Wa-hoo! Another awesome Cyber Monday deal! Thru December 11th, Bebe has a $10 off $10 or more coupon code available + you can score FREE shipping today (Cyber Monday) ONLY! Just use coupon code SURPRISE at checkout to get $10 off of ANY purchase that EXCEEDS $10! Please keep in mind the code ONLY works when the item is over $10.
There are a few fragrance and beauty items priced at $12 or less. I went ahead and scored this perfume for $2.14 with FREE shipping! This will make a great little stocking stuffer!
(Thanks, MojoSavings!)
Got a little perfume too. It will make a great stocking stuffer! Thanks.
I know this is off topic but Amazon has the kid kraft table and 4 chairs (pastel) for $101.92 plus free shipping! Great deal considering that they are normally $190.00 plus $35 in shipping.
There is also alot of other kid kraft items @ 50% of plus free super saver shipping!
Does the little perfume smell good?
Got the perfume too..but it was only $2.00..not $2.14.
I can't get my order to go through, it wants me to call them to place it. Blah
Got my perfume for $2! Didn't want to wait to be off! thanks!
I got two bottles of nail polish for $3 plus 6% back from Ebates.
The site is down. :(
I got the Everyday Essentials Push Up Bra for $6.00. Thanks!
Don't forget to go thru EBATES to save 6%
Yes the bebe perfume smells vety good!!! I love it@@
I got the same perfume!
For me there was no tax..just a flat 2.00$ Awesome :)
I wonder if the perfume smells good
Got my order to go through, yay! I got 2 bottles of nail polish for 3.00
And yes I did it through Ebates :)
Nevermind got it to work. $2.13 Yay! Thanks HIP!
Mine is saying BEBE temporarily unavailable. Grrr!
I ordered 1 bottle, but when I went back to get another it says the code is not valid now??
I got the black and gold earrings for $4.00! So excited!
Got my perfume as well. Thanks so much. Their site is running slow and I had to refresh the page several times but it was worth it!!
Temp. unavailable!!
Everyone rush to the checkout!
It feels like it did in the store when I am ready to buy my things.
Perhaps I can shoe them away with my new rake.
PS. Colin, you are my hero!
Hey guys I kept getting the temp unavailable just keep resending through each step. It took me two resends each time to get it to work but I got through the whole process in under 5 minutes $2.14 for the perfume.
I ordered the Everyday Essential Boyshort Panties - WEB EXCLUSIVE
SKU 15150800390013
$10 over the phone and paid $.0 Thanks!! :)
WHEW, FINALLY!! I ordered a pair of black tights for a total of $2.16. Yay
I had to refresh every screen and it finally went through. Phew!
out of stock
This is what I keep getting:
We're sorry, but we didn't recognize the promotional claim code or gift certificate/card code you entered. Perhaps you typed it incorrectly or you are trying to use a code that's not valid for the items in your Shopping Cart?
haha- I kept spelling it suprise instead of surprise and wondering why it wasn't working. Got two nailpolishes for 3.28!
Oh well , all out of the perfume :(
Everyone must be stinky today. They are out of perfume fast.
Anon 12:17 - What's the total on your order, it has to be OVER $10.00. I tried to do it on an item that was exactly $10.00 and it would not work.
the little bottle of perfume is now sold out!!!
so mad at hubby for interuptin me :P i had it all ready and was in the middle of checkout and then they were out of stock....sucks that they didnt recognize that it was already in my cart and sold it to someone else! thats like someone at target taking something out of my basket! lol ohh well
Boy short panties and gunmetal grey nail polish=$6.95 shipped. Not too bad for as long as it took to actually finish the order.
Got my friend a pair of tights for 2.16 shipped. Thanks. She is going to love these. They will go with her cyberpunk clothes. LOL! Thanks Collin
Took me 25 min and several retries to get them.
I got the boyshorts and nail polish too! Thanks!
Finally got an order for some fishnet tights to go through! Yay!
2.00 tights woo hoo!
I got the Enamel Grecian Hoop Earrings for $4.32 shipped plus 6% back with Ebates. They're huge, but look like they'll be fun.
ORDER OVER THE PHONE----the boyshort panties are $10 and they are absolutely free if you order over the phone with code!!!!!!
