Wendy, a reader, signed up for the card and was able to snag FREE Welch's sparkling juice! Kmart had the juice priced at $3.49, but after the $2 coupon was doubled--she scored FREE juice!
I'm not quite sure if this is going on at all Kmart's, so you'll have to let us know in the comment section. I will definitely be checking my Kmart later this week to see if they're in fact offering up this promo.
(Thanks for the info, Debbie & Wendy!)
For more Kmart Deals and Kmart Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
how can we find out? I doubt my store would know since they never know anything! should i email?
I just signed up but it said about 4 weeks for the card? That will almost be the end of the promo?
Anon: I just signed up too, and the website says if you put your phone number in your profile, you can use your reward card by simply telling the cashier your phone number. We'll see I guess
You can sign up for the card in the store and immediately use it. There were signs posted around my store, but none at the customer service desk, so i would go look around.
i haven't gone yet, but my friend said she did it yesterday and was able to double coupons same day.
I received my new card a few days ago (replacing the KMart Smart Reward program). Nothing in the reading material regarding doubling coupons. I'll check at my local K-Mart tomorrow (Southern Indiana) and report back.
Some stores are doing this, some are not. Mine is, so my mom and I both signed up. We each doubled 5 coupons per order. B1G1's were still working for both items being free (I still had 4 b1g1 coffee mate coupons that expired yesterday that worked). They also had priced they're dental floss wrong, so we both got 2 dollars each for finding the mistake :)
I love my Kmart though, they're really good with coupons.
I called the 800 number listed in the confirmation of registration e-mail I received. The person I spoke with did not know anything about coupons being doubled. She directed me to sign-in again and look under "my offers" located on the left side. Here you will find double, triple or a % of rewards earned on purchases made.
Tara - try buying something that you want whether the coupon doubles or not - and see if it works at your store.
So, if I went and signed up for this program tomorrow..Would I get to double tomorrow?
Is it 1 per household? Thanks.
called the 1-800 number for the KChing card. lady said she didn't know anything about it doubling coupons but that double reward were going on now till december.
then called my local kmart. they said pretty much the same thing - that there were double rewards and didn't know anything about it doubling coupons.
are these people that are saying it is doubling coupons sure that it isn't just that their store IS doubling coupons right now?
also, did the coupons automatically double after the card being scanned or did the cashier have to manually enter the doubled amount?
I can't wait to see if my store is doing this!!!!
Does anyone know if Sears Grand does this? We don't have Kmarts anymore they were all combined with Sears'???? Thx.
Here is the email that I received when I emailed the rewards program regarding the doubling of coupons:
Dear Tammy,
Thank you for your e-mail regarding the Shop Your Way Rewards Program.
You will get double rewards during the start of this program until December 19. This means that instead of getting 1% back, you will get 2% on most purchases. There are no coupons associated with this program, however.
If you sign up for the program online, you will get a member number which you will be able to use in any Kmart or Sears, as well as online. The associate will key the number for you. They are also able to find the number using your phone number.
If you have any further questions, please let us know. We will be happy to help.
Jenifer D.
Shop Your Way Rewards Member Service
I signed up for this card on Sunday and used only one coupon on my total and it did not double. I hope this is true that would amazing. Atleast that's 35 coupons a week :)
I emailed "Shop Your Way Rewards". This is the response I got...
Dear Tiffany,
Thank you for joining Shop Your Way Rewards. We appreciate your business and hope that you will enjoy all of the program benefits.
We apologize for any misunderstanding. There is no connection between this rewards program and double coupons. One you are registered, you may sign into your account and there are many offers listed. some have double or triple rewards.
Once again, thank you for contacting us. We value your business and look forward to serving you in the future.
Peggy H.
Shop Your Way Rewards Member Service
I have a K-mart right down the road, but I think I'll call first. I went ahead and signed up online for the program, what can that hurt? My K'mart is very pretentious but if it is their store policy or a new thing then I don't see why they wouldn't endorse it. What a deal that would be! I have noticed that a lot of the stores are getting on board so to speak for trying to vy for customer's loyalty, etc. And this could very well be a way to do it. Thanks for the info.
