I didn't even realize this when I was scrolling through Coupons.com earlier, but the high value $2/1 Huggies Diaper product coupon has reset! Yay! Print this Huggies coupon now (2 prints per computer) and save them for the upcoming *Hot* CVS Deal!
Starting 11/22, CVS will have an Extra Care Buck deal on Huggies! Buy $20 worth of Huggies Diaper products and get a $5 Extra Care Buck back! Combine this with the $5 off $20 CVS coupon and the $2/1 Huggies coupons that have been available on Coupons.com to really get an amazing deal on diapers!
(Thanks, CouponingToDisney!)
For more CVS Deals and CVS Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
I was just curious where everyone reads Collin's blog from? Let's post our city and state to show Collin how many people she actually reaches and inspires! I'm sure there are tons of us. Thanks for your hard work, Collin.
Amy from Fort Wayne, IN
Good idea!!!
Candice from Livonia, MI
Good idea! Amy, I'm close to you!
Shirley from Middlebury, IN
san antonio, tx
Rural MN
I love your blog! You've saved me a ton of money!
Portage MI
Fort Wayne, Indiana
HI AMY!!!!!!!!
Way down south - Andalusia, Alabama!
Birmingham, AL! I love Collin! I've read her blog for over a year.
Richmond, VA
Hi Collin,
I love your blog and check it about 20 times a day! I think I am one of the very few that coupon in the Odessa/Midland texas area, so I really depend on your blog to help me find great deals! Thank you for all your hard work.
Tammy McCamey Texas. (hometown White Deer Texas close to Borger :)
Western NY
Quakertown, PA...I am addicted to your blog!!! First thing I check when I log on!
anyone know the limit on the upcoming huggies deal? I hope its more than 1.
Taylors, South Carolina
Always LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE your blog dear Collin!!! Maggie, Boston, MA
Milwaukee, WI
Where can we find the Huggies coupon?
Atlanta, GA
Springfield, Mo
Jessica from Rigby, Idaho
Thanks Collin for all you do!!! Wish we had a CVS close...I need diapers!
KC from Norcross, GA
obsessed w/hip2save in waterford, MI
Vicki from T-town ALABAMA (Roll Tide!) (Tuscaloosa :)
Amanda from Bloomington, IN (heart is in NW Indiana!)
HI I was able to print one huggies coupon but it won't ever let me print 2 of anything from this site.. even hitting the back browser button. Any help?
Destiny from Columbus Ohio
from Southeastern Michigan---metro detroit area here!
Tulsa, OK!
Jacksonville NC
Stillwater, OK!
Rocky Top (Knoxville), TN!
Hello for the Pacific NW!! Thanks Colin for all you do to help us save money and Thanks to everyone for all your great ideas! Love this site and feel like we're all friends and sisters! Patti in Portland, OR
I also check your blog numerous times a day, especially at work!!
Thanks so much for all your hard work!!
Deanne G from Columbia, SC
Kristy....Sycamore, IL (Corn Country) about an hour West of Chicago
Love Collin and your Blog!! Thanks for all of the great deals!!
thanks for all you do. Hope you are encouraged, Collin.
will this include pull ups?!
Kannapolis, NC
Thanks for all the hard work!! :)
can not get the 5 off 20 coupon to work...any tips??
just got an email that I won't be getting a rubber ducky due to limited supply! boo!
sad in pontiac, MI
This is off topic.. But i have a 10$ RR from Walgreens that expires tomorrow and cant figure what to use it on.. Any ideas.. All the deal come out to less $. Can't believe that i have trouble spending money now.. Please Help.. Thanks, CC
Love your blog!! Keep up the good work!!!
Gastonia, N.C.
hometown Gaffney, S.C
Pittsburgh, PA.
need to know what manufacture the RR is from. If not alamy then you can get the foundation for 9.99.
Lori Troy, TX
I've created a link on the first page of my iphone for your site - I check it a million times a day!
Greenville, SC
I can't seem to get this CVS $5 off $20 coupon to come up...can anyone help? Thanks!
Thanks for everything!
Lexington, KY
Hi Maggie! You're closest to me... Jaden from Enfield, NH :) Quick question if anyone knows... Can you use the Huggies "diaper product" coupon for pull ups? My daughter is transitioning and I'd really rather buy those... Also, will they produce the ECB? Thanks in advance for anyone who knows!!
Hollansburg, Ohio
I am from the Akron, OH area and LOVING your blog! For a long time now I have NEEDED something like this, something that tells me exactly how to get the deals by matching this coupon and that coupon to this store's sales, rebates, etc. Don't take this the wrong way, but it is like "coupons for dummies" for me! :D Thank you!
Can you shop the CVS deal on the night of 11/21? Even though it starts on 11/22? Just wondering b/c I have 8 Huggies Q's expiring on 11/21!!!!! I think I've heard of someone doing this before...
Amy, Greenville SC
minneapolis, mn
I also can't get the 5/20 to appear. Is this gone now?
