Let us know if you come across any other deals.
**If you don't see the coupon, then try zip code 90210.
Didn't find it. :(
got mine, only had to answer a few questions, after answering the questions, hit submit and it will take you back to the coupon page and clipped with be checked.
Got it! Thanks!
where does it say sign up and save?
didnt find it either
didnt find it either
Got it thanks! I used 90210 zip.
I didn't find it with zip 90210 but I did find it with zip 33855. Try that!
hah, my freezer is still full of Smart Ones from the last Target promotion!
Thanks, 33855 worked for me, not the others.
How much are these usually?
I printed two $4/10 Smart Ones from www.eatyourbest.com/wwmag (just had to fill out some info)! Great coupons for those of us who are trying to lose weight but still need a quick meal here or there.
thanks Susan!
THANK YOU Susan! I was able to print 2 $4/10 that expire 11/14. Come on good sale! =) I LOVE the Smart Ones Thai Chicken Pasta- YUMMY!
My walmart last night, the smaller boxes were rollback from I think $1.58 each to $1.50 each. I got the 10 and paid $11.00. Not bad for 10 quick little meals.
I was wary about doing this one, because LAST time they posted it I used a different E-mail address and it STILL said that I had already printed the offers! (Like it recognised my computer!) Did anyone else run into this?
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