I signed up for the card today because I noticed that you also earn rewards on Land Ends purchases at Sears. I love their clothing for my daughter-especially when it is on sale. I did use 5 coupons after I signed up (not having seen this post), and none of my coupons doubled. That's okay though because I only paid 25 cents for 5 J&J Buddy bars!
They scan your card before they ring anything up, if your store is one of the ones doing it, and they automatically double. They had signs all over my store saying they were doing it until 12-19, and all the cashiers knew about it.
And My mom and I both got a card, and both live at the same house. The lady who put in the information did both of ours and said nothing, so I'm pretty sure you can have more than one household. I could try and get a picture of the sign tomorrow. I live in Michigan, and I've heard of most of the usually Michigan stores are doing it.
Ladies, KMART is retarded. They NEVER know what is going on at their corporate office. It's pathetic.
I have to say, this store is horrible w/consistency. You'd think they'd get their act together in this economy! Sad....
I too live in MI, which store did you go to? I might have to stop by Kmart tomorrow.
Lisa, I went to the one in Lake Orion, it's a pretty small store, but they always do the doubles.
I went to the Kmart in my local area to use the 20% off coupon last weekend and when I was there they offered me the shop your way card so of course I wanted to sign up. Well, the only catch is that you can ONLY USE 5 coupons per day! I of course had about 15 coupons but I didnt necessiarly care if all of them were doubled. Well, the cashier was trying to tell me that she would only take 5 coupons per customer per day. Finally after getting a manager over she ended up doing another transaction for me with my other 10 coupons WITHOUT using the shoppers card (which was fine because most of them were for free products for sending compliments to companies and another coupon I won by plaing the Mr. Bluelight Christmas game - so these would not have been doubled anyway). I did get double coupons on the first 5 but it was a real pain and I of course was getting dirty looks from everyone in line behind me. So be prepared to do multiple transactions if you have more than 5 coupons.
I live in Southwest Michigan. There are 2 Kmart stores closing that i am aware of, Kmart on Stadium near WMU, and the Kmart on Westnedge in Portage. These stores are doing the doubling and I asked a cashier yesterday about the program (they had little placards out on the counter about the coupons), she said that they only will double 5 coupons a day w/the shop your way rewards card, i asked her if i could go to another store and do it the same day, and she said that would work. I am trying it today.
I found this in the frequently asked questions on the website.
My friend got a special coupon offer and I didn't. How do I get that offer?
The Shop Your Way Rewards program is designed so you receive offers that are tailored to you. Not all offers are available to all members. To make the offers more relevant to you, remember to use your Shop Your Way Rewards card every time you shop to get the most from the program.
It sounds like some of us may get the coupon deal and others won't.
I called 2 stores and neither one Bloomingdale IL or Lombard IL are doing any DOUBLE coupons even with the card, it is just to get points!!
Here in PA I ran over this morning because I already ahd a card in hand from KaChing. The cashier & manager knew nothing about doubling and I tried the sparkling juice and phffft no double ;(
called corporate they said the coupon doubling is on a store by store basis - boo
sorry for all the posts, 1 out of 3 of mine said they would double - not a total loss here!
Hey nasty, you couldn't think of a less offending word than retarded.
hate to sound like a whiny kid here, but that really stinks that kmart isn't doing this double coupon business for every store that offers the card. the economy is hurting all over the nation, why not do this at every store and pull in more customers?
I signed up today at the store and got my card immediately. The store manager knew nothing about doubling coupons on this program. I used one coupon and it did not double. Bummer!
