If you're a Disney Movie Rewards member, you'll be excited to know that today, 11/5, is double points day! Every code entered today will be doubled! Wahoo!
If you've purchased any Disney movies recently (example--Snow White), you should see a piece of paper on the inside of the DVD with the Disney Movie Rewards logo. On that paper is a code you can enter on Disney Movie Rewards.com to redeem more points! Try to search for those codes today, so you can double up on points!
(Thanks to all of you readers who emailed about this deal!)
If you haven't joined Disney Movie Rewards yet, then I would highly suggest doing so now! This is a great rewards program... especially if you have kiddos that love Disney movies. Basically every time you purchase a Disney DVD or go see a Disney movie at the movie theatre you earn points. Once you've earned enough points, you can then redeem them for a reward! They have lots of different rewards available from electronics to toys, DVDs and more!
Anyone else feel guilty about opening their kids Christmas presents early to get codes for double the points?
Anon, I was thinking the same thing!:) I guess I have the whole day to decide.....
Already did it! My boys are so little, they won't know. Gotta get the double points. :)
Funny, Anon! I was just sitting here thinking I'm going to forfeit the double points from Snow White and Tinkerbell. Completely off topic though, I can tell all of you since we don't know each other really-----I just got a positive pregnancy test!!!!! We have two girls 6 and 2 and had a late miscarriage in January. I just kinda had a "feeling"---after 3 times, you kind of know. We are making an OB appt. tomorrow to make sure everything is okay before we tell people we actually know! Whew! Feels good to be able to share that!!!! Thought I was gonna scream otherwise.
How many points does it take to get good prizes? is it worth it?
We are all your friends and so glad you shared-and I promise I won't tell anyone:)
Thank you! I feel like I know all of you too! We are all part of this super H2S club. I was just thinking this morning that I feel like I know Collin and if I ever met her I'd have to hug her and she'd think I was crazy. Although now crazy pregnant!!!! Thanks for not telling ;p
Congrats on your pregnancy Anon! I hope everything goes well!
congrats! :) yeah, we won't tell anyone. ;) thats so much fun. i am sure you thought you were about to scream. i would too. :D
Anon- congrats!! A happy and healthy pregnancy to you!!!
Collin - you are my hero. I had never signed up from the Disney Movie Rewards before since I didn't know if it was worth it. When you posted a while ago that doubles was coming up I gathered all my unused rewards out of the movie cases. Today, with you reminding me, I entered them, and now I have 3575 points!!!!!! You rock!!!! And apparently we own tons of Disney movies!!!
I just bought a couple movies for Christmas that I'm turning in the codes for to get my double points. One other thing they have going on. If you sign in under your account and enter the bar code from an old Monsters Inc. DVD or VHS they will give you an $8 coupon off the new Blu Ray Monsters Inc. which has the Blu Ray, DVD, Digital DVD, and Blu Ray extras.
Yay ANON 10:43!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I have three wonderful girls (28, 24, 20), and now two wonderful sons-in-law AND TWO PRECIOUS GRANDDAUGHTERS!! You've got some wonderful years ahead of you. Enjoy! <3
I had lots of points since I didn't know what the program was! Had over 2600 and got my kids some more Christmas presents! So happy and I donated 400 points for 2 stufffed animals for toys for tots! Felt great to give back!
1) Don't feel guilty about opening Christmas presents. With more points the kids will get better stuff when the points are cashed in. My kids get just as excited about my good deals as I do.
2) Congrats!!!
3) Does anyone know what the smaller little code in the circle to the left of the movie reward code is for? I have seen them on the last ten or so discs I have opened but, didn't know what it was for???
Thanks for the congrats everyone. I've hugged my two year old so many times she is starting to look at me funny. I'm gonna go downstairs and get out those codes. My girls are two and six-----like they're gonna notice on Christmas morning----they are so nuts about opening stuff that they don't even know what they're getting half the time!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy Anon!! wooooo :)
Congrats anon!!! I have 2 girls (almost 3 and 17 months)
I was on the fence about going and getting UP and Monsters, now I think I have to...
I have a snow white disney code (125 pts) that I would love to trade with someone. It will only let me enter one code for Snow White and I have more than one snow white code. Does anyone have another movie code they are willing to trade with me? It can be for less points.
I just want to shout out a HUGE Congrats to the Anon who is pregnant! Yay! What a happy day!:)
Congrats Anon 10:43!!! That is super exctiting! With my first, I just took the pregnancy test and told EVERYONE THAT day, lol. I think we're going to wait the 2nd time around, lol.
I was feeling guilty opening my daughter's movie as well, but she's 2 and won't know the difference!! LOL.
Thank you so much for posting this reminder, I went and took all the codes that we had..YAY I am super excited.
nevermind about trading, I am running out the door and I want someone to get double points for it.
Here is a code for Snow white
(only will work if you have not used a Snow white one yet)
Please post a comment if you use it so others know it has been used and don't try to use it.
Has anyone redeemed points for a coupon for a free Snapfish photobook? Is there an expiration date on the coupon?
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