has a rare coupon available:
Save $1 on any one Medium or Large Cup of Dippin’ Dots. This coupon is valid at participating Dippin' Dots stores or mall kiosks! To access the coupon quickly, click on the "Restaurants" category on the left hand side.
This is a great coupon to use while out shopping! I love to snag little treats like this for myself and my kiddos, so it's an added bonus when you can score a sweet deal too! Hurry--I'm guessing this coupon won't be available for long!
(Thanks, NWADeals!)
My favorite ice cream... too bad we only have these at amusement parks and state fairs in Indiana ... :(
Darn, when I first saw that I thought it was going to be a coupon good on the little bowls of Dippin' Dots for $1.00 found at Wal-Mart with the ice cream singles.
Nicole, I live in Indiana and I see them at Wal-Mart all the time.
I haven't seen the exact name brand, but I will keep an eye out... thanks!
Free passes to see "Where the Wild Things Are" film in two dozen cities
My daughter loves these! Thanks!
Is anyone else having a problem printing the coupons? For some reason now I choose the coupons I want but it doesn't print them. I also cannot get coupontom to connect either. I have never had this problem before.
Invites you to attend an advance screening of WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE.
Passes for these special screenings are limited to a first come, first served basis
This coupon must have reset too.
I had it right before the 1st so I'm glad it's available again. :D
My coupon is printing without the barcode, anyone else having this problem?
haha nvmd. enter register ring here! Obviously have never had a dippin' dots coupon before!
Hm. . I\m not seeing it. Is there a certain zip code you have to use?
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