I went early to my store to chat it up with the manager and she said no store in Wisconsin is having double coupons. She said they have had them twice and lost a bunch of money on it even though they had a tremendous repsonse. She said the double of a $2 coupon comes out of their profit and it wasn't a moneymaker for the store (which I find hard to believe since you had to spend $25 to get double coupons of up to 5 only). She said it is a regional store by store basis and she doesn't expect many stores to particpate and probably no nation-wide doubling before Christmas (boo hoo!)
read this thread,
went to kmarts get your card right at the store, not online.
went thru with 5 coupons and merchandise,
and they double automatically,
cashier says its going on all week, so i went in again and got my stuff and used 6 coupons only doubled 5, so dont use six.
well anyways, i did 4 orders 3 b2b and got doubles up to 5 coupon on each transaction.
My Kmart in Louisville, KY knew nothing about it and I tried it with the sparkling juice and it didn't work. However the juice rang up $2.99 so that was a happy surprise!
traveled 25 minutes to the K that said they were doubling to find out they had no friggin' clue what they were talking about wasted trip!!!!! arrrgh
I'm not a frequent K-Mart shopper but I did go there today to snag an item from their sale ad - early Christmas shopping! Anyways, the cashier asked me if I wanted to sign up prior to ringing up my purchase. I almost said no since I rarely shop K-Mart. She informed me, however, the card is also valid at Sears and LandsEnd stores, so I went ahead and signed up. She rang up my purchases and a red light went off indicating that I had won a prize (part of the K-Ching Surprises deal). I won a free bottle of American Fare ibuprofen - not a huge prize, but free nonetheless.
WOW.. i just got my card a couple days ago!!
I just called the phone# listed on Shopyourwayrewards flier - 800-991-8708. They tell me that only the stores in Michigan are offering the double coupon.
In So. Calif. I went and got my card and bought the Welch's sparkling today but no double coupons. :( So I went over the customer Service desk and my favorite cust. service rep was working and she said she knew nothing about the whole program as she had been gone for over a week and had just come in to find the rewards program. So she called her manager and they knew nothing. So she said she would double the coupon for me anyway and that the manager would get her the official rules so next time she would know! So sort of got the deal ;)
I live in Burton, MI and yesterday I signed up for the savings card and they did indeed double my $2.00 advil coupon. I got 4 ~ 20 count bottles of advil for $1.40 total! That is a great deal. I believe they are doubling up to $2 coupons through december.
In Burton, did you go to Belsay Rd, or Dort? Thank you...I went to Belsay yesterday and didn't see any postings for this.
Yay, I am so thankful for your site and that I found it! Otherwise I would have never known that the 2 K-marts closest to me are doubling thanks to a reader who responded in my area :) They will be doubling till dec 19!
I went yesterday to the Kalamazoo MI Kmart and they were doing doubles! I just read somewhere else that it is just MI.
I just signed up, but no doubles for me here in Williamsport, PA.
My store has participated in the past in doubles. Surely sadded by this, I was really excited at the prospect of doubling!!
I also went to Kmart today and signed up, however they are NOT doubling in SO CAL ;(
Lolo, which store did you go to?
Miller Road K-Mart in Flint only doubles up to $1.
I called my k-mart store and she said the program does not involve coupon doubling. I may just have to see for myseslf if she's right!! (NE Indiana)
The Blue Ash Kmart in Cincinnati is not doubling coupons. I also just called Kmarts' 800 # and they said that they do not double coupons if you have this card....strange that at some stores they are.
I go to the k-mart south of Grand Rapids, MI. I suggest signing up for the card in the store. I signed up on the internet (so the card is in the mail). On Thursday they were able to use my phone number to look me up. Today they tried 3 differant registers and it didn't work. The casier finnaly did some goofy manual stuff to give me the equivalent of doubled coupons.
My K-mart (Sturgis, MI) said that they will be finished doubling coupons this Saturday the 21st. Bummer.
I went to one of the Kmart's in Owensboro, Kentucky today and signed up for it at the register and got the double coupons, plus the cashier told me I had won something and out popped a coupon from the register for a free Degree deodorant! Nice.
The lady behind me knew nothing about it and said she wanted to sign up too. I got the card right there and then at the register so I can use it whenever.
Oh, I forgot, the card comes with a regular size card and the small "keychain" kind. The cashier told me, they were having trouble with the "keychain" type so be sure to use the regular size one when I use it.
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