Go here to print a coupon valid for a FREE 16 OZ. Steaz Organic Iced Teaz! This coupon is only valid to use a Target and doesn't expire until 12/31/09.
Has anyone tried these yet? Are they good?
For more Target Deals and Target Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
Thanks for this. I love when I can try something before I buy it. I absolutely hate when I buy something and the family hates it....then I'm stuck either consuming it myself (so that it doesn't go to waste) or throwing it out.
Can you use more than one at a time? I printed 4. So can I use them all at the same checkout?
it does not state you cannot usae more than 1 at a time, so you should be able to get them all at the same time...
#1 saver- same here, i hate buying something new and hating it...trying it free is the best way!
I like the peach! I've been drinking these to kick my coffee habit. I like that they are only lightly sweetened instead of sickeningly sweet.
Anon 11:08 - Yes, you should be able to use as many as you have. If there was a limit it would generally print on the coupon.
hmmm, I wonder if this is a mistake because at the top of internet explorer it says "Buy One get one FREE!" ...but then it doesn't say that on the coupon. I guess print them now incase they change them!
I tried the peach flavored one and I found it to be a tasty cold drink. Not too sweet with a touch of peach in the background. I am looking forward to get some for free.
Wow! It's letting me print a ton!!
I recommend limiting the amount you purchase at one time. If you get ridiculous with it, it will draw attention and cause them to set a limit. Trust me, it does happen. (blushing)
Hope my Target carries these! Anyone know if this is a SuperTarget item only? We just have regular Targets here.
is it ok that they print out with the same bar code?
Thanks Collin! Can't wait to try this!
My husband loves these! Thanks!
a little suspicious when the print preview comes up, and would allow you to print as many as you want...... I printed one, to save ink, as I am sure this one will get debunked.
Anyone know where to find these in the store? I search all the beverage aisles and nada.
thanks :D
It gave me the option of how many copies I wanted, I said 4 then I went back and printed again this time only saying 1 copy. I then went back again and it said I had printed all I was going to, so you can only get 2 prints unless you specify how many copies. All the bar codes are the same.
I have tried the 0 calorie one that came out about a month ago that you could purchase at Whole Foods, tried the raspberry one and it was so good! That one is actually still active and I printed some extra ones at work yesterday. Just search for it on Hip's website.
are these available at reg Targets or just Super Target?
coupons.com has a buy one get one free coupons for this! i printed 2 of them last night.
Steaz has a 'buy one get one free' coupon out right now. I'm a little suspicious that this one has been altered by someone... Espcially when there is no print limit.
When I printed the BOGO coupon a few days ago, I could only print two.
Something to think about...
~ Jennifer
also, i didn't alter the print limit on the free tea coupon, and i was only able to print two of them before telling me that my print limit was reached
just went to my target, and they don't have them :(
It only allowed me to print 2.
I was only able to print two, so maybe they have set a limit now.
I was at Target today and they were not available there- I asked and was told they are only available at Super Targets.
We only have a regular Target and they are on our drink aisle with the Starbucks drinks and such.
I think I have seen three flavors in my store. Look with the specialty drinks - not the sodas, if they are on different aisles.
I just went to my regular target (not Super Target) and got 4 of them for free.(same transaction) There were 3 different flavors to choose from and they were on the aisle where the big jugs of tea are- Not the aisle where coffee/tea is.
I also did the "I Cant believe its not butter" deal, got 4 of those, and two tubs of baby wipes, for a combined total of $2.11!
You can print out as many as you want if you keep exiting out of the coupon pop up after you print 2 each time! Also I only have a regular target and they carry these in all 3 flavors.
when i click the red print button my printer option pops up and let me print as many as i would want, but i really dont like this drink. oh well
I went to target today found the tea but cashier didn't let me use it. And because i didn't want to argue i said okay and didn't get it.
did the cashier tell u why she wouldn't accept it?
Maybe they already got the message that people are going to use it like crazy?
Oh well, I printed 2. I'll hold on to it.
I printed about 7. Used 2 today. Love the Lime-Pomegranate tea. So good!
Picked up 4 no problem, not bad tasting at all and at a normal Target. Good deal for me!
thanks collin!! i picked up two tonight! cant wait to try them!!
We got 8 tonight...no problems at all...they are regularly $1.09 each so I'm happy to try them for FREE too :)
i printed two but i just bought one, because i wasn't sure if they would accept it + the coupon says 'one per purchase'.
Poster ahead of me: "one per purchase" is way different that "one per transaction"...purchase 4, use your 4 coupons, 1 for each of your 4 items you are purchasing. Now if it says per transaction that generally means only one per shopping trip.
I was able to get 4 last night at my SuperTarget and the peach one is very tasty.
Thank you Collin!!
Can we use this along with the BOGO from coupons.com (90210) to get two for free?
LOL my boyfriend LOVES the peach ones...i thought they were gross too!
I used these tonight at Top Foods. She allowed me to use all 4 of my coupons, even though her scanner couldn't read them. She had to deduct the amount individually... hope other people have the same luck!
Ok really tastes like flavor water!
Went to target yesterday in Richmond VA (Libbie & Broad) and got 10 in one transaction for free. Shelf was stocked with at least 60 so I didn't feel guilty getting so many at once. Had a great cashier who put coupons through no problem.
BTW, love the green tea with blueberry pomegranate acai!
I did get 2 at our Target & it's not a Super Target. They are by the water, not in the pop or juice aisle. They're not bad, but I probably wouldn't pay $$ for them. My Target tried to tell me they were BOGO, but it clearly states "get one", so I stood my ground & she gave them to me free.
I printed out two yesterday and went to my reg target today and got one to try it. It was good, so I decided to try to print more. When I went to the steaz link from here, it said I had printed my limit (I already forgot the lingo it used on the print button) BUT I hit it anyway and it kept letting me print as many as I wanted. SO, I printed out 10 more.
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