Stephanie, Atlanta, GA
Ennis Texas
Thank You.
Garfield, New Jersey
Katie from Utica, MI! Love the blog.
Knoxville, TN
AND--I wasn't able to use the $5 off $20 coupon at my CVS. She couldn't scan it and just plainly told me she couldn't take it. Anybody else having this problem?
Hi Thanks Collin you have saved me so much money I am going back to school to be a paramedic and with two children and being a stay at home mom you have helped us out alot!!
Thanks Jenny,
Litchfield IL!
Everytime I press refresh, its the same Baymont banner that pops up. Anyone have any tips?
Wait, your name is Collin...all this time I thought it was Colleen....Boy do I feel stupid...But, I still love your site, Collin..
Koni from Miami, Fl
I'm a rare one from MD. But I love this blog - ADDICTED!!!
near East Lansing, MI.
Love this blog!!
I love this site. I only found it a few weeks ago and I am already addicted.
Rachel from Valdosta, Ga here!!
Love your blog! Thanks for everything!
Tampa, FL
Bourbonnais, IL
been here almost a year and love it. Makes it possible to donate a lot of food and toiletries even on a limited budget. Thanks
Tommy Chesterton IN
I'm from Silverton, OR
Ocala,Florida! I only see one from here where is the sunshine state people??lol
Bronx, NY
Birch Bay (Blaine), WA
Love your blog Collin. You have saved our family a lot of money. I also love your vblogs! You are too cute!!
East Tennessee
Fargo, ND--I love this site
On the days when I know I'm going to be hitting the stores, sometimes I end up leaving an hour later than planned because I keep refreshing Collin's blog. Like yesterday . . . each time I went back to the computer there was a new deal that I wanted to add to my envelopes.
Addicted in Easton, NY!
Houston, Texas
LOVE your blog Collin!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU Soooooooooooo much for all you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Teresa from Columbia City, IN
Hi neighbor Amy!
Sandy from Urbana, Illinois. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
flatwoods WV........... love love love your blog ;)
mine just says "huggies diapers" not "huggies diaper product" bummer can't use them on wipes!
I absolutley LOVE this site! Thanks Collin for all you do!
Marlton, NJ
Great deal! Thanks!
Heidi from Eldersburg, MD
Central PA. I especially love this blog, not only for the great info provided, but because of all the wonderful comments that often add even more detail and ideas to the posts themselves! Keep it up, everyone :)
I love your blog, you have inspired me to be a couponer! I'm lovin saving mucho dinero.
Thanx much.
Sunny Southern California :)
Surprise, Arizona!
Thanks, having a blast, and have even jazzed my daughter and daughter-in-laws. Nana in Tulsa, OK
La Verne, CA
Thanks for all that you do :) Love your blog!
My FAVORITE blog :)
Cypress, then Sugar Land , then Round Rock and now Fort Worth. All in Texas, all in one year.
Madison, WI
I check this blog at least 10 times a day....
Love your Blog Collin...Read it religiously everyday..From the Windy City, Chicago, IL
coupon isn't there
Portland, Oregon (well, actually, Happy Valley - a suburb of Portland - and yes, it IS a very "happy" place to live!). A friend just told me about the site, and it's great!
Glad to see someone from SOCAL ;o)
Hello neighbor, Anastasia.
LOVE your blog, Collin. Thank you!
Bricks link for huggies $2 Q:
I was able to print 2.
Chaney in Clearwater, KS(just south of Wichita)
i believe the $5/$20 coupon is gone but there was a $5/$30 one. i will wait to see if this can get a good deal.
from Binghamton, NY am also very addicted.
Central Illinois
Love this blog!!
I love this site! I haven't had to pay a penny for diper wipes in months!All my friend are hooked too!!
Juanita from Ozark,MO
We just went thru Ozark, MO on our vacation last month. Beautiful country.
Collin, I love your blog! I have it set as my homepage.
Autumn - Texas :-)
Buckeye, Arizona!
What zip are you using to get the Huggies coupon?
Love this site, too. I check it many times per day,
Raleigh, NC
Love this site!
Croydon, PA
My $5/20 CVS coupon doesn't have a barcode... if they can't scan it will they take it????
oops, NOrman OKLAHOMA!
Phoenix, Arizona
What you do is so great. I've saved so much. I check several times a day too. Don't get burned out. We need you.
The CVS link to the 5 off 20 is not working. You take the quiz and then you get to print a coupon. The bar code is static. It is DEAD. The same barcode has been printing for several days on all coupons. The store can't take it because the same barcode appears on thousands of copies.
The quiz cannot be accessed from the website, so I guess it isn't supposed to be available anymore
I've seen on several other blogs that this coupon is not working anymore. If you get one without a barcode, it won't be accepted. It has to have a working barcode.
I wasted my ink on printing one that came out without a code.
SE corner of WI
Redding, CA (about two hours north of Sacramento).
