With Christmas just around the corner, I wanted to mention this new Gevalia promotion available! Currently, you can Snag 2 boxes of Coffee or Tea, a Stainless Steel Coffee Scoop and 1 12 Cup Programmable Stainless Steel Coffeemaker for just $14.95 with FREE shipping! I've seen this offer previously available, but shipping was not included, so this definitely seems like a very sweet deal!
Wanna get in on this deal?
Just go on over here and select the coffee or tea you'd like to try. They have lots of yummy varieties to choose from. You'll then just need to fill in your billing & shipping info.
Please note that once your order is processed you'll be automatically enrolled in Gevalia shipments. This isn't a big deal, though, since there is NO commitment! After your order arrives you can cancel with no further obligation... meaning you will NOT ever be billed again or sent anything more! If you decide that the Gevalia Auto-ship program is not for you just call this number-1-800-438-2542 and cancel. That's it!
this looks too good to be true!!
It's not too good to be true! I did a deal like this before (actually it was more expensive) and I received everything really fast. I then canceled. It was so simple and there coffee is so yummy!
Thanks, hip! I just got this for my hubby!
I did this deal about a month ago. I was amazed at how nice the coffee maker was. The coffee was also great. The best part is that all I did to cancel my membership (after I received my shipment) was to send an email to customer service...they even sent me a cancellation confirmation email. By the way their coffee ordering is soooo flexible that you may not even want to cancel. You can space your shipments as far as several months apart and their coffee is delicious. This was such a great deal, even my husband couldn't believe how nice the coffee maker was.
I did this last Christmas and we're still using the coffee pot a year later. It's a nice quality pot and the coffee is good too.
We cancelled right away and never heard from them again. Easy peasy!
ok...i'm convinced! i'll order for my hubby for christmas. Thanks guys!
I ordered this several days ago. I am curious if you can order a 2nd using your spouse's name and credit card? I think these would be so nice to hang onto for gifts.
Quick question for those who have this. Do you have to use their filters? Or will ones that you can buy anywhere work and fit in the coffee maker. Just want to make sure before I go ahead with this great deal.
To the last Anon: My mom has had one of these coffee makers for years - she uses normal filters available anywhere. HTH!
i have done this deal (with paying for shipping) 3 times. It is so easy! I couldn't believe it the first time. The coffee pot lasts about a year and a half for me...that's why we've done it multiple times. Every time the coffee pot starts acting strange or gets a leak I just get on Gevalia's website and do it again. The coffee really is good too. We mix it half and half with Starbucks to get that stronger flavor. I think you will be really happy with how easy the cancellation process is. And there is nothing to feel bad about- I told them the last time that I called thatI had done this deal before and they said it was fine if it had been over a year. Yippee!
Anon 12:16--
I did the deal earlier this year with the free stainless steel coffee mug and 3 free coffees. Cancelled and it was no prob. Then the coffeepot deal came up and so I tried to ordered it using my hubby's info. It said the order went through, but I never received my order and my CC was never charged. It says 'one membership per household' so I'm guessing they reviewed my order and noticed I had already gotten the first deal. Probably figured it out b/c of the same address. Bummer! :)
Those of you who ordered this deal - did you receive an order confirmation? I didn't, and it kind of has me worried!
Everyone who has done this ~ do you also find that the coffee pot doesn't last more than a year and a half?????
Did not receive a confirmation either! I wish the coffee pot was stainless not white. I was going to use this for tea. We don't drink coffee. I am not complaining believe me, I will take the white!
moname - the pot is stainless! :) The option was to get a stainless with black accents (as pictured) or a stainless with white accents. I hope this helps!
Melissa :)
If you are a member of mypoints.com you can go through the website and receive 500 points for your order!
we did this and thought it was wonderful for a month, until the coffeemaker stopped working, what a POS it was, glad I kept my old one. The coffee was good though..
Actually not impressed with quality of coffee. Starbucks and Seattles Best is just as good. Offer is great and we did the 3 bags and a travel mug for $3. Cancelled today, no hassles. Travel mug leaked at the threads where it screws on.
I did this about 4 years ago and have been using my coffee pot no problems - the little red ball that floats up when you add the water stopped moving about a year ago though. The coffee pot works great, use paper filters. I didnt care for the coffee, but its a great deal on the coffee pot. I bought a Mr. Coffee coffee pot about the same time (was told about the deal right after I got it) and it quit on me about 6 months ago (its the one Costco sells with the water filter and gold tone filter) - so, the Gevalia one has lasted longer :-) It was super easy to cancel.
I got this pot about 6 months ago and I think it is great. Friend got one too and loved it. Could take or leave the coffee. My 19-year-old son just moved out so ordered one for him for Christmas. Had to have it shipped to my mom's address as they would not let me do it with my address again. Awesome deal for a coffee pot and coffee.
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