I got one of their key chain things for $5 it will be cute to do a gift basket and use that to tie it with instead of a bow
Thanks! I got earrings for $4! Amazing!
Another great deal. Go to potterybarnkids.com and in the search field type in 68-7943178 (must do that) the beach blanket which is $22 shows up at $9.99 with FREE personalization and FREE shipping. It will say personalization $6.50 but it will not charge you. I just ordered 2 for my nephews.
ohh i forgot....if you want a different blanket, you just find the SKu number and add 68- and it will lower the price and give you free personalization.
I got the free panties too. It took a while on the phone, but worked!
yay I called and got FREE boy short panties too!!
Thanks for the heads up about the PB beach towels. I just got three kids gifts for $22 - personalized!!! I got the mini towels for $6.99. :)
They were selling out fast though. Had a few disappear from my cart while I was shopping. :(
Don't get discouraged -- go to this site! I just did and scored a pair of charcoal leggings for $2! And I actually need these!! My order went really fast once I figured out what to get. They've got a couple of things for $19 -- a glittery clutch and some jewlery that's a good deal with the $10 discount or they still have the leggings which are so fun to wear!
Calling about the panties now and they are telling me that they cannot use the promotion code on those. LOL
On the Phone Right now trying to get the free panties, I will let you know if it works :) She said the code isn't working and went to speak with someone about it...keeping my fingers crossed
It WORKED!!! lol
I got a pretty black convertible-strap bra for only $6.51 shipped. I really needed one for under holiday dresses! :)
Thanks for the info on the PB kids towels - what a great deal! I bought 4 for $42.36! I am saving them for birthday gifts next year...
I just tried to get the leggings and it said the code wasn't valid. Oh well.
They are insisting the code isn't going through. On hold again. What a bummer.
it wouldn't let me do the code for the $10 panties online, so I had to call and place the order. I then tried to call and place another order and that rep. told me I couldn't use the code on a $10 only item! at least I got one pair. :)
I placed an order for the $10 panties. The rep said everything is free, but still asked for my CC info. Anybody else?
Ok, finally! I am thinking that the order has to be a total of $10.01 in order to use the promotion code. They have to push it through for it to work, btw.
Collin said in the original post that it had to be MORE than $10.00.
Thanks again Collin! I was able to score a BEBE shirt for 14.98 shipped! This is going to make a great gift!
ANON 2:27 I understood that after the fact. Didn't read Collin's whole post. Just the comments about getting the $10 panties FREE. Also all hyped up on Starbucks. I need to chill! LOL
Thanks for the info on the towels! Just got two for my girls! Great Deal!!!
For those who got the $10 panties for free, did they still ask you for the Credit Card #? I got a confirmation saying that my total is 0.
Yes they asked for CC number. The rep told me that it wouldn't let her go to next screen without it but it wouldn't be charged.
how do you get the sku # for PB items?
just add them to the cart and it will show you the number. then copy the number and search again with 68-(copied number)
thank you!
YAY got some cute tights for $4.34!
Took no longer than 3 min total!!
Thanks Hip
Got a pair of thongs free!! Called the number, the rep was so nice! She checked with her supervisor because the 10 coupon didnt come off the panties, but her supervisor said its 10 off any purchase of $10 OR more! So free for me! They did ask for Credit Card info, put my total was ZERO!
Thanks Hip!
thank you for the pottery barn kids deal! im so excited!!
I just place my order over the phone for the boy shorts and it came to a zero balance! They did not ask for credit card information. I asked him if he needed any more information and he said no. I hope it goes through.
Didn't work for me. Put the $10 underwear in my cart and then my ZipCode and it stated that the shipping and tax would bring my total (before coupon code) to $17.00 for shipping to Indiana. Not really worth it for me considering I think the size S or M undies would probably be too small for my big behind anyway! LOL!!
didn't work for me either. I even called customer care, and they said that the coupon code was for Club Bebe members only, and that I was not allowed to use it.
I wanted to let you know that I received my bebe order today! I ordered the lace boy shorts over the phone and got them for free. They game in a gift box and wrapped in tissue paper with a gold seal. I am very impressed with their packaging and quick service. My daughter will be so happy at Christmas.
I just received an email saying that the earrings I ordered are out of stock. I'm wondering why my order was placed in the first place and why it took them a week to let me know. I was looking forward to those.
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