I am new to couponing and am totally addicted! Thanks for everything you do!
Jennifer from Buffalo, New York.
Love your blog!
Thanks For all your work!!
Fort Myers Fl
I just found your website a month ago, when I just started couponing - and I can't beleive it!! I am totally addicted and saving so much along with a great stash of products our family uses. Thank you so much.
I have had a lot of fun telling friends and seeing how quickly there are addicted also.
Thanks for all your hard work!
From Spokane, WA
I just wanted to tell you that I love your blog and always look forward to Mondays for your follow me Monday videos that you are doing. They have been a great help to me. My family thinks I'm crazy when I start talking about how much I have saved but they are amazed about it also.
Keep up the good work.
Jean in Moreno Valley California.
Virginia from Lubbock Texas here. I love this blog and check it many many times every day! I have printed so much that my printer went kaput last night and now I am going nuts because there are so many I want to print! I have an old one in the closet I am going to drag down and try to hook up.
Everyone make sure to watch your e-mail, maybe CVS will send a $/$ coupon before this deal starts since we can't get the 5/20...I get 4/20 in my e-mail every now and then so have my fingers crossed!
Thanks Collin for all you do! I can't even tell you how much money you have helped my family save! To think I used to actually PAY for things like toothpaste and deodorant lol!
Jamie Columbia City, IN
Thanks so much for all your hard work!
Stephanie from Selkirk, NY
I LOVE seeing that little star on my Mac that means you've updated with more information! THANK YOU! I have just been couponing for about 2 months and owe so much to you for teaching me everything I know. I recommend your site to everyone.
Fan from southeast Michigan
Addicted..and tell everyone I know about the site, keep up the good work.
Gilbert, Arizona
Love, Love your blog Collin!
Emily from Charlottesville, VA
Thank you Collin! You're the best!
Orange County, CA
Andrea from Kernersville, NC
Wow lots of east coasters!
Adore the site and only tell a select few about the deals!
Maricopa, AZ
Love your site. Thanks for all your hard work, I know it is time consuming. I especially love your online deals. Cincinnati,OH here.
Thanks for all your hard work, I LOVE your site!!! The follow me Monday videos are great I look forward to them every week. Stephanie from Geneva, Fl
I love your site & check it daily!
Angie in Otway, Ohio
Broken Arrow, OK (Just outside of Tulsa) . There are a TON of couponers in my area, though!
I try to limit myself to checking once or twice a day.
Palmyra, Indiana
Yuma, AZ
Love your blog!!! You have saved me so much money with your great info.
Michelle from Jacksonville Florida
Hello everyone,
I don't have anymore babies in diapers :-) Though I still print them because I donate them or give them to my neighbor. However, I recently lost my job and don't have the extra money to buy them so I thought I'd share them to those who needs them.
Below are Q's I have:
- $1.50 any huggies little snugglers or huggies little movers diapers (x2, exp 11/21/09 and 11/22/09)
- $2.00 any huggies overnites diapers (x2, exp 11/21/09 and 11/22/09)
- $1.50 any huggies little swimmers (x2, both exp 11/28/09)
- $2.00 any huggies diapers (x3, all exp 11/30/09)
Please email me and let me know which ones you need. Ist person who emails me telling me which Q's above gets it.
...I found some more
- $1.50 any uggies little snugglers or little movers diapers (x6, all exp 11/21/09
- $3.00 any huggies pure & natural diapers (x6, all exp 11/21/09)
- $1.50 any huggies diapers (mailer x2, exp 11/30/09)
- $1.50 any pull ups training pants (mailer x1, exp 11/30/09)
- $2.00 any pull ups training pants (mailer x1, exp 11/30/09)
- $2.00 any huggies overnites diapers (mailer x1, exp 11/30/09)
- $1.50 any pampers easyups trainers (insert x1, exp 11/30/09)
- $1.00 any huggies diapers (insert x4, exp 11/22/09)
- $3.00 any huggies pure & natural diapers (insert x4, exp 11/22/09)
I also have 5 .50c (x4 insert & 1 mailer) baby wipes). I still use them for my 3 year old...so not sure yet on these.
I didn't realize I had so many, sorry didn't post them earlier.
Luv dis site looking for some people in my area to coupon shop together
Columbus,GA area
lawrence, ks!
Bonnie from Hanover, PA
Love your blog, curious to anon who has the mac, how do you get a star to appear when she updates. This sounds cool, I would love to try, I have a Mac too.
I have problem using internet coupon in CVS. They says they don't take internet printed coupon any more, since IP coupons can be easily photo copied. Has any one experienced that?
I am a mom of 20 months old DD in Union, NJ.
Can't wait for more diapers! :)
Fort Bragg, California
Greensboro, NC - Great blog!!
Melanie in Universal City, TX (San Antonio) LOVE THIS BLOG!!! My one resource for coupons and bargains!
Portage, Indiana....Love your blog :)
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