Amazon has yet another great toy deal! The Fisher-Price Fun-2-Learn Computer Cool School
Also, this qualifies for the FREE subscription to Parenting Early Years or Parenting School Years (a $9.97 value) with any $25 or more participating toy purchase... BUT if you don't want the subscription, you can get a $9.97 rebate! You'll receive an email within 8 days after purchasing your items with full offer and refund details! You can check out more details on this promotion here
After the $9.97 rebate, your final cost will ONLY be $30! Wow!
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My Parents bought this last year for my daughter's 4th birthday. She loves it! I would highly suggest this for anyone. I have been able to find several of the extra games on sale for about $10 - $12 from $19.99.
my so loves his, but we only paid $25 for it at costco last year before christmas. i noticed they were pretty expensive this year.
Just ordered mine!!! I've been eyeing this at Target & couldn't bring myself to spend that kind of $$. My son's turning 3 soon & this will be a great gift!!! THANKS SO MUCH!!! Glad to hear that others have enjoyed theirs... that makes me feel much better about spending the $30-$39 :D Thanks for the input ladies!!!
I'd like to order one, but I'm a bit confused. Does my computer have to be connected to the Fisher computer in order for it to work? Or is that just during the software installation?
Ana, yes your computer has to be connected to it in order for it to work. Your monitor acts as the monitor for the Fisher Price computer. My 3 & 5 year olds both absolutely love this! Although I got it for around $25 last year at Target. I think it was one of the coupon deals.
I've got a question about the rebate. I got an email from that I qualified for a rebate and I have to send in the rebate form with a copy of my order receipt, but the problem is that I've had multiple orders from amazon in the last few weeks and I'm not sure which one qualified. I did the movie deals (cars, monsters inc, and up) and I also ordered some leap frog toys and a buzz lightyear. Is there any way of knowing which order qualified?
Thank you for explaining so well, Sara!
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